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India’s Subversive Role in Afghanistan

India's subversive role in Afghanistan, is unfortunately for them is coming to a gradual end. The Indian posters here are still living in the past and do not appreciate the fact that the end is visible and India's 15 minutes of fame in Afghanistan is almost over. The realization by the Americans that their stay in Afghanistan beyond 2014 and the needed stability there can not be sustained if India continues its negative ventures of supporting terrorism in Pakistan.

So the famous Indian one liners by posters here may be ignored as India's detailed planning for decades of anti-Pakistan activities are coming to an end.

You can't say anthing right now. But Americans are staying till 2024. The regional players will ensure that Taliban won't return back. This was visible when Russia aided NATO when Pakistan closed supply route.
india has been trying; its only that its efforts have been useless b/c majority Baloch are with Pakistan. It's more of an irritant than a threat, but the fact is - nobody doubts your countries nefarious activities (which havent and wont go unpunished)

Again, where is the proof? there is a saying in Hindi " Chor ko sabhi chor nazar aathe hain". terrorist sympathizers, trainers and camp runners, and proxy war proponents see conspiracies and involvements everywhere.
India's subversive role in Afghanistan, is unfortunately for them is coming to a gradual end. The Indian posters here are still living in the past and do not appreciate the fact that the end is visible and India's 15 minutes of fame in Afghanistan is almost over. The realization by the Americans that their stay in Afghanistan beyond 2014 and the needed stability there can not be sustained if India continues its negative ventures of supporting terrorism in Pakistan.

So the famous Indian one liners by posters here may be ignored as India's detailed planning for decades of anti-Pakistan activities are coming to an end.

hum ko maloom hai jannat ki haqeeqat lekin
dil ke khush rakhne ko ghalib yeh khayal acha hai
You can't say anthing right now. But Americans are staying till 2024. The regional players will ensure that Taliban won't return back. This was visible when Russia aided NATO when Pakistan closed supply route.

Please read details of how they aided NATO. It may surprise you.
Please read details of how they aided NATO. It may surprise you.

Russia is also concerned of afghanistan turning to a terrorist hub after NATO pull out..
Russia warns of new wave of terror, seeks India's cooperation - Hindustan Times
"Thousands of terrorists and fundamentalists will seek refuge in Afghanistan as well as the region around the country. It may change the situation drastically around the region and for countries like Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. This is a big problem for Russia and India," he said.

"So we have to control the situation with some political and security monitoring and see what we can do together to stop this invasion of new terrorist wave against us and our citizens," he said.

Not just Russia,It is in the interest of Chinese and Central asian countries to prevent Taliban from taking over..Taliban shelters and trains Chechen and Uighur militants,and apart from threat of militancy chinese have billions of dollars worth of projects to lose if present afghan govt falls..
Russia is also concerned of afghanistan turning to a terrorist hub after NATO pull out..
Russia warns of new wave of terror, seeks India's cooperation - Hindustan Times

Not just Russia,It is in the interest of Chinese and Central asian countries to prevent Taliban from taking over..Taliban shelters and trains Chechen and Uighur militants,and apart from threat of militancy chinese have billions of dollars worth of projects to lose if present afghan govt falls..

China links Uighur militant group ETIM with Al Qaida. Lots of Uighur militants were arrested in Afghanistan and detained at Guantanamo Bay. Chinese are equally worried about Taliban.
Russia is also concerned of afghanistan turning to a terrorist hub after NATO pull out..
Russia warns of new wave of terror, seeks India's cooperation - Hindustan Times

Not just Russia,It is in the interest of Chinese and Central asian countries to prevent Taliban from taking over..Taliban shelters and trains Chechen and Uighur militants,and apart from threat of militancy chinese have billions of dollars worth of projects to lose if present afghan govt falls..

In due course, it is most likely that the Americans would take a Libya and Syria course in to Central Asia.
That is a surprise for you. Why should I tell you.

I know they used the opportunity for themselves but still helped NATO troops totally ignoring the concerns of Pakistan. Is there any other mystery apart from this one. :what:
I know they used the opportunity for themselves but still helped NATO troops totally ignoring the concerns of Pakistan. Is there any other mystery apart from this one. :what:

Pakistan didn't have any concerns for NATO using northern routes and neither does it have any concerns now. The Americans are most welcome to use them.
Russia demanded NATO to fulfill its obligations in Afghanistan even after NATO forces' withdrawal from there, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said Thursday.

Meanwhile, he assured Moscow would continue to cooperate with NATO over Afghanistan because Russia has its serious interests in Central Asia.
"Since you've entered there, it's your full responsibility for everything happening there and for what will be happening after your exit," Rogozin said, adding any instability in Afghanistan beckons terrorists from around the world.
"In effect, Afghanistan security has been connected with security of our borders," he concluded.
The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan has planned to leave the country in 2014.
Russia offered a base in the city of Ulyanovsk for transit of ISAF consignment being withdrawn from Afghanistan.

Russia expects NATO to hold responsibility for Afghanistan future
In due course, it is most likely that the Americans would take a Libya and Syria course in to Central Asia.
Let americans decide wht they do or what they dont.In the case of afghanistan-American,russian,Chinese and Indian interests are similar..They all hate taliban to return to power..

For Russia-Threat of taliban sheltering and training chechens,fear of talibani ideology spreading to central asia(Uzbekistan already have their own taliban affiliates)

For China-History of taliban sheltering and supporting ughuirs militants,plus their billions of dollars worth of projects with karzai govt(From huge mining contracts to power plants and highways).

For India-We have a lot of projects there just like Chinese,which we dont want to lose,and a friendly govt..

For whole of civilised world-Afghans now have a chance to improve,no matter how inefficient their systems are now-their education,industry and infrastructure is improving-just see the projects starting in each months..If taliban takes over,it'll be back to stone age for them-No Industry,No infrastructure,No education..No films/Internet/music..

Even you guys should be worried about taliban-Just look what happened after US pulled out of kunar...Afghan taliban took over the place and started sheltering TTP leadership there..
:no: india dont want disintegration of pakistan but want to little bit weak..
otherwise it will invite more trouble for india..

dont worry about Pakistan disintegrating india when your caste system, naxals, internal ethnic discrimination and internal secessionist movements and other problems are already working to tear your social fabric

:azn: but results negates your ability or so called support :blah:

i dont know what that's supposed to mean or what you're trying to say here
If we know all of this then why arent we taking actions - a question which demands common sense? is it to hard to take joint action against Talibans when we know clearly that they have become infiltrated with "RAW Agents".

doing a tasbeeh of India, RAW, Ameeka, Israel Yahoodi like Ziad Hamid is not going to help.
Taking control of situation and drastic steps to cut down the nuisance factors will.

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