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‘India shouldn’t impose its will on neighbours’

India is a country but not a nation.

A prosperous BD will call into question why India
should exist.
You guys seem to be on a perpetual high! :crazy:

Well there are a dozen essays and articles available and written by Indians which suggest that it is in India's interests to keep Pakistan unstable. A similar process works for other countries when they step out of line.
Seems you're hooked on to articles and essays written by idiots. The fact is that India wants a stable Pakistan. Instability will result in effects that would be felt here too.
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It cannot be called FLOP.

His brother bought 100 copies.

His brother in law bought 100 copies.

His father in law bought 100 copies.

His father bought 100 copies.

He gifted his wife 100 copies.

He gifted his kids 100 copies (now they make rockets of it's pages).

His own publisher bought 100 copies.

He himself bought 1000 copies.

Now all are BANKRUPT!!!!

That is what you would like to be the truth but you know is a lie ....
Hegemons can only enforce their will for a certain period of time after which their interference result in inevetable massive backlash. Apart from having Bhutan and Hindu nepal I don't see India having permanent control over the rest of its neighboors. Also India is like a violent thug on a self-destruct mode unlike other major responsible powers in history and thus the future of S.asia is bright on the prospect of a socially and economically ravaged India.
india imposed its will already by use force and killing 1000s of Bangladeshis over past year.
India even send its force in Bangladeshi uniform which killed hundreds in Satkhira.
India interfered to keep illegal Awami League regime without any mandate.

Now india does not want to "impose" will because that will dislodge its subservient Awami League regime. How convenient of indian immoral!!!
And what may I ask will they do?
Because apart from that, they practically doesn't have anything els to do it seems.
Can't keep the intelligent classes occupied with internal issues, like lack of food,sanitation, drinking water, religious mob violence, crime against women, international debt ,lack of infrastructure, inhumane treatment of dalit Hindus,horrible urban slums,poverty, lack of education, child death.
Their ANGUL is permanently in our,Pakistan's,srilankas ***.they don't even feel it.
Protesters at Shahbagh in Bangladesh backed by India

NEW DELHI: The protesters at Shahbagh, a busy intersection in Bangladeshi capital Dhaka, have probably their strongest support from neighbour India.

On Friday, National Security Adviser (NSA) Shivshankar Menon said the protests were a sign of the "open-mindedness" of the Bangladeshi youth, who were battling extremism and upholding fundamental values of democracy. Setting up the Ram Sathe chair in Pune, Menon said, "The ongoing spontaneous gathering against extremist elements and war criminals by thousands of youth at Shahbagh intersection in Dhaka shows the strength of feeling, capacity for political mobilization and open-mindedness of Bangladeshi youth."

During his recent visit to Bangladesh, foreign minister Salman Khurshid, too, had voiced his solidarity with the protesters. Talking to journalists in Dhaka, Khurshid had said, "It's always wonderful to see young people engage in any democratic process. They show their concern, their involvement, their aspiration, I applaud and I admire"It revives your strongest feelings and faith in democracy," he said.

Protesters at Shahbagh in Bangladesh backed by India - The Times of India
Indian foreign policy analyst C Raja Mohan on Wednesday said that India cannot impose its political will on its neighbouring countries and should avoid taking positions on internal problems of the neighbours.
Raja Mohan, the head of strategic studies and distinguished fellow of Observer Research Foundation in New Delhi, made the observation at a lecture session on ‘Political transition in India: What it means for South Asia and beyond’ at a city hotel.
Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies organised the lecture session in association with news portal Probe News.
Politicians, academics, security analysts and political scientists joined the programme and took part in the question and answer session
Replying to a volley of questions, Raja Mohan said ‘There are some issues with our neighbours, but India cannot impose its political will. It cannot say that I will deal with one type of regime and will not deal with another type of regime.’
He said, ‘There is no luxury of non-engagement with neighbours irrespective of the party in power in the neighbouring country.’
Asked whether India should tell Bangladesh what it should do, Raja Mohan said, ‘It is fundamentally wrong. You can only encourage or support someone, but you should avoid taking positions on the internal problems of the neighbour.’
Observing that resolving India’s problems with its neighbours a major challenge of the Narendra Modi’s government, Raja Mohan said that both India’s foreign and economic policies were going to change under the Modi government.
‘We are going to see substantive expansions of economic relations between India and China in the coming days. The challenge of the Modi government would be how it would keep security issues and boundary issues under reasonable control and how it would expand economic cooperation with China,’ he said.
As for India’s previous government’s failures to sign deals with Bangladesh, he said, the previous government lost the historic moment in clinching the agreements. ‘In September 2011, the Indian prime minister came here but of no avail due to its inability to manage the domestic politics.’
He said, ‘This government is very clear on this point. It has got the strength. It has got the political will to deal with the neighbours from far more productive approach as it has got the domestic strength to deliver on the agreement that would be.’
Raja Mohan said, ‘The previous government did a lot with a number of countries. But there was no political component to conduct the foreign policy. But this government is very different.’
‘I think there is willingness in New Delhi to take the risk to solve the outstanding problems for the first time in long time and which is positive,’ he said.
He noted that unlike the previous government, the BJP government would be more open to China for economic reasons and would engage more with China to leverage the Chinese money and technology.

‘India shouldn’t impose its will on neighbours’


According to my thesis it is impossible for India not to interfere in its neighbors internal affairs as it requires policy conformity in neighboring countries simply to retain its own cohesion and stability as it is essentially an artificial country -


Change your government to the one you like.... its as simple as that....

The Guy in question has clearly stated that current Indian government will be more open to Neighbors...I dont knwo why Bangladeshis keep on crying....
Smaller nations will always be subject to the whims of their larger neighbours. This is logical to ask India to be the only large nation in India not to exploit its position in its region sounds like the ramblings of a madman.
Change your government to the one you like.... its as simple as that....

The Guy in question has clearly stated that current Indian government will be more open to Neighbors...I dont knwo why Bangladeshis keep on crying....

Change your government to the one you like - you would need the opportunity to do that i.e. free and fair elections
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