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India Should Keep Pakistan Embroiled and Draw it Into An Arm's Race

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Maybe Pakistan is trapping India to keep spending on defense and keep their public toilet less

To let you know India GDP is 10 times bigger than Pakistan.

And Pakistan still spends more as a percentage of GDP on defence than India. Which means India is stopping from Pakistan progressing.
Maybe Pakistan is trapping India to keep spending on defense and keep their public toilet less
Ahh Toilets Rants Just Compete Your Public Transport Facilities &infrastructure with Indian Metro cities Whats are you gloating about :o::o:

Pakistani Ways Are Pretty Much outdated and Don't Have any Strategical Impact on the Ground.JF-17 is Example of this its a Outdated Concept Have No Impact on Power Ratio Btw Two Forces.

This part shows what a top class dumb moron you are. People like you make us believe that we have a dumb as$ enemy and not someone with higher intellect.

We would always prefer a dumb enemy. Makes us feel more comfortable as far as India as an enemy is concerned.
This part shows what a top class dumb moron you are. People like you make us believe that we have a dumb as$ enemy and not someone with higher intellect.

We would always prefer a dumb enemy. Makes us feel more comfortable as far as India as an enemy is concerned.
True. We are like this and very vulnerable to the next Islamic conquest from Pakistan.
This part shows what a top class dumb moron you are. People like you make us believe that we have a dum as$ enemy and not someone with higher intellect.

We would always prefer a dumb enemy.
jf-17 is light weight Fighter.with Limited 54 in Number neither it Has True Air-Superiority or Multirole Capability Compared to Aircraft's in IAF Inventory
To an extent you're right, both India and Pakistan would get zilch out of the arms race that we are competing in, we can not afford a war.
you can not afford an arms race either

It is not a very intelligent post ----. India will have to do a massive purchase to be at a stage to take out Pakistan and that is technically and geographically not possible---.

Pakistan is a shorter ways away from reaching its necessary force level due to its fast pace procurement and maturing of older project. OTOH---all indian major products have failed---.

If there is any further disturbance in Pakistan pointing fingers to india---india may see retaliation where it may financially hurt.

Indian posters must realize it is better to have peace---now---than go for war---.

Regardless of what happened in 1999----Pakistan---during sanctions---at its weakest started a war----. Now at this stage Pakistan military is 10 times more potent with all the procurement it has made to fill up the void created by the sanctions----. All arms of the military are properly equipped and there is no shortage of anything---.

As India is advertising to the world of striking Pakistan---same thing is Pakistan doing telling the foreign govts that Pakistan also may strike if it feels the threshold of the threat has been crossed.

My recommendation to the pak military and govt would be to not make any statements of how they are going to act or retaliate---just keep quiet and keep on procuring what is needed---and if things start to happen then let them and retaliate accordingly----threats of nuc strikes should not be made---just let the Indians talk as they might want to---.
mastan saheb you know all this already but think of this article as yet another piece of shitty yellow journalism by paid indian media who is trying every trick in the book to show NaMo sarkar as a war monger and wants Namo sarkar to ply by there rules and resume all the perks they and there NGOs got in UPA regime its nothing but indian medias frustation and fetish to highten tempers from both sides by creating unecassarry sensationalism
jf-17 is light weight Fighter.with Limited 54 in Number neither it Has True Air-Superiority or Multirole Capability Compared to Aircraft's in IAF Inventory

With amazing success of JFT program, I don't need to explain how JFT is fast changing the Indo-Pak war scenario to you.

You just fortified my belief you guys are dumb and delusional. And that's what we want exactly. A dumb, low IQ and delusional India.
Yes my first world ( :lol: ) , very vedic intelligent friend, lets face the facts for once.

Pakistan had internal problems, India took full advantage by financing and training terrorists and East and West Pakistan, which were already separated geographically by India, went their own ways.

It was 44 years ago, a majority of Pakistanis on this forum were not even born then. But we have learned to move on. Can you hyper emotional indians now come out of your complexes and move on as well?

When it comes to fault lines, India has far too many compared to Pakistan. Address those instead of having a sick obsession with Pakistan.

And then they say, they don't care about Pakistan, :rofl:

Comprehension issues you have not yet grown out of I see. Your little Pak friend brought in third world, I only replied in kind.

I have little interest in how old you are, however, history is not something you simply move on and not learn from. If you don't learn from history, you are bound to repeat the mistakes. I welcome Pak to repeat its mistakes.

Pak has neither the ability or finances to exploit Indian fault lines. You are welcome to try.

India has done next to nothing in Pak, we might change that in the near future.

As our PM said, Pak is a nuisance, we care about Pak as one would a nuisance, an attami hatiyaar nuisance, but a nuisance none the less.:lol:
SO you believe that After 1999 ; India has been sleeping


I normally don't reply to you---because most of your posts are brainless---. You have no concept at all--. Just like your this post above.

You don't use your brains to see what is written and what it means----. We had 10 plus years of sanctions----in 1999 we were at the weakest---till 2001. So---we fought a war / skirmish at our weakest---. Now for our sake---we are at full capacity---for us---we are at our full strength----.

You were at full capacity at that time---so what if you have made purchases---the proportion of your strength has not changed---it is still in the same range as before---.

On a scale of 1--10---we were at a 2 or a 3-----. Now we are at an 8 or 9 for OUR sake----you were at an 8 to 9 as to your standards at that time and you are at the same standards still---.

Which means that you had a very potent force at that time---and you have a very potent force now----. We had a very ill equipped force at tat time in 1999 and we have a very well equipped force now in 2015.

You are a very clever kid---I told you that before---but you don't have brains to understand what I am saying.
you can not afford an arms race either
nanhe miya masoom we onli spend less than 2% of owr GDP on defnce + owr economy is not limited exports of "toliye aur chaddrre ,mangoes"to western nations or war remmitences and IMF &WB handowts dont worry about us .....but ever thought why all the rich nations of the world (inclueding many from mashrik e ghusta)want to invest in india and why all the top defnce contractors are linning to sell there latest tech to us despite what you want to belave about state of owr economy ?
you can not afford an arms race either

Our arms is not against Pakistan, but to a path to greater power status. However, Pakistan's defense is India specific. So you have no option but to react to arms India acquires.

So it is one party arm race.
Our arms is not against Pakistan, but to a path to greater power status. However, Pakistan's defense is India specific. So you have no option but to react to arms India acquires.

most valid point you made.

For India, it is technology projection and power projection. Not to counter any one but to achieve greater goals.India is also the highest contributor in UN PKF. Correct? May be for Pakistan this is arms race. But we are fine with it. We will develop defence systems as per our goals and capability.
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