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India should not complicate boundary issue: China

you shamless west-slave mentality quote me first, and I admit I made a mistake, I should go directly talk to its white master.
west-slave mentality whose - mine? than why your country is mimicking everything that is western - western building, western clothes even western industrialization. The only thing you don't have western is CCP slavery.
west-slave mentality whose - mine? than why your country is mimicking everything that is western - western building, western clothes even western industrialization. The only thing you don't have western is CCP slavery.
haha, that is called learning I bet you indians will never understand. Just like your west master copied China's compass and gunpowder in the past to come to colonize and rule india.
Who gave the rights to china to complicate border issues all around ?

Why does China want more territory anyway, being larger one as it is..
haha, that is called learning I bet you indians will never understand. Just like your west master copied China's compass and gunpowder in the past to come to colonize and rule india.
Why China’s Youth Find Western Culture Attractive :lol:

You guys are confused you worship west but hate west, something is wrong with CCP slavery. May be it's some pychological disorder, some effects of slavery :lol:
Is that the reason you got colonized in the past 1000 years? seamless transition from mogul to british?

Even the mighty US was - And now it is a Superpower, watching the Chinese a*s closely for any misbehavior..

Time changes..
China has never been a democracy, and that is going to be it's Achilles heel, the PLA doesn't have a mandate to protect China just it's communist party, and the communist doctrine of bullying is ingrained into them, and as all bullies, you have to stand up to them, and they will always back off, they look for confrontation as long as they are convinced of the absence of any response, once any strong response is given they always retreat meekly into the night, case in point the recent incident at chumar, I just hope the modi government has the spine to hold their ground as their current actions indicate that they will.. rest is moot as nothing can stop India from developing infrastructure on their side of the border..
how many times these chinese make warns.. :smokin::omghaha::omghaha:

dont mess with china or youl get the fire

we have accomplished, and do you know?
There are more than 6 religions, more than 18 languages, and if I say language changes here in every 5 km, you won't believe.
But besides all above diversity, we still choose our PM via VOTES.
You may be advanced than us, but can you become president of your country?

same question can a tea seller become a President in your country?
I know you will laugh in jealousy and will try to irritate us telling about a tea maker, but really can any farmer, or any common man become your president?
Answer seriously, i don't think china is our enemy, but you think, so i can expect non-sense from you.
you accomplish what except bragging? poorer than africa.

same question for you, can you become PM of your country? just adopting a west voting system make you high?

You indians are really frog living in the well. alll the China learders are from humble start except Xi(who also started from roots and his father was farmer before and not in the top 20 of China leadership rank), unlike your Nehru dynasty who ruled india over 30 years under the name of voting system. halarious.
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