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India selects IAI/Elta Systems radar and EW suite for Tejas LCA Mk 1A

India selects IAI/Elta Systems radar and EW suite for Tejas LCA Mk 1A
Rahul Bedi, New Delhi - Jane's Defence Weekly
10 December 2018

India's state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has signed a deal with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)/Elta Systems for 83 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars and an equal number of electronic warfare (EW) suites to be fitted onto the Mk 1A variant of the indigenously developed Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA).

Industry sources told Jane's that the deal for ELM-2052 fire control radars and pod-mounted ELL-8222WB (wide band) self-protection jamming pods was "quietly" signed in late October after IAI/Elta emerged as the lowest bidder for the two compatible systems.

The IAI/Elta products were selected over systems fielded by rivals Thales and Saab, which had also responded to HAL's December 2016 request for quotation for AESA radars and EW suites.
India's state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has signed a deal with Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI)/Elta Systems for 83 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars and an equal number of electronic warfare (EW) suites to be fitted onto the Mk 1A variant of the indigenously developed Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA).

Industry sources told Jane's that the deal for ELM-2052 fire control radars and pod-mounted ELL-8222WB (wide band) self-protection jamming pods was "quietly" signed in late October after IAI/Elta emerged as the lowest bidder for the two compatible systems.

The IAI/Elta products were selected over systems fielded by rivals Thales and Saab, which had also responded to HAL's December 2016 request for quotation for AESA radars and EW suites.

Its always easy to low ball a contract bid when uncle sams taxpayers are subsidizing your arms industry[lol]
What ever would ziostan do without uncle sam.

Indigenously made in israel
With all of the technology and funding for it provided free of charge courtesy of the usa:azn:
Does that mean Uttam is better than 2052?
I doubt. Because not much is known about uttam. Also it's first attempt so there will be many issues.

Its always easy to low ball a contract bid when uncle sams taxpayers are subsidizing your arms industry[lol]
What ever would ziostan do without uncle sam.

With all of the technology and funding for it provided free of charge courtesy of the usa:azn:
The world is a fcked up plaCe. Find way to enjoys it till it lasts.
I was seriously expecting Uttam AESA to go into MK1A. Does anybody have any information about when Uttam is expected to clear trials?

Never the intention. UTTAM is a DRDO program for Tejas Mark 2.

MK1A is HAL's baby, using the IP given by DRDO to retrofit AESA, refuel probe, jammer, etc. quickly on to Mark 1's platform. HAL got IAF to order 83 of these models, it's good the sub-systems are being ordered.
Never the intention. UTTAM is a DRDO program for Tejas Mark 2.

MK1A is HAL's baby, using the IP given by DRDO to retrofit AESA, refuel probe, jammer, etc. quickly on to Mark 1's platform. HAL got IAF to order 83 of these models, it's good the sub-systems are being ordered.
To indians excuaes are like on the terminator movie.....which one should i pick today
Cow piss on a Radar? Is that some kind of Pakistani Invention? :cheesy:

Try making something, probably then you may understand what Indigenous is. At least we have ongoing researches on a working Engine and AESA Radar if not operational. What have you guys got working that your criticize others? I wouldn't really mind if it were Russia or US or even China because they have already achieved. What have you guys got?

Try making somthing probably then u will understand what indigenous is.

Right back at you...jahil indian thatd why no country in the world uses that tern even when then make a spade because in todays world its impossible

Well, no, this is a fact.
Its a fact tejas is nowherr near indigenous and its a fact you lot are phd in excuses....its a fact indian can never tell tge truth
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