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India should learn a lesson from Pak army

Internet indians will never learn a lesson- Thats a fact-

---------- Post added at 07:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 AM ----------

The surrender conditions included the release of prisoners- No moral high ground here-

Lol.......................the bengalis were vying for your blood.... the Indian army protected your men from getting butchered.......here let me help you digest this...

90000 POws saved by Indian army from being being butchered

Got it.
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Lol.......................the bengalis were vying for your blood.... the Indian army protected your men from getting butchered.......here let me help you digest this...

90000 POws saved by Indian army from being being butchered

Got it.

dont be silly- like i said- it was in surrender conditions- comprehend that-
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"India should learn a lesson from Pak army". Does that mean we try to do Mumbai like attack in Pakistan ? Are you suggesting we should find and send jobless people to Karachi and shoot people there ? That is not good bro !

"India should learn a lesson from Pak army". Does that mean we try to do Mumbai like attack in Pakistan ? Are you suggesting we should find and send jobless people to Karachi and shoot people there ? That is not good bro !

haters gonna hate hahahah burning inside haters only harm them not others .
dont be silly- like i said- it was in surrender conditions- comprehend that-

Lol................90000 POWs returned safe and sound and it was India that offered the surrender condition not Pakistan........it was our magnanimity that we let your 90000 army men live...................bite that..........
The last time a Pak navy aircraft ventured ( supposedly) in to India air space we shot it down killing 16 Pakistanis. here is a brief description of what happened.

10 August ,1999
The French-built naval plane Breguet Atlantique (Breguet Br.1150 Atlantique) plane, flight Atlantic-91, c/n 33, of 29 Squadron was one of Pakistan Navy's frontline aircraft, used primarily for patrol and reconnaissance. Atlantic-91 left Mehran (Sindh province) Naval Base in Pakistan at 9:15 a.m. (PST). An Indian Air Force ground radar picked up the flight path of the plane approaching the International Border. Two IAF Mig-21 interceptor aircraft of No.45 Squadron, from the Indian airbase at Naliya in the Kutch region, were soon scrambled by the Indian Air Force. After a series of maneuvers—and a conflicting version of events from both sides—the two jets were given clearance to shoot down the Pakistani plane.[6] At 11:17 a.m. IST (10:47 a.m. PST), nearly two hours after takeoff from Pakistan, the Atlantique was intercepted and an infrared homing R-60 air-to-air missile was fired at it by Squadron Leader P.K. Bundela, hitting the engine on the port side of the plane.This resulted in the aircraft losing control and spiraling towards a crash at approximately 1100 hours PST and approximate location 23°54′N 68°16′E, killing all 16 on board the Atlantic-91, including five officers of the Pakistan Navy.

The incident was the Pakistan Navy's only loss of an aircraft to hostile fire in its history, and the biggest combat-related casualty for the navy since the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.

An Indian military chopper crossed into Pakistan's territory today. Pakistan could have done the exact same thing as we did with their naval aircraft but instead they acted responsibly and any potential clash was duly averted.

The point is we always blame Pakistan for terror blasts ,kargil etc. But sometimes even an enemy can teach a lesson.

Thank you Pakistan for returning our crew.

Though i appreciate the gesture of Pakistan. I believe if the Indian Helicopter had refused to land, It would have also been shot down. So frankly there is not much of a lesson to learn.
Well ...Pakistan isn't in a position to incite any rivalry now...
an act of aggression would have cost them dearly...

Nevertheless having said that....Indians need to be thankful for the fact the sense prevailed this time arnd, wrt Pakistan.

thats we call (ghatiya dushman ) you know why ? if we shot you say ohhh look they are barbaric they shot unarmed chopper.and if we leave you say we are not in position to shot? hell yeah inside pakistan 15km we shot down indian chopper what the hell you guys will do ? dude tell me seriously what? or you are great god borders not matter for you guys?

these idiotic post teach us we should have no mercy just lock and fire an AAM :tdown:

tell you true you guys are sick sick in hate

what bloody cost? tell me since 2001 your gov just bashing bashing bashing never cross our border even situation was worse .we have right to shot and you guys just cry if we shot it its only price .we shot a garbage same as we shot in past .
The last time a Pak navy aircraft ventured ( supposedly) in to India air space we shot it down killing 16 Pakistanis. here is a brief description of what happened.

10 August ,1999
The French-built naval plane Breguet Atlantique (Breguet Br.1150 Atlantique) plane, flight Atlantic-91, c/n 33, of 29 Squadron was one of Pakistan Navy's frontline aircraft, used primarily for patrol and reconnaissance. Atlantic-91 left Mehran (Sindh province) Naval Base in Pakistan at 9:15 a.m. (PST). An Indian Air Force ground radar picked up the flight path of the plane approaching the International Border. Two IAF Mig-21 interceptor aircraft of No.45 Squadron, from the Indian airbase at Naliya in the Kutch region, were soon scrambled by the Indian Air Force. After a series of maneuvers—and a conflicting version of events from both sides—the two jets were given clearance to shoot down the Pakistani plane.[6] At 11:17 a.m. IST (10:47 a.m. PST), nearly two hours after takeoff from Pakistan, the Atlantique was intercepted and an infrared homing R-60 air-to-air missile was fired at it by Squadron Leader P.K. Bundela, hitting the engine on the port side of the plane.This resulted in the aircraft losing control and spiraling towards a crash at approximately 1100 hours PST and approximate location 23°54′N 68°16′E, killing all 16 on board the Atlantic-91, including five officers of the Pakistan Navy.

The incident was the Pakistan Navy's only loss of an aircraft to hostile fire in its history, and the biggest combat-related casualty for the navy since the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.

An Indian military chopper crossed into Pakistan's territory today. Pakistan could have done the exact same thing as we did with their naval aircraft but instead they acted responsibly and any potential clash was duly averted.

The point is we always blame Pakistan for terror blasts ,kargil etc. But sometimes even an enemy can teach a lesson.

Thank you Pakistan for returning our crew.

There are differences between the two incidents.

1. The Cheetah is an unarmed first generation light transport helicopter whereas the Atlantique is a military aircraft capable of carrying bombs and missiles.

2.The Cheetah strayed into Pakistani territory due to bad weather.Nothing of that sort in case of Atlantique.

3.When the Cheetah was challenged by the PA authorities it obliged and surrendered.The Atlantique tried to make a run for it.Jets were scrambled,they fired warning shots,still the Atlantique paid no hid.Its perfectly justified to shoot down a plane after this.No one can deny that.

Pakistan had subsequently lodged a compensation claim at the International Court of Justice accusing India of shooting down the aircraft and had spent about $400,000 on the case.The case,finally went in India's favour with a jury of 16 favouring India with a vote of 14-2.
The situation was much tense at that time.A military purpose aircraft,capable of carrying weapons will be taken seriously,unlike the present situation.One must not forget that we had respectfully returned all the 90000 POWs after 1971 war,while our Mig pilot came back in a coffin with bullet marks in his body during Kargil war,even after his successful ejection and thereby capture.

Does the name Saurabh Kalia ring any bell? Please do a search.

May be the OP should do a bit more reading about these incidents before hastily trying to preach sermons to anybody and everybody.
All in all,I am not demeaning the job done by the Pakistani Army.Its a good gesture they have shown and will help in building more confidence.We should surely look forward to returning the favour.But advising the Indian Army on the basis of this single incident is a bit too much.
Again you are implying Pakistan govt and establishment sent those men....
No...the general beleif is that army and ISI trained them....and thats a strong one, for which many irrefutable evidences have baan provided.

Anyways,i hope this incident paves way for some positive image for pakistan in india...and lead to better relations.
No...the general beleif is that army and ISI trained them....and thats a strong one, for which many irrefutable evidences have baan provided.

Anyways,i hope this incident paves way for some positive image for pakistan in india...and lead to better relations.

For example...?????
No...the general beleif is that army and ISI trained them....and thats a strong one, for which many irrefutable evidences have baan provided.

any documentry prove of this scrap? if you have any? please shear us when ISI have meeting with kassab or SSG giving them god of honor in chirat ?:rofl:

you guys feed by hateful media as much as they can feed you :tdown:
There are differences between the two incidents.

1. The Cheetah is an unarmed first generation light transport helicopter whereas the Atlantique is a military aircraft capable of carrying bombs and missiles.

2.The Cheetah strayed into Pakistani territory due to bad weather.Nothing of that sort in case of Atlantique.

3.When the Cheetah was challenged by the PA authorities it obliged and surrendered.The Atlantique tried to make a run for it.Jets were scrambled,they fired warning shots,still the Atlantique paid no hid.Its perfectly justified to shoot down a plane after this.No one can deny that.

Pakistan had subsequently lodged a compensation claim at the International Court of Justice accusing India of shooting down the aircraft and had spent about $400,000 on the case.The case,finally went in India's favour with a jury of 16 favouring India with a vote of 14-2.
The situation was much tense at that time.A military purpose aircraft,capable of carrying weapons will be taken seriously,unlike the present situation.One must not forget that we had respectfully returned all the 90000 POWs after 1971 war,while our Mig pilot came back in a coffin with bullet marks in his body during Kargil war,even after his successful ejection and thereby capture.

Does the name Saurabh Kalia ring any bell? Please do a search

May be the OP should do a bit more reading about these incidents before hastily trying to preach sermons to anybody and everybody.

Lets not start who came in coffin.... Kashmir singh (A SPY)and Khalid Mehmood (A cricket Fan) are also some examples to be added...
For example...?????

there dreams daily at 3am when they sleeping tight .only they are here to making us more sick from nonsence scrap rather then just post a good post and thank us they are bashing trolling flaming and brining each and every thing from past 70 years here to satisfy there ego .

now tell me it was good to let them go? i think it was wrong :tdown:
any documentry prove of this scrap? if you have any? please shear us when ISI have meeting with kassab or SSG giving them god of honor in chirat ?:rofl:

you guys feed by hateful media as much as they can feed you :tdown:

do the names major haroon ashiq and capt. khurram ashiq of SSG ring any bells??the left army after 9/11 and joined iliyas kashmiri,need i mention haroon killed maj. gen faisal alavi of the SSG.

haroon trained the 26/11 terrorists as per syed saleem shahzad who even american govt. believes had been killed by the ISI
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