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India selects EF, Rafale for MMRCA shortlist

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Eurofighter Typhoon frontrunner to bag the $11 billion Indian Air Force Multi-Role Combat Aircraft contract - The Economic Times

LONDON: Eurofighter Typhoon is the front-runner for the USD 11 billion contract Indian Air Force Multi-Role Combat Aircraft deal, a senior official of the BAE Systems has said indicating that if the contract goes through a part of fighter manufacturing would be off loaded to India.

"The negotiation for crucial commercial terms will begin next month," Michael Christie , Senior Vice President, BAE Systems India told a group of visiting journalists at BAE Systems' production centre at Warton, Lancashire, in UK yesterday.

India had short-listed French Dassault Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets for the project to acquire 126 fighters, while rejecting American Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet, Lockheed Martin F-16, Sweden's Gripen and Russian MiG-35 fighters.

Dassault and Europefighter have been asked by the Ministry of Defence to extend the offer validity.

"If Typhoon is chosen, the order for the contract will be firmed up in the first quarter of next year and "delivery of aircraft will begin in 2015," Christie indicated.

According to Christie, Typhoon is a generation ahead of Chinese aircraft J10 Thunder.

"China also unveiled a proto-type of J20. But typhoon is one of the most advanced aircraft, The missile capability of the aircraft and radar capability are of a different level," he said.

It is built by a four-nation European consortium - Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain - with Britain and Germany having 33 per cent stake each.

Answering a question on indigenisation of HAWK, Christie said "The indigenisation programme is very successful".

India had contracted to receive 66 HAWK - 26 built in the UK and 42 under licence by HAL in Bengaluru under a 1 billion pound agreement and the contract was widened by New Delhi to purchase 57 more HAWKs under licence production.

Today, the Indian Tricolour is flying proudly outside the BAE Warton production centre, along with the British flag, thanks to the massive Indian order, which is keeping the company going.

Christie said that India is keen to have 70 per cent of the Typhoon to be produced in India and the 30 per cent in the UK.

BAE is keen to make India a partner of the Consortium, Christie said.

Asked whether India could export HAWK, Christie said, the existing agreement does not allow it.

"We are in discussion to find how we can do that". Christie said, adding, "Typhoon has taken us to the next generation of aircraft".

"If India were to finalise the agreement for Typhoon, it will be produced in Bengaluru. They will have to create new space for it in Bengaluru", he said.

EFT.................. Jai ho.
For me it's all about shooting Pakistan jets that have nuke missiles before they enter India airspace and for that I chose EF as it's better in A2A combat.
For me it's all about shooting Pakistan jets that have nuke missiles before they enter India airspace and for that I chose EF as it's better in A2A combat.

Isnt MKI's with adder, archer and novator better suited for that role?:what:
LONDON: Eurofighter Typhoon is the front-runner for the USD 11 billion contract Indian Air Force Multi-Role Combat Aircraft deal, a senior official of the BAE Systems has said indicating that if the contract goes through a part of fighter manufacturing would be off loaded to India.

Christie said that India is keen to have 70 per cent of the Typhoon to be produced in India and the 30 per cent in the UK.

BAE is keen to make India a partner of the Consortium, Christie said.


it says all....
Good for India finish the deal already please, though i would miss the FRENCH they are pretty awesome. But where do EF defeat DR ? There are not much difference in capability i hope both have their fare share of advantage but price and TT will pay a major role, This TT is where India will really gain more.
For me it's all about shooting Pakistan jets that have nuke missiles before they enter India airspace and for that I chose EF as it's better in A2A combat.

Which will be difficult when most of them are stationed as planed at the north eastern borders. Let alone that there is hardly a reason why Rafale would not be able to shoot these fighters down.

it says all....
Not all, but something. That they want to reduce the production costs by outsourcing to India, which is nothing special, because any vendor has offered that. The 70% btw is aimed on the licence production of the Indian order and not what ammount for foreign orders would be produced in India, which is a good ammount, but more interesting would be, when this ammount is achieved, because that won't be the case from fighter no 1.
There were similar issues in the competition in Brazil, where Saab was only able to divert major ammounts of the production by the end of the order of 36 fighters and that although Brazilian industry is said to get participation in the Gripen NG development. Dassault was ahead in that area, while Boeing possibly be far behind these Europeans, because they will produce more parts in the US.
MMRCA, French ambassador interview

May 18th, the Hindu is publishing an Interview of Jerome Bonnafont, French Ambassador in India. The French public servant's answers to the Indian Journalist about the ongoing MMRCA contest are very elusive and in line with the usual French behaviour about the India competition for 3 years : The less we talk, the better it is.

Indu : In the joint statement, it was mentioned that the contract for the much-delayed upgrade of the Indian Air Force's Mirage-2000 aircraft would be inked soon. It's five months since.

J.B : Commercial negotiations are always long; there are so many things to agree upon. It's very complex. It has to go through many processes, so it takes time. But we're hopeful it'll be completed soon.

Indu : In a major step in the Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) procurement process, India has shortlisted from six contenders the French Dassault Rafale and Eurofighter Typhoon, asking them to renew their commercial bids. The process has had many twists and turns from the time the Request for Proposal went out with speculative stories doing the rounds, MMRCA files going for jaunts and the like. How do you view the latest development?

J.B : At this stage, I'll be extremely sober and quick in my answer. Rafale is an exceptional plane which is in operation in many significant fields of operation showing its performance there. We're very satisfied that it is allowed to continue in the race. The French government is giving 100 per cent support to Dassault and for the continuation of its discussions with the Government of India.

Indu : Is there a Navy angle to the MMRCA competition? While Rafale boasts a naval variant, the Typhoon naval version is under development. Would there be a French pitch if the Indian Navy sought to buy a new carrier-borne fighter?

J.B : I'm not going to elaborate on that.

Comment of the blogger:

This last cursory reply alone tells a lot about how cautious (paranoiac ?) the French are regarding the MMRCA. Yet, Everybody will have understood that the "Navy angle of the MMRCA" will most likely play a significant role in the indian final choice. Similarly, EADS strong advertising for its Typhoon N at the last aero India air show was certainly not innocent...

Rafale News: MMRCA, French ambassador interview
I hope Rafale is selected...EF is alreaddy way too expensive, plus we need a separate infrastructure and training and we also have no idea how expensive will be to maintain this european fighter...
On the other hand Rafale because of its close proximity to mirage is cheaper and need less investment on infrastructure and training and we know how to deal with with French....
I have a feel like EF will be the winner as french has already got an order for 6 submarines and mirage upgrades.
Same as US will be getting an order of another 5-7 C17.

So, this one will be for Europe.
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