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Featured India Setting Up A New Complex To Develop A 110 kN Fighter Jet Engine

For all of WS-10’s faults it has equipped J-11B/J-16 in hundreds and are equipped on the latest batches of J-10C/J-20. Indians laughing at Chinese aircraft engines is like a eunuch mocking someone’s cock is too small.
Can someone name the engine that Pakistan is trying to make?
you, guys, are hilarious. Each of you is calling the other an idiot for not being able to do something you can't do.

btw I also can't make a 100cc engine nor a jet engine so all of you must be idiots. :))
This is great example of incompleteness.

If We are not capable than criticize to others.
Are you talking about incompetence or incompleteness?

Btw Tejas,Arjun,Kaveri,Insas and those boffors which exploded tell story of indian competence...

And we know we can't make Jet engines thats why we asked Russia to do it for us.. RD93MA is on its way for Block 3 of JF17...
Depends how you think and approach....

Till now Pakistan never tried to make anything and still buying or purchasing the OEM Military products. And, will purchase even after 100s of year if the approach will not be changed.

I hope, you will understand what i said... Thanks
Lmao Pakistan never tried to make anything ? In 1973 we setup a refub factory for maintained which grew to Kamra complex for maintenence and manufacturing then Kamra Aviation City was built to not only maintain, manufacture but also designing future projects... but still Pakistan never tried isn't it ? From Mushak to Super Mushak then K8 and JF17 now AZM we have done a lot... this is just air force bit... Army and navy has done its own stuff and most importantly we have got the base for self reliance even if we collaborated with others what did india do ? Insas rifle ee dekh lo
Sorry, I am not agree and never can be.

1st LCA is not failed. Little late but more than enough if I look at our neighbors.

Yes, we are failed on Arjun Tank and Kaveri Engine. However, we got many things including experience, infrastructure etc...

I would give example of Helicopter and ship manufacturing. If we have thought the same way (Pakistan thinks) than we could never be able to make them.

Rest, people are free to troll like fawad chaudhry on chandrayaan 2...... We don't mind. Thanks
LCA is a little late ? A jet meant for 2000s has been battle ready in 2019 🤣 19 years is a little late right ? Insas Bofors and many more gave you people experience of being sh*t at making stuff... as for Pakistan we started with help of others but now are making ourselves unlike india we learnt to crawl before we walked and walked before we ran
Propaganda video..

PLA never releases any english language commentary !! Only when they need to lie to the world, they use english ..
Yes, a live demonstration in front of the world is propoganda :lol: We should just listen to indians who have the power of cow piss and invented internet 90000 years ago
Lets face it. You guys can neither make a moped engine nor even a movie about it. Thats why you are so jealous of bollywood. Because your own family member watch Bollywood movies while you curse Bollywood :haha: :rofl: :lol:.
To be fair you can’t make a moped engine either and you have 10 times the population
People are unable to make a 100 cc engine of their own and some others steal our bike technology. So relax. Kaveri is a good engine but not contemporary. We want to make it an engine at par with best. That is the chellenge what we have accepted and we shall overcome it like we overcame other technological chellenges.
if Kaveri is a good engine how come it hasn’t even flown yet after 40 years development?
if Kaveri is a good engine how come it hasn’t even flown yet after 40 years development?

Its a good engine but it felt short of required thrust. So yes good but useless. For a 1st try its very good. Thats why drdo is getting money cause they have something to show to present their case.
Next 1 will take. Fewer years as infra is developed and will get developed further like test bed aircraft , facilities.
So yea its a step in right direction.
Its a good engine but it felt short of required thrust. So yes good but useless. For a 1st try its very good. Thats why drdo is getting money cause they have something to show to present their case.
Next 1 will take. Fewer years as infra is developed and will get developed further like test bed aircraft , facilities.
So yea its a step in right direction.
If it doesn’t meet design requirements and hasn’t got past initial testing how can you call it a good engine? If the ws 10 didn’t reach design requirements or got past testing then you indians would call it a complete failure. Why do you Indians need to be treated like special needs children and be patted on the head despite the Kaveri being an epic failure?
It might end up being a RR engine with Indian paint job
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