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India says Iran oil imports not stopped.

India will openly resume buying Iranian oil next month as US official informed India last week that US will issue waivers in August to China and India to buy a limited quantity of oil from Iran.
If India and China have other "pressures" that require them to continue buying Iranian oil. Everybody adapts to the BIG boy's "complaints". I guess i am saying that INdia and China have to buy Iranian oil to keep relations with Iran stable. Iran is the ultimate spoiler. I worry Iran loves to be put down in order to recertify their strength and ability. If India and China dont buy Iranian oil for a while, Iran can threaten their oil in the ME. Btw i am not saying Iran's relationships with India and China are bad or at risk, all im saying is that if India and China stop buying Iranian oil for any long time, that could bring strain those relationships if not resolved. Economic conflicts/disagreement are also war, and in war you have to choose a side. "

My favorite saying of all time: Every choice has an implied rejection"
The purchase will be restricted to an absolute minimum or else US' sanctions will have no affect as both China and India are huge oil importers.
If India and China have other "pressures" that require them to continue buying Iranian oil. Everybody adapts to the BIG boy's "complaints". I guess i am saying that INdia and China have to buy Iranian oil to keep relations with Iran stable. Iran is the ultimate spoiler. I worry Iran loves to be put down in order to recertify their strength and ability. If India and China dont buy Iranian oil for a while, Iran can threaten their oil in the ME. Btw i am not saying Iran's relationships with India and China are bad or at risk, all im saying is that if India and China stop buying Iranian oil for any long time, that could bring strain those relationships if not resolved. Economic conflicts/disagreement are also war, and in war you have to choose a side. "

My favorite saying of all time: Every choice has an implied rejection"

India and China have literally told US to f-off and you are trying to put a spin on it. Trump's threats of sanction on India and China are hollow and there is little US can do but to eat their own threats. Iran has the big boys with them: Pakistan, Turkey, Russia, India and China and the combined might of US and the Euro poodles can do little to change the new world order.
India will openly resume buying Iranian oil next month as US official informed India last week that US will issue waivers in August to China and India to buy a limited quantity of oil from Iran.

to buy a limited quantity of oil from Iran.

So hyper Power India, needs permission and allowance, when and how much....apni khud hi bizti karta hai aur seena choura karta hai.....chaddi brigade.
makes it easier, much easier and economical.
Thanks for making me understand, But Pakistan is nearly bankrupt, we do not have much options, no money. Pakistan do not make tall claims of being 5 Trillion $ economy and being Hyper Super Power and so on and so forth.
Now if India wants to compare and compete with Pakistan, than India has to be really desperate and inferiority complex must be very strong.

How much cow piss did your family drink this month? have some shame.
traded shame for a cup of.....
what is the relation between having land border and importing oil? make some sense and have shame, if possible.
Any country having land border with Iran would have built a pipeline and imported oil cheaper all round the year.
Clearly Pakistan failed to have that much common sense
Any country having land border with Iran would have built a pipeline and imported oil cheaper all round the year.
Clearly Pakistan failed to have that much common sense
you are really not so bright, bhagat you should have read the posts before humiliating yourself more, but no shame no issues.
This is the reason Pakistan have no spine to mock India importing oil from Iran.
you really living in Modi chaddi. make baseless fake tall claims and get mocked and humiliated, but you wont understand.

US deadline ends, India stops purchasing Iranian oil
As of late April, India had dropped its dependency on Iranian oil from about 2.5 billion tonnes a month to 1 million tonnes a month.
Updated: May 24, 2019, 05.05 PM IST


India has ended Iranian oil imports to comply with US sanctions: Envoy
India says it has also ended all imports from Venezuela because it considered itself a partner of the United States.
AFP | PTI | Washington Last Updated at May 24, 2019 01:57 IST

you really living in Modi chaddi. make baseless fake tall claims and get mocked and humiliated, but you wont understand.
Let me bring things to your IQ level, the person you have been calling names tried to tell you that calling India out as a coward in one of your posts on this thread, (because India is reducing it's dependence on Iranian oil) is rich (excuse the pun) for a citizen of a near-bankrupt country, which despite having a shared border with Iran, imports most of its oil from gulf countries (which is more expensive).
Go ahead and use your colourful adjectives to pain the town red.

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