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India should adopt ‘open attitude’ towards CPEC: Chinese media

My mother's side were merchants based in Kalimpong and Gangtok who traded with China probably unwittingly to their aid..sniff.. Anyway it is a new bit of trivia to dangle infront of my cousins.

There is weight to your argument but I remain staunchly opposed to granting China access..well any more than they have currently grabbed. I have seen this movie before - trojan horses, viral blankets and trading rights.

Haven't we suffered enough? I see countless local industries being destroyed by Tsunami of Chinese goods - Rakhis, Flags, Cycles, Toys, Furniture and so on and so forth. It is heart wrenching. We will soon have no Small Scale Enterprises. We will be a nation of worthless OFFICE BOYS

No thank you sir. If our Govt had any brains, they will stop all access to non critical Chinese imports.

Now I understand you are making a case for developing our logistics but do understand - China wants our markets alongside.

It is ironic, I never saw much merit in isolation all along my youthful years, it is this modern times which was turned me regressive.

India is still in a good place relatively speaking - Look at US! So many of their giants have bitten the dust and they literally have no manufacturing base for infrastructure and consumer goods. Look at Africa and SL - drowning and gasping in Chinese debt and forced to surrender their sovereignty.

We will develop slow but we will do it without China

I partially agree, partially disagree. Will reply later.

When were your 'mother's people' in Kalimpong and Gangtok? they had nothing to do with trading with China for the benefit of the Chinese, you dimwit :D. They were trading with Tibet, a trade that was centuries old by then. If any of that generation, the 50s and early 60s, is still alive, ask them if they remember the raw-boned six footers in boots who swung their unchallenged way across the bazaars, their ears studded with turquoise. They scared the shit out of everybody else, including other Tibetans. And including eight-year olds craning up to see their poker faces.
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