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India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

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well put your best pilots in rafale and ef and send them up in a mock dog fight and which ever planes wins will join the iaf

It doesn't make sense as in A2A EFT is marginally better than Rafale.

Its only in A2G and consequently in Omni-role capabilities that Rafale wins.
It doesn't make sense as in A2A EFT is marginally better than Rafale.

Its only in A2G and consequently in Omni-role capabilities that Rafale wins.

well thats true in a2a ef is slightly better but still if there are any doubts this tactic can very well be done
Rafale has been evaluated and rejected by many Air Forces of the world, seeing is believing. By the time these planes get in IAF in about years of time, Pakistan would have stepped forward.

No one said that, its up to you to believe it, half congratz to India.
Rafale will show you as a bad deal in future when its shot down. Its already been evaluated by Pakistan including EFs.

Hehe....Four countries partnership, I dont even know who will fund teh upgrades in future. and what upgrades are coming by the way?
Many things like more powerful TVC engines, high power microwave, electronic attack and cyber warfare. lol

BTW four country partnership is important because forget Italy and Spain Germany and UK have many technologies better than France. EFT inducted in much larger number than Rafale. Many country bought it.

ok, that is secondary...According to IAF's requirements, Rafale is 10 times better than EF, like others and I have told here, if we want to integrate A2G we will have to pay for it, another millions on billions, doesnt sound good to me. IAF will still go for lowest bidder, I can guarantee that.

hehe my source tells me EFT is 20 times better than Rafale. Better radar, better engines, supercruise, better avionics and sensors.
You want us to sell an aircraft which only the puppies of US buy and for which we have to sign endless **MAs like EUMA,CISMOA,CEMA,REEMA,KAREEMA etc and for which we have to hitch our wagons permanently with the US wagon to ensure reliable supply of spares and not face sanctions ?



are you not buying other US puppies only - those puppies are quite a few in number btw ? Regardless of not choosing F 18 - fair enough - but US technology is also superior in many cases hence other military aircrafts have been chosen by MOD

India is also investing on 4.5 gen aircraft when 5th gen is really where it is at in the next decade(s)... there is a legitimate argument considering the price of these aircrafts that F 18 was the cheapest and had a pretty big bang for the buck - and to concentrate on spending the bigger buck on 5th gen acquisitions. I'm sure the MOD is capable of negotiating a TOT suits them. I'm baffled w/ you comment because you have several military aircrafts that have been negotiated for India... this is not one off ( transport aircrafts, helicopters, Naval recon aircrafts)
well put your best pilots in rafale and ef and send them up in a mock dog fight and which ever planes wins will join the iaf

Why not Rafale with RBE-2 Aesa + Mica+ Meteor...deadly...
A very Interesting Point of view from BR (Rakesh - Webmaster). All credits to him

Why news about Rafale being kicked out made rounds ? Why Rafale executive was sacked ?

If the news about the down select is true, then the IAF prefered the Rafale and the Eurofighter once the technical trials were completed (probably earlier, but cannot be confirmed with any certainty). This must have riled the other vendors and false news was leaked about the Rafale being booted out of the competition. Now when taken at face value, this has NO bearing on the competition itself but might give the vendors an idea of who is in and who is not based on how the MoD responds. If this was just internet chatter or DDM reporting, the MoD would not intervened and stated that the Rafale is still very much in the running. But they did indeed respond and it takes a lot to happen for the MoD/GoI to clarify anything, especially in a competition of this importance.

Now on to Posina V Rao - India's Dassault Exec, think if it was the Gripen that bribed Wing Commander Thakur for a prime spot @ Aero India or if it was the MiG-35 that did the dirty deed? Do you think the IAF would have reacted in the manner it did if these aircraft were never part of the downselect? They declared P V Rao persona non grata for crying out loud - the man cannot even enter the hallowed halls of the IAF HQ in New Delhi! The IAF played it very safe because they knew what would happen otherwise - the official booting out of Dassault from the competition. And they could miss a golden opportunity to get an aircraft that got top marks from their evaluators.

When I say piece the puzzle together (I should have better worded it) what I meant was see the power play and struggle that is going on among the vendors and the extreme lengths that the IAF is going to ensure they get what they want. Sorry again.
with continuously decreasing number of aircrafts in IAF and hopefully retiring MIG-21s,how much would be actual number of MMRCA we would buy?
and isn't it stupid for IAF to only buy 18 jets off the shelf and building other in india??...i mean it would take us years to build them if we consider our current rate of production and available assembly plants..
Guys if you go to YouTube and type "future dogfight" you can see a very interesting video. What is interesting is they illustrate a hypothetic dogfight of the F-22 VS the SU-30MKI, note the MK"I" specifically, I find this odd as India is the ONLY country that operates the MKI so do (this is made by History channel and doesn't represent views of US govt) they expect to go to war with India by 2016? What is also interesting is that in the formation of MKIs is the Rafele and this program was made 4 years age! Pure luck or do these guys know more than we do??
Guys if you go to YouTube and type "future dogfight" you can see a very interesting video. What is interesting is they illustrate a hypothetic dogfight of the F-22 VS the SU-30MKI, note the MK"I" specifically, I find this odd as India is the ONLY country that operates the MKI so do (this is made by History channel and doesn't represent views of US govt) they expect to go to war with India by 2016? What is also interesting is that in the formation of MKIs is the Rafele and this program was made 4 years age! Pure luck or do these guys know more than we do??

u lifted that straight out of the forum... huh .. give credit ...
are you not buying other US puppies only - those puppies are quite a few in number btw ? Regardless of not choosing F 18 - fair enough - but US technology is also superior in many cases hence other military aircrafts have been chosen by MOD

India is also investing on 4.5 gen aircraft when 5th gen is really where it is at in the next decade(s)... there is a legitimate argument considering the price of these aircrafts that F 18 was the cheapest and had a pretty big bang for the buck - and to concentrate on spending the bigger buck on 5th gen acquisitions. I'm sure the MOD is capable of negotiating a TOT suits them. I'm baffled w/ you comment because you have several military aircrafts that have been negotiated for India... this is not one off ( transport aircrafts, helicopters, Naval recon aircrafts)

I myself am a big fan of F18 and I think it was well suited for the roles in MRCA....but I think MoD is looking for additional benefits with any bird tha they choose for which the contest has narrowed down to EF and rafale...these two birds are not only good, but also gives full ToT and other benefits like partnership.etc.

BTW am not sure of the price thing...
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