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India signs deal with Russian firm for 750,000 units of AK–203

Water Car Engineer

Sep 25, 2010
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United States
New Delhi: AK–203 is the latest derivative of the legendary AK-47 rifle. India has signed a deal with a Russian firm to manufacture 750,000 of these assault rifles which would be given to the Army's infantry troops. According to officials, the guns would replace the existing India-made INSAS assault rifles in the Army, Air Force and Navy.

After the rifles are supplied to the defence forces, the government, in the next phase, would provide them to paramilitary and the state police forces. There is a possibility that 15 to 20 years down the line, all the forces would be using this assault rifle as their standard weapon.

Apart from this, the Defence Ministry has already signed a contract with American Sig Sauer for the supply of 7.69mm 59 calibre advanced assault rifles. These would be given to soldiers directly engaged in counter-insurgency and other operations.

The idea behind having two different assault rifles is that the troops who are engaged regularly in combat with terrorist or Pakistan Army on the Line of Control should have very advanced weapons while the others can also have an advanced rifle which is lighter and can meet all the requirements.

After a string of complaints on INSAS rifles was received from ground troops deployed across the country on all frontiers, India about 10 years ago had started looking for new rifles for its infantry troops but the efforts could not materialise due to retraction of tenders issued for the purpose over different issues.


AK203 to replace majority of INSAS.

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Yawn. As always, military manufacturers making money.
Russian bribes are the best. Money and bimbos.
It comes a point where you should be embarrassed of your nation Indians

and not celebrate it.
India can not even make their own rifles? Can't believe it..

It has produced many. Requirements were changed so quickly that a rifle could not even be trialed thoroughly.

I haven't even heard of this AK being trialed, let alone any other rifle in this category. Yet, the Russians have won a tender that was just announced, with a rifle model just produced(Not even AK103), without trials, or competitors? That too a contract that's supposed to replace majority of INSASs? I dont get it. If anyone can fill me in, please do.

I am happy INSAS is being replaced, but this round, this rifle, etc. came out of no where, I've been following India's shitty small arms replacement program for sometime.
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This news further underscores that INSAS rifle was another indian failure in the long list of failures
So much of a failure that four countries including Oman use it?

Meanwhile what rifle does Pakistan produce and export militarily?

It comes a point where you should be embarrassed of your nation Indians

and not celebrate it.
We can at least celebrate the fact that we are not Pakistan.
Buying these many is not cheap, why doesn't India just make their own rifles, that can save a lot of foreign reserves.

i believe it is foreign policy....india bought Sig to make usa happy...this to make russia happy.... [ kinda similar to Chinese cheque book diplomacy to garner favours. ]

besides TOT will play the foundation.
i believe it is foreign policy....india bought Sig to make usa happy...this to make russia happy.... [ kinda similar to Chinese cheque book diplomacy to garner favours. ]

besides TOT will play the foundation.
China does provide loans, but China never put defense and other key industries in foreign hands, even during the time when China was extremely poor.

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