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India should adopt ‘open attitude’ towards CPEC: Chinese media


May 17, 2015
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-File Photo

China will not give up building the economic corridor with Pakistan through Azad Kashmir simply because India has problems with it, state media said on Tuesday, indicating that New Delhi has no option but to keep an open mind towards the project.

In fact, the economic corridor project will help build infrastructure in Azad Kashmir and by building the same in Indian controlled Kashmir would help economic integration of the region.

The CPEC is not a zero-sum game where Pakistan gains and India loses. If economic cooperation between China and Pakistan can improve infrastructure in the region, including in the Kashmir area, India will have an opportunity to expand trade routes to Central Asia, the Global Times opined.

It said New Delhi may need to adopt an open attitude toward CPEC so the project can speed up development in the region and benefit the local population.

Hopefully India can also improve infrastructure in the regions bordering Pakistan to promote regional economic integration. Any way in which India can put aside politics and join in the task of economic development would be welcome.

Economic cooperation between India, Pakistan and China would create an open atmosphere for launching talks to solve the Kashmir dispute.

In this regard, New Delhi may need to take the long view for its national interests, it said. The ambitious project, which is part of President Xi Jinping’s grand Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) connects the Xinjiang Uyghur Region (XUR) with the Gwadar port in south-western Pakistan.

Last week, external affairs minister, Sushma Swaraj repeated the objections with Chinese counterpart Wang Yi during their meeting in New Delhi.

But for sections of the media in China, like the nationalistic tabloid, Global Times, India’s objections clearly mean nothing – and possibly it echoes views within the decision-making sections of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

It is “regrettable” to see that CPEC has become another “inharmonious” factor in Sino-India ties, the newspaper said in an opinion piece on Tuesday.

But “inharmonious” factor or no, China will continue with the project, the Global Time said, adding but China is unlikely to give up on the idea of CPEC because of India’s protest.” -INP
Chinise media is going nuts nowadays..they are in race with india tv to become one of the shitiest news network.

-File Photo

China will not give up building the economic corridor with Pakistan through Azad Kashmir simply because India has problems with it, state media said on Tuesday, indicating that New Delhi has no option but to keep an open mind towards the project.

In fact, the economic corridor project will help build infrastructure in Azad Kashmir and by building the same in Indian controlled Kashmir would help economic integration of the region.

The CPEC is not a zero-sum game where Pakistan gains and India loses. If economic cooperation between China and Pakistan can improve infrastructure in the region, including in the Kashmir area, India will have an opportunity to expand trade routes to Central Asia, the Global Times opined.

It said New Delhi may need to adopt an open attitude toward CPEC so the project can speed up development in the region and benefit the local population.

Hopefully India can also improve infrastructure in the regions bordering Pakistan to promote regional economic integration. Any way in which India can put aside politics and join in the task of economic development would be welcome.

Economic cooperation between India, Pakistan and China would create an open atmosphere for launching talks to solve the Kashmir dispute.

In this regard, New Delhi may need to take the long view for its national interests, it said. The ambitious project, which is part of President Xi Jinping’s grand Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) connects the Xinjiang Uyghur Region (XUR) with the Gwadar port in south-western Pakistan.

Last week, external affairs minister, Sushma Swaraj repeated the objections with Chinese counterpart Wang Yi during their meeting in New Delhi.

But for sections of the media in China, like the nationalistic tabloid, Global Times, India’s objections clearly mean nothing – and possibly it echoes views within the decision-making sections of the Communist Party of China (CPC).

It is “regrettable” to see that CPEC has become another “inharmonious” factor in Sino-India ties, the newspaper said in an opinion piece on Tuesday.

But “inharmonious” factor or no, China will continue with the project, the Global Time said, adding but China is unlikely to give up on the idea of CPEC because of India’s protest.” -INP

I am sorry that our reaction to this Sino-Pak venture is so limited in mentality, so small-town. It is not that we should fall in line and watch tamely, it is far more worthwhile to take the idea, photocopy it, in keeping with the partnership mode that we wish to emulate, and ask the Chinese to use our own roadway system from Daulat Beg Oldi or Leh to Surat. It can link up, not only to Xinjiang, but through western Tibet, through multiple routes, through Himachal and through Uttarakhand, opening up both the backward areas of China and of India.

Unlike the competition, we can offer outlets both to Xinjiang and to Xejiang. And we can offer it to a far more frequented port on our west coast.
Its not for Chinese media to decide India's foreign policy, every country goes with its interests be it china or India
I am sorry that our reaction to this Sino-Pak venture is so limited in mentality, so small-town. It is not that we should fall in line and watch tamely, it is far more worthwhile to take the idea, photocopy it, in keeping with the partnership mode that we wish to emulate, and ask the Chinese to use our own roadway system from Daulat Beg Oldi or Leh to Surat. It can link up, not only to Xinjiang, but through western Tibet, through multiple routes, through Himachal and through Uttarakhand, opening up both the backward areas of China and of India.

Unlike the competition, we can offer outlets both to Xinjiang and to Xejiang. And we can offer it to a far more frequented port on our west coast.

China doesn't do win-win when it comes to India. If so then the whole history of S. Asia would have been very different and Nehru wouldn't be vilified as naive schoolboy when it comes to international politics.

Unlike us China understands that it is a zero sum game when it comes to resources - Land, Water and Subterranean. The entire Chinese policy towards India has been disingenuous from the very beginning, full of sweet lies, backtracking and backstabbing. They simply out Chanakyad us time and again - extracting concessions without giving a single thing so here we are -

1. Gigantic trade deficit which we unable to leverage.
2. Regular incursions to establish and keep alive their claim which we unable to reciprocate
3. Support to anti India terrorists like Azhar, Lakhvi, Saeed which we some what reciprocate but not in contemporary scenario. One time we did and then had to backtrack causing embarrassment.
4. Blocking India's effort at all international forums - unable to reciprocate in SCS
5. We recognize Tibet as Chinese territory but they dont recognize AP and J&K as Indian territory, Whoever made this blunder should have been drawn and quartered but knowing it is India he likely led a posh and cushy life in Vasant Vihar

and the list goes on. we are outplayed, outmatched and whipped around like johny come lately's and all this has to do with lack of national confidence when it comes to dealing with China - so deep is the humiliation and wound of 62

China doesn't do win-win when it comes to India. If so then the whole history of S. Asia would have been very different and Nehru wouldn't be vilified as naive schoolboy when it comes to international politics.

Unlike us China understands that it is a zero sum game when it comes to resources - Land, Water and Subterranean. The entire Chinese policy towards India has been disingenuous from the very beginning, full of sweet lies, backtracking and backstabbing. They simply out Chanakyad us time and again - extracting concessions without giving a single thing so here we are -

1. Gigantic trade deficit which we unable to leverage.
2. Regular incursions to establish and keep alive their claim which we unable to reciprocate
3. Support to anti India terrorists like Azhar, Lakhvi, Saeed which we some what reciprocate but not in contemporary scenario. One time we did and then had to backtrack causing embarrassment.
4. Blocking India's effort at all international forums - unable to reciprocate in SCS
5. We recognize Tibet as Chinese territory but they dont recognize AP and J&K as Indian territory, Whoever made this blunder should have been drawn and quartered but knowing it is India he likely led a posh and cushy life in Vasant Vihar

and the list goes on. we are outplayed, outmatched and whipped around like johny come lately's and all this has to do with lack of national confidence when it comes to dealing with China - so deep is the humiliation and wound of 62

your analysis is spot on.
there can be no better word than "disingenuous" to describe their foreign policy. Their policies do not involve emotions but brute real politik. India under nehru believed in nonsense panchsheel instead of securing country's interest.

But the fact is chinese do every thing in a systematic approach. Probe the enemy watch them and have a long term strategy. When they do see the enemy standing firm they do retreat skillfully. During 1980's when India did display the pluck to fight back they had to resort to fallback to wait & watch approach.
If not for the current Indian military buildup in NE, china would have pulled off a SCS style coup. Good thing that India is responding, even though it is a bit late to the game.
I am sorry that our reaction to this Sino-Pak venture is so limited in mentality, so small-town. It is not that we should fall in line and watch tamely, it is far more worthwhile to take the idea, photocopy it, in keeping with the partnership mode that we wish to emulate, and ask the Chinese to use our own roadway system from Daulat Beg Oldi or Leh to Surat. It can link up, not only to Xinjiang, but through western Tibet, through multiple routes, through Himachal and through Uttarakhand, opening up both the backward areas of China and of India.

Unlike the competition, we can offer outlets both to Xinjiang and to Xejiang. And we can offer it to a far more frequented port on our west coast.

Lol stop begging China, they have already chosen their corridor. :rofl:
China doesn't do win-win when it comes to India. If so then the whole history of S. Asia would have been very different and Nehru wouldn't be vilified as naive schoolboy when it comes to international politics.

Unlike us China understands that it is a zero sum game when it comes to resources - Land, Water and Subterranean. The entire Chinese policy towards India has been disingenuous from the very beginning, full of sweet lies, backtracking and backstabbing. They simply out Chanakyad us time and again - extracting concessions without giving a single thing so here we are -

1. Gigantic trade deficit which we unable to leverage.
2. Regular incursions to establish and keep alive their claim which we unable to reciprocate
3. Support to anti India terrorists like Azhar, Lakhvi, Saeed which we some what reciprocate but not in contemporary scenario. One time we did and then had to backtrack causing embarrassment.
4. Blocking India's effort at all international forums - unable to reciprocate in SCS
5. We recognize Tibet as Chinese territory but they dont recognize AP and J&K as Indian territory, Whoever made this blunder should have been drawn and quartered but knowing it is India he likely led a posh and cushy life in Vasant Vihar

and the list goes on. we are outplayed, outmatched and whipped around like johny come lately's and all this has to do with lack of national confidence when it comes to dealing with China - so deep is the humiliation and wound of 62


So let China not do win-win.

Suppose, for an instance, we accept that they are watching and waiting to weaken and to humiliate us at any and every opportunity. Quite possible. So how should we react, is my basic question. Should we tabulate our grievances and woes on every possible occasion and burst into tears at the tale of Chinese perfidy? Or should we smile at their manoeuvres, gauge their relative strength and their undeniable weaknesses, and work according to a plan that meets our national objectives and protects our national integrity without harming anyone else? To take this further, suppose you consider my proposal as one that India should have adopted in the first place, that India should have paid to roads into our remote borders the same strategic value and importance that Mao Ze Dong attached in the early days of the PRC? That right along with steel mills (which they also built, sometimes with hilarious results, but ultimately to a formidable level), with heavy engineering plants (for which they now come and offer us consultancy and cheaper electricity-generation plants than BHEL can design and supply), and dams (where they have gone far beyond us both in building dams and wrecking the environment through the ill-effects of the dams), we should have opened up the remote areas of the country, and not left them to drift into a cycle of cynical exploitation of the lack of available capital by mahajans, of the consequent expropriation of all forest and rural wealth by traders from the cities, and of the expression of the resentment of the country and the hills dwellers in armed rebellion, when all they wanted and needed was an equal chance at growth?

I am suggesting that we should offer them a rich and hospitable logistics network and commercial environment through which to send their goods. Imagine, for instance, a Lhasa-Kathmandu-Lucknow rail link. Or Lhasa-Sikkim-Calcutta; imagine the advantages to them and to us. Remember that most of their supplies for their 1962 war on us were quietly and discreetly shipped through Calcutta, through Kalimpong onto their side of the border. Or imagine an Urumqi-Kashgar-Karakoram Pass-Leh-Manali-Chandigarh route linking into the Indian railway system. What stops us from doing our part of this for our own development and allowing them to figure out on their own that they lose money by not using these? and that we gain money in any case, whether they use it or not, by developing our less developed nations?

Think about the issue that has caused mass hysteria, in the Vale, in P O K, in Islamabad and on PDF. If we had attended to the educational needs of Kashmir, if we had attempted a proper industrial planning for Kashmir and studded it with precision industry like Switzerland has done, if we had built on the two and a half industrial ventures that we did put in, do you think people would have given up a day's pay to turn out? It is the jobless, and more than that, the teens without education or job prospects who are turning out.

All I say is that what's good for us will also turn out good for them. Whether they come into the fold or not, we can make them think very hard about what they are doing and what they are doing. If after that they decide to try bleaker options, we can cry all the way to the bank.

your analysis is spot on.
there can be no better word than "disingenuous" to describe their foreign policy. Their policies do not involve emotions but brute real politik. India under nehru believed in nonsense panchsheel instead of securing country's interest.

But the fact is chinese do every thing in a systematic approach. Probe the enemy watch them and have a long term strategy. When they do see the enemy standing firm they do retreat skillfully. During 1980's when India did display the pluck to fight back they had to resort to fallback to wait & watch approach.
If not for the current Indian military buildup in NE, china would have pulled off a SCS style coup. Good thing that India is responding, even though it is a bit late to the game.

Let us take a leaf out of the Chinese book, and not get bogged down in emotional fits.

Lol stop begging China, they have already chosen their corridor. :rofl:

You poor sap, even today the best access to Tibet remains through Calcutta. Nobody's begging them, I'm suggesting that we put them in a dilemma. Nobody likes pushing peanuts uphill with their noses.
Mr. Joe They are here to control the south Asia through Pakistan, they are not for economic benefits but to control the pakistani territory.

It is only an energy corridor and the world is moving towards electric vehicles.

India is cooperating with China for an economic corridor which will link up India and China.

They will say nice words and once they get a grip on Pakistan they will twist and turn dictating the events in south asia.

If we see in a different angle SCS and CPEC are two traps laid and china fell in it comfortably.

India should navigate carefully not to hurt the Chinese or the West as well as defend our interests in P-O-K. Which is what GOI is doing.

It is a matter of decade and India close the gap !

I am sorry that our reaction to this Sino-Pak venture is so limited in mentality, so small-town. It is not that we should fall in line and watch tamely, it is far more worthwhile to take the idea, photocopy it, in keeping with the partnership mode that we wish to emulate, and ask the Chinese to use our own roadway system from Daulat Beg Oldi or Leh to Surat. It can link up, not only to Xinjiang, but through western Tibet, through multiple routes, through Himachal and through Uttarakhand, opening up both the backward areas of China and of India.

Unlike the competition, we can offer outlets both to Xinjiang and to Xejiang. And we can offer it to a far more frequented port on our west coast.
Global times link:-


and another:-


Most of the news in last few days were like China was all out of the CPEC and had no concern or say about Kashmir from Pakistan prospective but as usual, it is always as "may be, will be and could be". It was previously discussed and I repeat here again, in short, opposing the CPEC by Modi & Sarkar made it helpful for us and the globe to see that useless concern. A very well balanced approach and an advice based upon peace gesture that rather opposing a progress of region, India can participate and gain her share as well.

They are here to control the south Asia through Pakistan, they are not for economic benefits but to control the pakistani territory.

and I stopped to go further, I mean is this how you observe the developments and see things that most probably are fed by Media. That has nothing to do with topic in hand and the reality outside India. Just for the sake of arguments and as an example, a brief analysis or something to prove the point would be appreciated despite the usual approach. Pakistan gave every possible access to US, during the good days relations, but US couldn't control the territory till day.

If we see in a different angle SCS and CPEC are two traps laid and china fell in it comfortably.

That is not enough to justify what India think, just called it a trap and a country like China that easily fell. Without any substance and going in details, you just call it a trap because the Western and Indian media is trying to portray as like that.

India should navigate carefully not to hurt the Chinese

India missed the opportunity in-time whereby the project was started and even till day, India opposed CPEC that not just caused the opposition of Pakistan but China as well.
Global times link:-


and another:-


Most of the news in last few days were like China was all out of the CPEC and had no concern or say about Kashmir from Pakistan prospective but as usual, it is always as "may be, will be and could be". It was previously discussed and I repeat here again, in short, opposing the CPEC by Modi & Sarkar made it helpful for us and the globe to see that useless concern. A very well balanced approach and an advice based upon peace gesture that rather opposing a progress of region, India can participate and gain her share as well.

and I stopped to go further, I mean is this how you observe the developments and see things that most probably are fed by Media. That has nothing to do with topic in hand and the reality outside India. Just for the sake of arguments and as an example, a brief analysis or something to prove the point would be appreciated despite the usual approach. Pakistan gave every possible access to US, during the good days relations, but US couldn't control the territory till day.

That is not enough to justify what India think, just called it a trap and a country like China that easily fell. Without any substance and going in details, you just call it a trap because the Western and Indian media is trying to portray as like that.

India missed the opportunity in-time whereby the project was started and even till day, India opposed CPEC that not just caused the opposition of Pakistan but China as well.

Anyone who know chinese well do not believe their words, chinese are trusted for their actions. India is not worried about CPEC, we are on the path of growth and looking to close the gap with other giants ASAP.

But CPEC passing through disputed territory is the issue between India and China.
Anyone who know chinese well do not believe their words, chinese are trusted for their actions.

Just an Assumption but no facts or analysis. It is always about nation interests for every country. Ask anyone from India, you will have the same answer so why complains. Pak-China friendship is not new, you may read about this friendship.

India is not worried about CPEC

You don't have any Idea what you are stating here and missed the sequence of topic in hand which came out after Indian objection about CPEC as GoI stated long ago that will oppose CPEC not based only Indian concern but in whole it says, China-Pakistan.India is doing everything to oppose the CPEC from calling it disputed and what not....

disputed territory

Disputed by India only hence Chinese rebuttal.
You don't have any Idea what you are stating here and missed the sequence of topic in hand which came out after Indian objection about CPEC as GoI stated long ago that will oppose CPEC not based only Indian concern but in whole it says, China-Pakistan.India is doing everything to oppose the CPEC from calling it disputed and what not....

India never opposed CPEC , India is opposing CPEC through P-O-K.
India never opposed CPEC , India is opposing CPEC through P-O-K.

India opposed the CPEC on basis of own claim by calling it occupied while it is Azad Kashmir & GB with own assembly as well and not integrated in Pakistan while both of them will be receiving their due share. Still, such is only Indian claim hence rebutted by China which says, in other words, it wouldn't work like this.
So let China not do win-win.

Suppose, for an instance, we accept that they are watching and waiting to weaken and to humiliate us at any and every opportunity. Quite possible. So how should we react, is my basic question. Should we tabulate our grievances and woes on every possible occasion and burst into tears at the tale of Chinese perfidy? Or should we smile at their manoeuvres, gauge their relative strength and their undeniable weaknesses, and work according to a plan that meets our national objectives and protects our national integrity without harming anyone else? To take this further, suppose you consider my proposal as one that India should have adopted in the first place, that India should have paid to roads into our remote borders the same strategic value and importance that Mao Ze Dong attached in the early days of the PRC? That right along with steel mills (which they also built, sometimes with hilarious results, but ultimately to a formidable level), with heavy engineering plants (for which they now come and offer us consultancy and cheaper electricity-generation plants than BHEL can design and supply), and dams (where they have gone far beyond us both in building dams and wrecking the environment through the ill-effects of the dams), we should have opened up the remote areas of the country, and not left them to drift into a cycle of cynical exploitation of the lack of available capital by mahajans, of the consequent expropriation of all forest and rural wealth by traders from the cities, and of the expression of the resentment of the country and the hills dwellers in armed rebellion, when all they wanted and needed was an equal chance at growth?

I am suggesting that we should offer them a rich and hospitable logistics network and commercial environment through which to send their goods. Imagine, for instance, a Lhasa-Kathmandu-Lucknow rail link. Or Lhasa-Sikkim-Calcutta; imagine the advantages to them and to us. Remember that most of their supplies for their 1962 war on us were quietly and discreetly shipped through Calcutta, through Kalimpong onto their side of the border. Or imagine an Urumqi-Kashgar-Karakoram Pass-Leh-Manali-Chandigarh route linking into the Indian railway system. What stops us from doing our part of this for our own development and allowing them to figure out on their own that they lose money by not using these? and that we gain money in any case, whether they use it or not, by developing our less developed nations?

Think about the issue that has caused mass hysteria, in the Vale, in P O K, in Islamabad and on PDF. If we had attended to the educational needs of Kashmir, if we had attempted a proper industrial planning for Kashmir and studded it with precision industry like Switzerland has done, if we had built on the two and a half industrial ventures that we did put in, do you think people would have given up a day's pay to turn out? It is the jobless, and more than that, the teens without education or job prospects who are turning out.

All I say is that what's good for us will also turn out good for them. Whether they come into the fold or not, we can make them think very hard about what they are doing and what they are doing. If after that they decide to try bleaker options, we can cry all the way to the bank.

My mother's side were merchants based in Kalimpong and Gangtok who traded with China probably unwittingly to their aid..sniff.. Anyway it is a new bit of trivia to dangle infront of my cousins.

There is weight to your argument but I remain staunchly opposed to granting China access..well any more than they have currently grabbed. I have seen this movie before - trojan horses, viral blankets and trading rights.

Haven't we suffered enough? I see countless local industries being destroyed by Tsunami of Chinese goods - Rakhis, Flags, Cycles, Toys, Furniture and so on and so forth. It is heart wrenching. We will soon have no Small Scale Enterprises. We will be a nation of worthless OFFICE BOYS

No thank you sir. If our Govt had any brains, they will stop all access to non critical Chinese imports.

Now I understand you are making a case for developing our logistics but do understand - China wants our markets alongside.

It is ironic, I never saw much merit in isolation all along my youthful years, it is this modern times which was turned me regressive.

India is still in a good place relatively speaking - Look at US! So many of their giants have bitten the dust and they literally have no manufacturing base for infrastructure and consumer goods. Look at Africa and SL - drowning and gasping in Chinese debt and forced to surrender their sovereignty.

We will develop slow but we will do it without China
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