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India Should Accept 'Olive Branch': Chinese Media On Top Pakistani General's Offer

Ah.. these dramebaaz again...

When we don't have access to trade with Afghanistan then why the hell on earth India should join and bear the cost that too for pakistans development. Its like fools trying to make sure not to miss them.

:rofl::rofl: do you even know what CPEC is?

I think the Pakistani general is looking at the $385 billion sitting in indian forex AND thinking we could do with some of that money.

CPEC is of no benefit or consequence to indian thriving economy

India has ZERO interest in trade with some poor central Asian countries.

indian focus is South East Asia , Middle East Europe & USA ....and here CPEC is USELESS .

OK, here I thought any nation would jump at the opportunity of trade, but apparently 'super rich' Indians are 'too good' for dirt poor central Asia.

Now this is some real delusion.
In fact we welcome an economic giant Pakistan with highly educated people and then there might be some sane people who can discuss the issues between two countries without the shadow of terrorism.

no you dont, stop lying, you want a destroyed Pakistan a bleeding Pakistan, a failed Pakistan..

and if you are serious about discussing terrorism, stop electing Hindutva terrorists, remove your terrorist army from Kashmir.

Average Indians don't care about Chee pec or Pakistan. But whenever you have a turn on when hearing chee pec you people drag India into it and you are thinking like 10 yo boys who calls his enemy for a candy and then eating it by yourself for a revenge as you might think.

stop lying fag, your obsession with Pakistan is world renowned, anyways as if i care what a average ugly stinky bharti care about, and no we dont drag, its your whiner PM who cry in front of Chinese to abandon CPEC then lay claim on Gilgit which he can not even pronounce, then poke Pakistan with Baluchistan, then here we have bhangis from eastern shithole telling us whole day how China is colonizing Pakistan with CPEC...:-)
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has CPEC started producing anything yet? What is Pakistan planning to do in CPEC other than a transit for goods produced in western china? So much is unknown , What will we do in CPEC?

Intelligent Indians realise the benefits of high speed trade links and enhanced communication between nations. India has nothing to lose by joining the scheme and it will enhance prosperity within the region. It makes no economic sense for India not to join.

How do you tell someone to "eat shit" respectfully??

Call him a Bhanya.
General is a nobody- an employee of the state. Let a representative of the state (PM sharif) make an offer and maybe we can officially look into it. We can't waste our time on the comments on every nobody that has an opinion. What next? COnsider the offers of Sir Zaid Hamid?

Intelligent Indians realise the benefits of high speed trade links and enhanced communication between nations. India has nothing to lose by joining the scheme and it will enhance prosperity within the region. It makes no economic sense for India not to join.

Call him a Bhanya.

any offer must come from your PM, not some general. What next Sub Inspector of Lahore will have an idea and India has to respond to that too?
Intelligent Indians realise the benefits of high speed trade links and enhanced communication between nations. India has nothing to lose by joining the scheme and it will enhance prosperity within the region. It makes no economic sense for India not to join.

Call him a Bhanya.

maybe, but the offer should come from your PM.
Such olive branch offers don't last forever. Let's see what India does. Does it favor hostility with Pakistan and China or does it want to improve relations? They won't be able to say that we didn't extend an olive branch.

Neither of the parties would gain anything from peace.

If there is peace between India and Pakistan,

China would not be able to sells weapons to Pakistan.

US, EU & Russia would be able to sell weapons to India

India and Pakistan would lose the excuse to keep their nuclear weapons.

Since when Chinese running Pakistani foreign office?

The outsourcing of FO transition to China started in 1966 and completed in 1972.
Ultimately China will have to create economic corridor in India as well

Pakistan and India just cannot coexist for as long as hardcore extremists like Modi are there in the government

I don't foresee any share of CPEC in India. It is all about

China > Pakistan > Iran > Middle East > Afghanistan > Central Asia

Nothing more, nothing less... Unless they want to trade with Africa by Sea route
We are not begging for participation so why this olive branch. Instead of bragging just go ahead make it a success.

It looks like the Chinese are feeling their investments are going down the drain and desperate to rope in India. And they do it the only way, issuing warnings. LOL
India will cry to be part of this corridor they have no other way to link to central Asia or Afg. Their commitment in chahbahar is dead since Iran don't want them to destable blouchistan.
We have to be very careful when it comes to India, india might join but their grudge won't stop their design is to swallow Pak and convert everyone.
Kashmir is not solved so forget india let them spend money on chahbahar thru Afg. India have ability to do stupidity make everyone mad just like they help Israel to kill Iranian scientist then they capture innocent Iranian in india and call them terrorist were their to kill Israel 's embassdor.
India is not trustable just imagin how they ditched Russia after 70 years of affair. They will ditch Afg after us left then they might eat shut respectfully.
India has already 90B$ Mumbai Delhi Economic corridors. Infact we getting more than enough FDI per year than so called CPEC is getting over the course of next decade.

CPEC is not a magic wand. It will help and ultimately how it will decide the outcome of Pakistan is for its people to pave way for its success or failure. We never had the need of CPEC or any other corridor in first place. If needed we will join with South Eastern part of China through our land route bypassing Burma Thailand and other countries.
how do you tell your parents.....
we have different dishes in the rest of world
sorry we prefer beef... (2 inch thick medium rare )
these are some replies, however you say it

I don't follow desert mullah culture like you.. so asking your parents would be more apt..

Did you just club your retarded mullah self with the rest of the world?:rofl:

Maybe try prime Kobe beef instead with a prize cut like filet Mignon next time instead of the dog meat you get sold as beef. Maybe that's why you're retarded... :cheesy:
Try some pork ribs.. maybe that'll undo the brain damage..
I personally like my steaks well done with garlic butter and croquettes..
has CPEC started producing anything yet? What is Pakistan planning to do in CPEC other than a transit for goods produced in western china? So much is unknown , What will we do in CPEC?
Don't be bothered. It is none of your business. Go and stand in a long queue to get some money from the nearest ATM. We know what it is doing for us...and I think you are not getting the bill to pay for CPEC.

why not , patanjali products will be instent hit in pakistan...
What patanjali?

India has already 90B$ Mumbai Delhi Economic corridors. Infact we getting more than enough FDI per year than so called CPEC is getting over the course of next decade.

CPEC is not a magic wand. It will help and ultimately how it will decide the outcome of Pakistan is for its people to pave way for its success or failure. We never had the need of CPEC or any other corridor in first place. If needed we will join with South Eastern part of China through our land route bypassing Burma Thailand and other countries.
Fair enough!! I don't see CPEC to be a great alternative for India to trade with China and Pakistan won't let India connect to Kabul through land route either. I think this is just a political stunt. CPEC is great for Pakistan and its economic development and Pakistan will fare great without Indian involvement which was never a concern either in planning or execution of the project.
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