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India should "ease nerves" of neighbours: Chinese media


Got your message....let me know when you come back....Will be good to fight again...

BTW you are right, this has been a dry season....I think you should start something.....It has been a long time since we fought...:D

P.S, PM me when you come....

I actually saw a really juicy article in the BBC, about India's high-class suburbs like Gurgaon, that they could not even provide water or electricity to even the upper classes.

Here is the link.

Unfortunately, I am not really a "thread starter". I don't really enjoy starting threads.

So I'll get you guys back in some other thread, maybe later. :P
DOnt know about chinese media but i certainly know that IndiaTV is a joke and so other Indian Mirchi masala channels
You know what?India TV is so unpopular in India that most cable operators have actually stopped telecasting the channel but the irony is that comic characters like Zaid Hamisd is still having the word in Pakistan!!BTW any Indian members on the forum pls clarify whether India TV actually exists anymore or not,cause have not seen the channel for over a year now!!??
I actually saw a really juicy article in the BBC, about India's high-class suburbs like Gurgaon, that they could not even provide water or electricity to even the upper classes.

Here is the link.

Unfortunately, I am not really a "thread starter". I don't really enjoy starting threads.

So I'll get you guys back in some other thread, maybe later. :P
Sure buddy.....but please post those where people don't bring same old topics.....may be something different.....

BTW didn't know about problem of Gurgaon....:D
I think the Indian Armed forces know a LOT more about their own military, than some Indian fanboys on an internet forum.

The Indian Armed Forces said this:

'India can't match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBNLive

Please pay attention to the last sentence:

The gap is TOO WIDE TO BRIDGE, and getting wider every day.

"In terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter".
You Chinese are actually missing a very subtle point in the speech that the Naval Chief had made (years ago BTW).I would highlight it for ull to grasp,he said:"India neither has the capability,nor the intention to match the PLA man to man".You'll seem to be obsessed with the capability part of the speech but no one actually gave a damn to the intention part which could very well mean that India has got other PLAN's(Pun intended) in place :D
India also had the latest weapons from the British in 1962, we all know how that ended.
Weapons are only part of it, strategy and how you use your weapons mean everything.
Indians wouldn't understand this.

India tried to mess with us in 1962 thinking we are weak, then got a good ole fashioned spanking.
Don't write checks you can't cash kid.
Nehru found that out the hard way in 1962.

Fool. How many times will you copy/paste the same comment? Isn't that enough to show that your war
strategy too would remain the same even in 21st century? You are just a big blind panda that happened to
catch a bird in '62. But you can catch a bird only once in that way. You are a major backstabber and the
sole reason why even today Asia is under Uncle Sam's command & control .

Your wet dream of having Arunachal Pradesh remains unfulfilled to this day, if you are as capable
as you say you are, it wouldn've been part of china by now but there's no way that could happen now.
Even in '62 war IA inflicted major casualities on PLA, inspite of the small no. of IA troops present on the
border with no air support. China won through sheer luck.

India had 10,000 troops on the border while china put 80,000. Such a vast difference is no longer applicable,
not even by 1987 when chinks mobilized a so-called army to take Arunachal but withdrew later due to
presence of more than 65,000 IA troops on the border iwth several 100 tanks and sufficient air power

Today the difference is way too narrow, today PLAAF doesn't have a single operational 4.5 gen fighter,
while IAF has close to 200 of those...PLAAF has no expierience in operating ESA radars, TVC engines
and now there are upwards of 100,000 IA troops on the china border, with capability to mobilize
a further 250,000 if needed. On the naval front your PLAN has limited capabilities limited to a small
area of operation which is set to reduce over time. By the end of this year IN will have 2 operational
Carrier Battle Groups while it'll take untill 2013-2014 to bring to full operational standards your first
and only carrier group, which to this day has no aircraft to fly. IN would soon be in possession of
the Eastern World's leading destroyer class vessels while china, which considers US as its main target,
will have fleet capabilities worse than IN.

I actually saw a really juicy article in the BBC, about India's high-class suburbs like Gurgaon, that they could not even provide water or electricity to even the upper classes.

Here is the link.

Unfortunately, I am not really a "thread starter". I don't really enjoy starting threads.

So I'll get you guys back in some other thread, maybe later. :P

Clean yourself before advising others.

China has 100mn below poverty line | rediff.com

all your communist jingos and disciples of Mao are nothing but perverts and rapists

Chinese CCP in sex party with prostitutes

Is this the literature Mao taught to his fellowmen and CCP workers?
Today the difference is way too narrow, today PLAAF doesn't have a single operational 4.5 gen fighter,
while IAF has close to 200 of those...PLAAF has no expierience in operating ESA radars, TVC engines
and now there are upwards of 100,000 IA troops on the china border, with capability to mobilize
a further 250,000 if needed. On the naval front your PLAN has limited capabilities limited to a small
area of operation which is set to reduce over time. By the end of this year IN will have 2 operational
Carrier Battle Groups while it'll take untill 2013-2014 to bring to full operational standards your first
and only carrier group, which to this day has no aircraft to fly. IN would soon be in possession of
the Eastern World's leading destroyer class vessels while china, which considers US as its main target,
will have fleet capabilities worse than IN.
thanks for showing the Chinese the Mirror Mate.
Beijing: India should be transparent on its military intentions in the region, including in the Indian Ocean to "ease the nerves" of its neighbours, a leading state-run Chinese newspaper said on Monday.

"A leading regional power, India intends to assume a bigger role in South Asia. But that raises the question of how India is going to use its increasing power. The dominance India is seeking has to be conducive to the equilibrium of the current international order" the Global Times said in an editorial.

Nobody wants to see piracy running wild in the Indian Ocean. But India needs to make clearer its military intentions to ease the nerves of its neighbours," the newspaper, a sister publication of the 'People's Daily', the mouthpiece of the ruling Communist Party of China said.

Reacting to Minister of State for Defence Pallam Raju's statement that India's navy would help China secure shipping lanes in the Indian Ocean, the paper said, "A promise of protecting the public good in the region is a good start."

"We hope Raju's remarks are more than just a diplomatic posture made for temporary convenience, and instead represent a genuinely positive response to China's position that the two countries have to find a way to cooperate. That would demonstrate that India is considering seriously new ways of cooperating with China," the paper commented.

"Worry about China competing for dominance of the Indian Ocean runs deep inside India. Such worries are unnecessary," the paper said.

Link - India should "ease nerves" of neighbours: Chinese media | NDTV.com
india's evil expansionist designs are finished. China is allying with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Burma, Nepal and Bhutan to take down the elephant! :azn:
india's evil expansionist designs are finished. China is allying with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Burma, Nepal and Bhutan to take down the elephant! :azn:

Go ahead with your Super Duper Alliance.
make sure it last long not like the cheap made china maal..........
the chinese are only whining for themselves ....

Yeah, Cry babies... not only they often love to cry lound themselves but also the most intolerable to other's even it is the slighest whine.

LOLOL... at the patentic crying baby.
india's evil expansionist designs are finished. China is allying with Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Burma, Nepal and Bhutan to take down the elephant! :azn:

Look behind yourself when trying to push someone from behind.

United States is allying with India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan and South Korea to
strangle the little pekingese puppy. And what do you have to stop them? Your Kung-Fu Panda??:lol:
India should make other
Indians to feel safe in India first before making foreign neighbor feel safe. How can the neighbors feel secure if India is in complete turmoil
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