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India scared of holding plebiscite: Paresh

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Paresh mama ( he is actually related to me) ,
You have grown old, Assam has changed from when you left it around 30 years ago. At first, ULFA had a lot of support. We thought you were fighting for a noble cause. But after a few years you showed your true colors. No one gona forgive u for countless bombings, shooting & killing inncocent chilren, men women alike. Who the heck are you to decide our future, a leader who stays in the safty of foreign countries letting his commarades die for his own personal vendetta.
I am telling you what the reality is Uncle. Youth of assam are sane & educated, no one really reapect you & your kin. Only one who deserve respect are the ones who lost their lives. If voting happens today, you wont even get 30% votes.

Though I agree ULFA's approach is not the ideal one, but wouldn't you agree with the cause they are fighting for? I mean compare Assam's current situation with that of pre-1947 period, Assam's per capita income was quite higher than India, now it has become less than half of India. Besides, Assam was quite peaceful prior to the partition, there was no ethnic or religious riots but situation drastically changed after 1947. Even if we believe the illegal Bangladeshi immigration had a role here, but then there were also huge influx of Bengali Muslims during the British period in Assam, why didn't the people go against them then?
@jaunty @Jayanta @zootinali @The_Sidewinder @oxomia kela
OT-ULFA is finished

Burha pagol hol. Eta homoi aasil...ULFAk raije bhal paisil....kintu ULFAr pora jonmo puwa SULFA keitai raijor soku khuli dise. Aaji Oxomok swadhin koribo gole....asom miyar dekholoi porinoto hobo. Prothome miya safai obhijan solabo lagibo tar pasot onyo kiba.

Though I agree ULFA's approach is not the ideal one, but wouldn't you agree with the cause they are fighting for? I mean compare Assam's current situation with that of pre-1947 period, Assam's per capita income was quite higher than India, now it has become less than half of India. Besides, Assam was quite peaceful prior to the partition, there was no ethnic or religious riots but situation drastically changed after 1947. Even if we believe the illegal Bangladeshi immigration had a role here, but then there were also huge influx of Bengali Muslims during the British period in Assam, why didn't the people go against them then?

Read your statements again....Assam was peaceful and had no problems with influx of Muslims in the past because back than it was one country...nothing illegal in it. Now that East Pakistan/Bangladesh was created, the Assamese people want you there where you belong. So immigration after 1947 is what people are opposing it....I hope you get it.
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saikia jonu sun noha hol,,,,
o he tar profile to deactivate korile, ban dekhaise.

aru dutamaan asile axomiya.

oi,,,amar ketar majot kunu computer ustad...nai neki,,,,,kiba kibi bemejali koribo pora gol heten forumot:devil:
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Poresh Baura used to play football with my dad, my dad tells he was a good goalkeeper... he must have hit his head on the goal post and went bananas... then he created a club named alfa along with more nutcase like him... few of the nutcases came out of their fantasy world and became well known businessmen too, the rest like poresh pogla never went to a good hospital.... :p
Read your statements again....Assam was peaceful and had no problems with influx of Muslims in the past because back than it was one country...nothing illegal in it. Now that East Pakistan/Bangladesh was created, the Assamese people want you there where you belong. So immigration after 1947 is what people are opposing it....I hope you get it.

I'm talking about the root cause, migrants are usually attacked when the locales consider them a threat to their indigenous culture and lifestyle. Point is, the Assamese people had no problem with Bengali Muslims or Bengalis in general, before 1947, why suddenly they became so much violent against them?
I'm talking about the root cause, migrants are usually attacked when the locales consider them a threat to their indigenous culture and lifestyle. Point is, the Assamese people had no problem with Bengali Muslims or Bengalis in general, before 1947, why suddenly they became so much violent against them?

When you know the answer why ask the questions. The refugees came in 1971, and when Bangladesh was created they were supposed to back...but instead they stayed and kept assisting others to get into the state. And again I am saying what happened before 1947...Bengali Muslims were the citizen of the British India and could travel freely. But one a country is created it is illegal to be in the wrong side of the fence.
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