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India Scrambles to Escape a Coronavirus Crisis. So Far, It’s Working - NY Times


May 9, 2019
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Fears are growing about what happens if community transmission takes off in the crowded areas of the world’s second-most-populous nation.


A park in Lucknow, India, on Sunday. Restaurants in large cities might be a little more deserted, but many people are still going out.Credit...Saumya Khandelwal for The New York Times

By Jeffrey Gettleman, Suhasini Raj, Karan Deep Singh and Kai Schultz

  • March 17, 2020Updated 12:59 p.m. ET

NEW DELHI — Over the weekend in Lucknow, one of India’s bigger cities, young people packed into pubs. Despite the Indian government scrambling to lock things down, few on the bar scene were taking the coronavirus very seriously.

“I am not scared. I eat, party, sleep,’’ said Akshay Gupta, an accountant who was bar hopping on Saturday night. “The scare is overhyped.”

India has reported around 125 cases of the coronavirus, and it is a bit of a mystery how the world’s second-most-populous nation, with 1.3 billion people, has remained relatively unscathed while the number of cases explodes to its east and west. That has spawned a sense of almost disbelief about the crisis in some quarters.

The latest on the coronavirus pandemic.

Doctors say it is either that there are many more cases in India than have been detected, because of the difficulties of getting tested, or that India has indeed managed to so far escape the worst, possibly because of quick and strict efforts right from the start.

In Kerala, in the south, the authorities used GPS technology, CCTV footage and mobile phone records to trace the movements of one Indian family believed to be among the first infected here. They returned from Italy in late February, and within days, medical teams fanned out to all the places they had visited including banks, restaurants and churches and quickly quarantined just about everyone they had come in contact with — nearly 1,000 people.

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India was also one of the first nations to essentially shut its borders, canceling visas and denying entry to all but a select few foreigners. Some states, such as Kerala, are beginning to beef up internal borders, taking the temperature of passengers in cars and screening people on trains.


Temperature checks at the Bombay Stock Exchange in Mumbai on Monday.Credit...Rafiq Maqbool/Associated Press
Still, the containment measures have been imperfect and fear has started to spread.

In the state of Maharashtra, which has recorded the most cases in India, at least 15 people escaped from two hospitals, according to officials and Indian news outlets. Most of the patients have been found and returned to quarantine. Dr. Devendra Paturkar, a medical official in the city of Nagpur, said four patients who fled a hospital there have since tested negative for the coronavirus.

So far most if not all of India’s coronavirus cases have come from travelers — an Italian tour group visiting Rajasthan single-handedly spread many of the cases. But public health experts fear what will happen if community transmission begins to take off, especially in packed urban areas with poor sanitation and where so many people live face to face.

The Latest on the Spread of the Virus

“The challenge of a large country like India with overcrowding is that some people will always slip the net, wherever you put it,’’ said Dipanjan Roy, an Indian epidemiologist who has worked for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization.

He also worried about what he called the “let’s wait till tomorrow” attitude. Indian health officials should have put harsher quarantines into effect in February, he said.

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“That month cost them,’’ Dr. Roy said.

But he and other doctors said India offered certain advantages, including a decent track record containing flu epidemics and the fact that India is the one of the world’s largest producers of generic drugs.

Antibiotics are often dispensed here without prescriptions, worrying some medical professionals. But in a situation like this, experts said it might help: Many of the people dying from the coronavirus succumb to secondary infections, and some of those can be treated with antibiotics.

Demographics also work to India’s advantage. The population here is considerably younger than in the countries worst hit, and younger people have a much better chance of coping with the virus. Another possible factor is that India’s weather is warmer — and it is about to get really hot — though that has not been clinically proved to have a major effect.


Wearing masks outside a public park in Lucknow on Sunday.Credit...Saumya Khandelwal for The New York Times
State authorities across India are now ordering the same kind of restrictions as in the worst-hit nations. Schools are shutting. So are swimming pools, gyms, athletic arenas, malls and movie theaters. Weddings and other public gatherings are being banned — though people continue to do them.

On Tuesday, officials closed the Taj Mahal, one of the world’s premier tourist destinations.

In many places it’s life as usual. In New Delhi, the capital, and other large cities like Lucknow, restaurants might be a little more deserted, but many people are still going out. There are still traffic jams, though on Monday traffic was noticeably lighter in Mumbai and commuter trains were largely empty. Online shopping services like Amazon and the digital grocer BigBasket saw a surge in orders as shoppers rushed to stock up on food and supplies without leaving their homes.

Dr. Henk Bekedam, the World Health Organization’s representative in India, said coronavirus cases in the country were all “traceable” and that there was no evidence yet of community transmission or a higher unofficial patient count.

He said India had so far managed to keep cases low by responding fast and aggressively to the coronavirus, and urging people to practice social distancing.

“I have been quite impressed with India,” Dr. Bekedam said. “From the onset they’ve been taking it very seriously.”

The government has tried to get ahead of the rumors — the line from India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, is “Say No to Panic, Say Yes to Precautions.” But some of Mr. Modi’s supporters and even officials in his Bharatiya Janata Party, or B.J.P., are confusing people.



Travelers at the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose International Airport in Kolkata on Monday.Credit...Dibyangshu Sarkar/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Over the weekend, a well-known Hindu nationalist group held a cow urine drinking party, saying that the urine had medicinal properties and drinking it could ward off the coronavirus. A lawmaker in Mr. Modi’s party has uttered similar things, leaving many people wondering if it could be true. Other party leaders continue to hold large rallies, with people flocking in.

Across India, poultry markets are taking a huge hit. Many Indians believe you can catch the coronavirus from eating chicken. Wholesale chicken prices have crashed by over 50 percent as misinformation has circulated on social media that eating chicken or other meat can spread the coronavirus. Various government agencies have issued statements to assure people there is no link between the coronavirus and chicken, but it hasn’t helped.

Testing has also been a problem. Until last week, it was difficult to get tested in India for the coronavirus unless a patient showed symptoms and had traveled abroad or was close to someone who had. While South Korea has tested more than 4,800 people per million and Italy more than 1,000, India has tested around 5 per million.

But government scientists insist that India has scaled up its testing kits from 20,000 in January to now approximately one million, and that the tests are more widely available and can be processed in a few days at a network of more than 50 national labs.

Still, one doctor in Kerala lost her job this month after trying to get a patient tested.

After Dr. Shinu Syamalan, a general medicine practitioner, referred a patient who had a fever and had returned from the Middle East to the government health department, the owner of the private clinic where Dr. Syamalan worked fired her.

“The owner said people would stop coming to my clinic if they knew a coronavirus patient was here. He was very harsh to me,” Dr. Syamalan said.

The state health department refused to take the case seriously, she said, and the patient walked away untested.



Buddha graffiti in Mumbai.Credit...Indranil Mukherjee/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Stupid C**t..

"To The Rest Of The World, You Have No Idea What’s Coming”: Man Lists 6 Stages Italy Has Gone Through"


Not sure he is the one that is stupid here. You expect people to cower in fear and lock themselves up at home? Feel free to do it yourself but don't judge others who are a little braver than you. I have a choice to work from home everyday, but going to office on at least half the days because its more fun with the colleagues.
Not sure he is the one that is stupid here. You expect people to cower in fear and lock themselves up at home? Feel free to do it yourself but don't judge others who are a little braver than you. I have a choice to work from home everyday, but going to office on at least half the days because its more fun with the colleagues.

You misunderstood the context there. I called him stupid because he was bar hopping. What the governments and the experts are suggesting is that avoid unnecessary travels and interactions with people. Going to the office is all well and good. But seriously do you think bar hopping is the stuff you need to be doing atm?

Sh!t, California and Santa Clara are in stage 2. I better preempt stage 3 and stock up and lie low until stage 7 when civilisation is restored.

Well good luck with stocking up :D
You misunderstood the context there. I called him stupid because he was bar hopping. What the governments and the experts are suggesting is that avoid unnecessary travels and interactions with people. Going to the office is all well and good. But seriously do you think bar hopping is the stuff you need to be doing atm?

Well good luck with stocking up :D
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I would say bar hoping is exactly the stuff you need to be doing. Who knows, you might be the one to get infected and die. Fact is that there are thousands of ways you could catch the disease - going to buy groceries, riding the subway etc. If it's so easy to catch, not going to a bar is trivial in terms of safety. A lot of scientists are saying there is no preventing this. UK and Netherlands are making no attempts to stop the virus, encouraging herd immunity. I personally feel there is no stopping this virus, especially in India. Might as well just ignore it and continue living as it is.
Look at the choice of words our filthy adversary uses in such troubled times..This is not a ledership issue..its a mindset issue..i refuse to believe the Indian govt.. had them use such lingo.. its unfortunate we have such a third class enemy to put up with.

Look at the choice of words our filthy adversary uses in such troubled times..This is not a ledership issue..its a mindset issue..i refuse to believe the Indian govt.. had them use such lingo.. its unfortunate we have such a third class enemy to put up with.

View attachment 614869

There is a certain Pakistani member on this forum who is creating a thread for every Indian coronavirus case found and almost celebrating and gloating. That shows that such third class scum are on both sides.
There is a certain Pakistani member on this forum who is creating a thread for every Indian coronavirus case found and almost celebrating and gloating. That shows that such third class scum are on both sides.
i saw his threads..he is sharing the news not making stupid remarks on them that its the end of india or anything like that..and his narrative is that India has much more than reported cases, a thing many Indians agree to..this is different.
i saw his threads..he is sharing the news not making stupid remarks on them that its the end of india or anything like that..and his narrative is that India has much more than reported cases, a thing many Indians agree to..this is different.

The very fact that he considers this a numbers game shows his mentality. He is opening a new thread on each and every new case found. He might not directly be gloating, but it is extremely clear to anyone that he is indeed. As long as Indian cases are more than Pakistan's he is happy. In any case, I don't want to target any member of the forum. My only intention is to show that such people are on both sides of the border.
The very fact that he considers this a numbers game shows his mentality. He is opening a new thread on each and every new case found. He might not directly be gloating, but it is extremely clear to anyone that he is indeed. As long as Indian cases are more than Pakistan's he is happy. In any case, I don't want to target any member of the forum. My only intention is to show that such people are on both sides of the border.
nobody here is wishing india death..your intention to prove such people exist here didnt work..there is no race in cases. india cant race with smaller countries on this nor vice versa. india will be the most populated country by 2025 ,with the habits and health system, it makes sense they would have many cases,if things go bad the most.. these are takeaways of having such a populated nation.
Hey guys,

If i am not wrong, cases on both side are rising but pakistan reported many more cases in last 2 days overtaking india. Thats worrisome for both neighbors
I predict that half of the sub continent's population would be wiped out within the next 18 months. Take your nukes and put them in storage
Might as well just ignore it and continue living as it is.
Wow. Anyways stay safe brother. Do what you have to. You might survive. Maybe the ones you give it to might not.

The very fact that he considers this a numbers game shows his mentality. He is opening a new thread on each and every new case found. He might not directly be gloating, but it is extremely clear to anyone that he is indeed. As long as Indian cases are more than Pakistan's he is happy. In any case, I don't want to target any member of the forum. My only intention is to show that such people are on both sides of the border.
Ignore the retard. All the govts are trying their best. But, it might not be enough.

Keep fighting till you can't fight no more should be the mantra.
I predict that half of the sub continent's population would be wiped out within the next 18 months. Take your nukes and put them in storage

Why so pessimistic? Even the worst estimates of death rate of the virus put it at 4%. So no, even if the worst case is assumed where everyone gets infected, no more than 4% are going to die.
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