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India seeks transit from Pakistan to supply wheat to Afghanistan

True. Asking Pakistan for transit is like asking Pakistan to shoot itself in the foot. GoI should look at alternatives.

Pakistan will be idiot to provide cheap transit to competitor (on top of that enemy) and let her destroy market with subsidized products. On top of that there are high probability of these products ending up in Pakistan instead of reaching Afghanistan which will destroy local market as well. The same route will be used to smuggle opium (Afghan's premium product) and will engulf Punjab (Currently Karachi is already hit very hard because of Afghan route). RAW will use this easy route to provide arms to terrorists. So, Pakistan is loser from every aspects.
Pakistan will be idiot to provide cheap transit to competitor (on top of that enemy) and let her destroy market with subsidized products. On top of that there are high probability of these products ending up in Pakistan instead of reaching Afghanistan which will destroy local market as well. The same route will be used to smuggle opium (Afghan's premium product) and will engulf Punjab (Currently Karachi is already hit very hard because of Afghan route). RAW will use this easy route to provide arms to terrorists. So, Pakistan is loser from every aspects.
Please let us send the food keeping humanitarian aspects in mind.

i am hopeful that PM Nawaz will allow us this opportunity :)
He would he'a business friendly you know :)

Pakistan will be idiot to provide cheap transit to competitor (on top of that enemy) and let her destroy market with subsidized products. On top of that there are high probability of these products ending up in Pakistan instead of reaching Afghanistan which will destroy local market as well. The same route will be used to smuggle opium (Afghan's premium product) and will engulf Punjab (Currently Karachi is already hit very hard because of Afghan route). RAW will use this easy route to provide arms to terrorists. So, Pakistan is loser from every aspects.
Thats a gud analysis looks like someone was thinking about some long term business :)

Please let us send the food keeping humanitarian aspects in mind.

Yep join us in the making of our own silk trade route,friendly business would benifit one and all :)
Please let us send the food keeping humanitarian aspects in mind.


Wheat have longer life can be shipped via Iran. We will not allow Cheap Hindu Wheat which as per article Bemaar as well pass through and take risk of destroying our crops. :pop:
dont worry,,,,Nawaz apna aadmi hae,,,,he'll sort it out;)

He himself have stakes in floor mills :pop:

the subsidy is only an allegation by mills lobby.. right?

No - Your govt. give heavy subsidies to farmers only additional subsidy is questionable, but based on Indian interests to capture market that can be true as well.
Hmm,they would lobby hard for this request to be rejected.Shipping to Iran is the only way India can connect with Afghanistan.

Iran route would be expensive, which nullifies your low cost point advantage. Like i said, there is the GT Road that goes from Lahore to Peshawar (IndoPak border to Pak-Afghan Border), and then the high speed motorways. On the motorway, your journey by car is about 6 hours. So it is the direct and cheapest way to transport anything from India to Afghanistan. Iranian route is good alternative when you don't have anything in the first place. But it can never beat overland Pakistan.

Secondly, you have to ship goods to Iran, get them cleared and put on the road/rail. Please do a calculation on how long the railways/roads are in the region, not to mention they pass through and will pass through the wild Afghan taliban infested lands.
He himself have stakes in floor mills :pop:

No - Your govt. give heavy subsidies to farms.
hmm... well then it does make sense to stop import to pakistan... but are there not any international laws related to transit to landlocked countries?
i am hopeful that PM Nawaz will allow us this opportunity :)

If he can make a few hundred millions, i don't see why he wouldn't. But how would it be done? Would Indian registered lorries be allowed to ply on Pakistan's highways/motorways, which pass right through sensitive areas? Pakistan Army wouldn't allow this, and neither would any citizen of Pakistan (other than greedy business owners). The best solution is:
1-Agree on transit fees and what can be transported
2-Expand facilities at Wagha/Atari so customs and intelligence can check each truck load what it is carrying.
3-Pay the appropriate tolls.
4-Transfer goods from Indian vehicles to Pakistani ones, like it is done now.
hmm... well then it does make sense to stop import to pakistan... but are there not any international laws related to transit to landlocked countries?

Pakistan is not only neighbor of Afghanistan, Iran is there also Northern route. So, i don't think you can invoke any laws against Pakistan.
Iran route would be expensive, which nullifies your low cost point advantage. Like i said, there is the GT Road that goes from Lahore to Peshawar (IndoPak border to Pak-Afghan Border), and then the high speed motorways. On the motorway, your journey by car is about 6 hours. So it is the direct and cheapest way to transport anything from India to Afghanistan. Iranian route is good alternative when you don't have anything in the first place. But it can never beat overland Pakistan.

Secondly, you have to ship goods to Iran, get them cleared and put on the road/rail. Please do a calculation on how long the railways/roads are in the region, not to mention they pass through and will pass through the wild Afghan taliban infested lands.
Agreed,most probably, cost advantage would be lost if transported via Iran no wonder GoI asked pakistan to let it transport goods through its land.You guys have an advantage and like it or not it's quite difficult for India to trade with central Asia if Pakistan blocks any kind of trade through pakistan.
Agreed,most probably, cost advantage would be lost if transported via Iran no wonder GoI asked pakistan to let India transport through its land.You guys have an advantage and like it or not it's quite difficult for India to trade with central Asia if Pakistan blocks any kind of trade through pakistan.

Precisely. All this Chahbar port/railways/highways is 10-15 years into the future, if you ever get there. The problem with central asia is that you need to go through Afghanistan which is unstable, or through narrow strip of Afghan land (Wakhan Corridor) from Pakistan to Tajikistan and then beyond. You can do sea trade with Iran but then you still have to travel up north in to Afghanistan/Turkmenistan
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