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India severely lags behind China in terms of infrastructure: Defence Report

May I remind you not too long ago in 1960's your country had to undergo "great leap forward" in the name of change which resulted in innumerable deaths (some estimate run into 45 million people) by coercion and systematic state violence. Your govt. under Mao started introducing reforms after much upheaval in your rural communities. If those people had rights and had the freedom to voice their displeasure without retribution all those deaths could have been avoided.

The death from Great Leap Forward was due to the great famine. The death toll of 45 million is grossly off the mark. The coercion and state violence you referred to was Culture Revolution, but it went horribly wrong mainly due to the Gang of Four - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's easy to criticize Mao and the lack of rights, but Mao improved literacy to 90%, improve life expectancy, built up china industrial base, science and technology education, China became a thermonuclear power with ICBM capability, though his economic plan was a failure, overall he made China stronger than it was 50 years ago.

Comparably, India with its democracy and rights, the country didn't do as well. The poor were poorer, death from malnutrition and sanitary problems much higher. Even today, India literacy rate still fall behind China during Mao's era.

The West had painted Mao into a bigger monster than he really was.
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We all know it. :D

They wasted time in preparing this report. ;)
The death from Great Leap Forward was due to the great famine. The death toll of 45 million is grossly off the mark. The coercion and state violence you referred to was Culture Revolution, but it went horribly wrong mainly due to the Gang of Four - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's easy to criticize Mao and the lack of rights, but Mao improved literacy to 90%, improve life expectancy, built up china industrial base, science and technology education, China became a thermonuclear power with ICBM capability, though his economic plan was a failure, overall he made China stronger than it was 50 years ago.

Comparably, India with its democracy and rights, the country didn't do as well. The poor were poorer, death from malnutrition and sanitary problems much higher. Even today, India literacy rate still fall behind China during Mao's era.

The West had painted Mao into a bigger monster than he really was.

No, I disagree with your assessment because I am not blinded by your sycophant attitude towards your leaders. He was a mass murderer of epic proportion and during his short reign he contributed to millions of deaths during great leap forward and then subsequent cultural revolution.
No, I disagree with your assessment because I am not blinded by your sycophant attitude towards your leaders. He was a mass murderer of epic proportion and during his short reign he contributed to millions of deaths during great leap forward and then subsequent cultural revolution.

Mao saved tons of lives. Had China not developed nukes under Mao, China and America would have had war by now, killing millions of both countries. :yes4:
Mao saved tons of lives. Had China not developed nukes under Mao, China and America would have had war by now, killing millions of both countries. :yes4:

Spit on the West; live in the West. Orientals are a funny lot.
Freedom is not synonyms to India, this just shows how much you are obsessed with India.

No one in my Country is "obsessed" with india or indians
We take it and you as symbols of backwardness in almost everything: personal hygiene, huge electricity; water and sewage problems, poverty, rape culture, torture of women. loud braggers ..the bottomers of PISA tests, the no-flaggers in Olympic opening ceremony Sochi

We have more important things to do while indian politicians and the media have been targetting China to compare with their own woes - like the one in the OP

Now who is obssessed with whom?

And I bet most poor people in china ( and the world) could take India any day over China.
National Food Security Bill, 2013
rice at INR3 (4.8¢ US) per kg
wheat at INR2 (3.2¢ US) per kg
coarse grains (millet) at INR1 (1.6¢ US) per kg.
Quote me any country in the world with these kind of prices, if not dont bother.

And still you have nearly 2 million kids (just at the 5-year-old or under ALONE) who die out of malnourishment each year

And massive tonnages of grains harvested are left in the open to rot or to feed the rodents!

In August last year your submarine was exploded
The dead are still contained in the sunken body of the submarine
Half a year has gone! What has india done to those deceased bodies whose souls are still trapped inside the hull - completely unfreed? And for the aggrieved families and friends?
So? That was not the question, why do Indians feel the need to remind me of this? I know about it and I didn't compare India with China, and btw, the kind of government that China has can go both ways, hence it's volatility and undesirability. But it has turned the corner in early late 70s. It can go both ways.

Democracy is suppose to provide stability and consistency, yet, it hasn't.

My question is would a poor man be able to voice those concerns? India lives in abject poverty, that's a fact that no one would argue, I know the poverty index, but let me say that the Indian amount or even global amount is extremely low and you are alive rather than living.

But if you must compare, let's do that then, but I will only do so in relation to my original question, not beyond.

By comfortable living standard, China has more or less three hundred million, India is lucky to see a quarter of that.

So let's compare the voice. I will list FACTS, RATHER THAN OPINIONS.

China has voiced mass concerns with corruption, India also has corruption, whether it is worse is debatable, but it's close let's leave it at that.

Result, Chinese punished more than 182000 officials in 2013 alone.

China Punishes More Than 182,000 Corrupt Officials

India, no numbers, but I would assume not as much, I don't like to assume, but if it was a high number it be news, especially India, crazy media(not a praise or derogatory term, they report literally everything).

So China takes Corruption more seriously, not because the leadership don't like each other, it's actually dangerous to themselves, but they must for public opinion, yet India is the one that's suppose to care more.

2) Environmental concerns.


Environment: Browner, but greener | The Economist
China sets new world record for solar installations | Jennifer Duggan | Environment | theguardian.com
China says gets tough on polluters, nixes projects worth $19.5 billion| Reuters
In China’s war on bad air, government decision to release data gives fresh hope | NEWS.GNOM.ES

India (not as bad, but still high on the list)
India ranked 155th in global environment performance list - Economic Times

As you can see, Indians didn't react to environment as we have.

I could go on, health care, transportation, quality of life, economic reforms, education, and tons of other things that places China high up in living standards, and other indexes. But I'm bored and busy.

So is India really performing to it's potential? And ask yourself this, if Indians were better paid and better educated, would India not be more fair and comfortable regardless of political system? As long as it's not some crazy NK, or Nazi system.

I didn't want to do this post, but since it has come to this head to head, why not, authoritarian vs democracy, two contrasting systems, two contrasting people, two contrasting results.

We had our share of authoritarian rulers in our history. You yourself admit that being authoritarian it can go both ways. I was just pointing a phase in your history just how bad it went and these deaths could have been avoided.

We did not go through a violent phase of this proportion even though we had emergency for a brief period when our voices were muted. We subsequently booted the govt. who imposed these draconian measures.

Regarding the economic growth miracle that China has achieved under such a short period under authoritarian govt. then all I can say is that you were fortunate to have leaders who were willing to change and adapt to new realities and communism you follow is not the soviet style any more and it resembles more a capitalistic framework. There are lot of lapses that are being brushed under the carpet. As you move towards more people empowerment you will see the beauty of democratic set up and you can ask for more accountability and maybe even democracy.

Mao saved tons of lives. Had China not developed nukes under Mao, China and America would have had war by now, killing millions of both countries. :yes4:

Lets not go into what may have happened. Soviet Union is no more even though they had thousands of nukes in their arsenal.
No one in my Country is "obsessed" with india or indians
We take it and you as symbols of backwardness in almost everything: personal hygiene, huge electricity; water and sewage problems, poverty, rape culture, torture of women. loud braggers ..the bottomers of PISA tests, the no-flaggers in Olympic opening ceremony Sochi

We have more important things to do while indian politicians and the media have been targetting China to compare with their own woes - like the one in the OP

Now who is obssessed with whom?

And still you have nearly 2 million kids (just at the 5-year-old or under ALONE) who die out of malnourishment each year

And massive tonnages of grains harvested are left in the open to rot or to feed the rodents!

In August last year your submarine was exploded
The dead are still contained in the sunken body of the submarine
Half a year has gone! What has india done to those deceased bodies whose souls are still trapped inside the hull - completely unfreed? And for the aggrieved families and friends?
Read my post #67 #75,
I am not going to explain why those grains are not pumped into the market by government, you will have to find that out on your own. No sane gov. of any country who's economy depends on agriculture will do that.
How did we get to submarines? :unsure:
Serious work on troupe mobilisation capabilities have to be done by the next govt and done fast.... Increasing missile counts aint going to help if we dont have infrastructure to deploy it.... Though work has started in NE states, the rate of doing the job is painstakingly slow....

On the sidenote I remembered something on democracy said by his excellency Admiral General Aladeen in The Dictator

" Democracy, has hairy armpits and could lose five pounds. Democracy looks like a midget in a chemo wig. Democracy, your mother called the other day and I forgot to give you the message, it was something very important about your grandmother. Democracy kisses you when she wants to, not because her father is in the next room chained to a radiator with electrodes attached to his nibbles. Democracy is flawed, she is not perfect but Democracy i love you"

The Dictator (2012 film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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