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India shows off the MKI that Pakistan claimed to have shot down. True?

They have Zero proof of it which is why they have not released it.
If there were any pics of crash site or crash smoke/fire inside our J&K visible from Pak side the net would have been flooded with those pics.
Multiple foreign analysts have written that only confirmed dowing on that day was a MiG-21.

They will think that a jet engaging after burners to flee is a jet on fire.
There is no hilly terrain in that area.
Also we know that Abhinandan MiG-21 came from the direction of Rajauri so his description matches exactly with Abhinandan MiG-21.
He says he saw a plane crashing near Sher Makadi which is just 5 km from actual crash site of Abhinandan so he might have though that Abhinandan's falling plane came down in sher makadi.

Also he clearly mentions he saw ONE pilot ejecting whcih matches with Abhinandan MiG 21 description as Sukhois have two pilots

5 km from crash site vow... Can humans see that far and describe details like pilot ejecting and chute opening ..... Guess the answer

Farthest a human with perfect vision see under perfect condition is 2.5 km ..

Unless he had penetrating vision like those penetrating spice 2000
5 km from crash site vow... Can humans see that far and describe details like pilot ejecting and chute opening ..... Guess the answer
Yes .Ejection sequences can be visible from 8-10 km im clear weather
Marra nahi bachia tha. Warna Villagers would have killed him without shadow of a doubt. Therefore, be gracious and thanks PA.

Uska Mig 21 maar ke giraya tab hi to bachana pada na bhai.

Warna woh to wapis aa raha tha India becahara galti se us paar chala gaya tha.

Correction "Poor F-16 got the kills for you but doesn't get the credit."
Dishonest Indians.

Zilch proof , zilch of downing anything but the Mig 21. Dishonest you.
An ejection seat firing sequence will be equal to a 1000 candles plus a mIG 21 getting hit on fire.

Plus parachutes are brightly coloured and cam be seen frim even 10 km away.

U do have a point here...


Summary: On Oct 8, IAF flew the Su-30 MKI whose callsign on Feb 27 was Avenger1 and revealed that it's serial number is SB-155.
IAF also announced that both Su-30s which were flying over J&K at that time belonged to Sirsa based No.15 Sqn 'Rhinos' and Not 221 sqn based in Halwara.

It's always a pleasure to kick your stray a$$ all over the forum. Forget all other nonsense you clowns are posting and claiming on almost daily basis. Before proving more idiocy , the IAF jokers should have paid some attention to the role of No 15 Squadron and even the aircraft in the image makes this obvious '

No. 15 Squadron IAF

No. 15 Squadron is a fighter squadron of the Indian Air Force. It was formed on 20 August 1951, and currently operates the Sukhoi Su-30MKI from Sirsa AFS.

Headquarters: Sirsa Air Force Station
Attack aircraft: Sukhoi Su-30MKI
Motto: Nihantavya Shatravaha; Annihilate the Enemy
Founded: 1951
Roles: Close air support, Air interdiction, Reconnaissance
At a minimum proven - Indian losses 2, Pakistani losses 0.

Anything else, show solid proof. Not silly self-assigned callsigns. This is the height of idiocy.
To be fair to them, there's wreckage of only one aircraft (aside from the Mi-17 fractricide): MiG-21bis. The rest are claims. As it stands though (as far as verified hits are concerned), India is down 1, Pak's holding steady.
Distance between Sher Makadi & MiG-21 crash site (Latitude: 33° 13' 54.6" North
Longitude: 73° 57' 23.4" East) is about 5 km.
And as Sher Makadi is just 2 km from LoC any crash smoke/fire there would be visible to Pakistanis just like MiG-21 crash smoke was visible to Indians.
Your whole b.s. rests on this brainfahrt theory. A few trees or uneven terrain and the impact site is simply blocked from view - that is all it takes to destroy your b.s. In uneven, meandering terrain you couldn't find a much larger cargo aircraft for weeks, so a su30 going down in India could easily be obscured in the right location. The eyewitnesses mention damage to a jet in Indian airspace. The only way to account for this is by way of a jet that is NOT Nandu's.
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