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India’s Subversive Role in Afghanistan

You will be in for a big surprise after 2014 american withdrawal i can bet that all taliban factions will merge under pakistan to recapture whole of afghanistan again like 1990s.It wont take much to convince TTP.

Yes similar to 1990's - Pakistan against the world and peace in Afghanistan. You are saying that Pakistan will bull doze all the normalcy, development and nation building that the world did in Afghanistan.

You are saying that Pakistan will return back Afghanistan into the hands of the Taliban...right?
Well taliban will decide that not the NA sitting in kabul.

Right now taliban is sheltering TTP in areas captured by them after americans left their posts,Namely kunar and nuristan..From there TTP fighters are regularly conducting night raids and butchering pak forces..What say ajtr?
It wont take long for indians to close shop and run home after 2014.

As Pakistanis we must keep the reality in our analysis. Empty bluster is going to hurt us,

Few corrections here my dear Sir.

1. Indians were involved in Afghanistan before 2001. So they will be in Afghanistan after 2014. Their influence may diminish a bit but they will be there.

2. Prime beneficiary of 2014 pull out by NATO will be Ayman Zawahiri and not Pakistani state. Zawahiri has openly suggested revolt against the state of Pakistan in the name of Sharia. We will not be a theocratic state in 2014, so guess what, Zawahiri will have the same level of anti-Pakistan plan if not any worse,

3. Back in the 90s, Pakistan's plan in Afghanistan was not upset by Indian presence. It was Al Qaida who demolished Pakistani influence in Afghanistan.

So we must be mindful that conditions on the ground have changed since the 90s and our plan and our views must get updated. Otherwise we'll be in for a rude awakening.

Its India sitting in our neighbor's house not Pakistan sitting in India's, that makes India an adversary.

your neighbor? Afghanistan is India's neighbor too. We share border. why should a third person poke his nose if my neighbor invites me for tea?

We are present in afghanistan and many projects are going in full swing..:smokin:
2 or 3 terror attacks by your proxies didn't stop us..All you can do is whine about how unacceptable indian presence is to pakistan,and have wet dreams about 2014 taliban takeover..

Lol @ some naive people, when ISI proxies attacked Indian embassy and it's staff;

1)When they attacked, 5,000 Afghans visited Indian on average monthly but it's now increased to more than 30,000 Afghans monthly!!

2)When they attacked, Indian investment was less than 500mln$ but now above 2bln$.

3)When they attacked, There were no cultural relations and scholarships but today we have more than 4000 Afghan students studying in Indian institutions (they are going at 1500/year now).

4)When they attacked, we were not strategic partners but now we are strategic partners and we have more stronger military ties.

5)When they attacked, our imports (6.9) and exports (23.5) but now imports (11.3) and exports (33.6) is to India.

6)When they attacked, there were no Indian construction of Dams in Afghanistan but today India is actively building Damns in east and west Afghanistan.

7)When they attacked, we had no 24 hours power in 9 provinces but today with Indian assistance we have 24 hours power in 9 provinces no matter it's winter or summer.

8)When they attacked, India was not most favored country by Afghans but today is!!


If you guys mean this to be subversive role than we are too happy for this India should keep this kind of subversive role in Afghanistan!! :tup:
Back of the palm and could not stop the USSR taking over Afghanistan, could not stop the US/NATO takeover of Afghanistan. And, Indian security apparatus do estimate the spillage of terrorists from Pakistan into India just like the 1990's but there are a few contradictions here.
What you think when did fighting started in afghanistan and why did USSR had to intervene and enter afghanistan.If you can guess it was during Bhutto regime Pakistan was meddling in afghanistan.And once USSR took bait and entered Afghanistan it was much easier for pak to defeat and disintegrate USSR with usa help coming in later phases.

1)The US left the area and did not bother about the spillage secondly there was no BLA,TTP, sectarian violence, seperatist movements in Pakistan in the 90's and there was active support for Pakistan from fringe Muslim elements in J&K which has been neutralised by India to a large extent apart from one old f@rt Geelani who will die soon. Pakistan was in much better shape economically then, it's in ruins now with a number of sectarian violence and terrorism inside Pakistan.
In those days on DD news reportage Indian army officers deployed in kashmir regularly used to say that militants coming in kashmir are not kashmiris but the pashto punjabi speaking pathans.so spillage of mijahid was there in kashmir and its a fact.Btw balochis are fighting from 1947 nothing new about it.TTP is just another faction of taliban will definitely merge back in after america leaves.

2) Global image of Pakistan as an active sponsor of terrorism has been achieved with NATO/US and even China acknowledging it so India has a much more receptive audience in the globe and Pakistan needs these countries to try and rebuild and if better sense prevails Pakistan will not indulge in the activities that they did in the 1990's at least for 5 years and India can utilize this time to wall up in addition to the 12 years that was given during WOT.
there is difference pakistan is not been declared as terror sponsor country and no sanctions like iran imposed on it and will never any unsc can be passed as can be vetoed by china.Hafiz saeed case is prime example.

3) A number of countries will be active in Afghanistan and that includes India after the withdrawal as well to foresee that Afghanistan does not go back to your proxies and if it does it will be a long drawn out battle with the weight of the world behind the anti Taliban forces.
Every body is running so will india. only pak can control it hence russia is making overtures to old foe.

4) Economy of Pakistan is in the doldrums while the same of India has increased, Global political strength of Pakistan has come to nil while India's become a powerhouse. Effectively we need another decade of the scenario in the west of Pakistan to continue for India to be unreachable for Pakistan which I fear it already is to a major extent..but by 2020 there will be a lot of changes in the status quo. India should utilize it's time spent in Afghanistan to maintain its momentum there.
lol proxy war dont require much funds and most of it are obviously petro dollars.As zia used to say boil water at right temp. so india is gona be boiled at right temp.
As Pakistanis we must keep the reality in our analysis. Empty bluster is going to hurt us,

Few corrections here my dear Sir.

1. Indians were involved in Afghanistan before 2001. So they will be in Afghanistan after 2014. Their influence may diminish a bit but they will be there.

2. Prime beneficiary of 2014 pull out by NATO will be Ayman Zawahiri and not Pakistani state. Zawahiri has openly suggested revolt against the state of Pakistan in the name of Sharia. We will not be a theocratic state in 2014, so guess what, Zawahiri will have the same level of anti-Pakistan plan if not any worse,

3. Back in the 90s, Pakistan's plan in Afghanistan was not upset by Indian presence. It was Al Qaida who demolished Pakistani influence in Afghanistan.

So we must be mindful that conditions on the ground have changed since the 90s and our plan and our views must get updated. Otherwise we'll be in for a rude awakening.


Buddy dont waste ur energy, ur talking to a tormented soul. Shes the authentic ,how u say it, 'Phaphe kutn janani'?:tup:

THe way Ajtr is responding its almost as if she want to Paint Pakistanis as idiots.she very deceptive tht way.:lol:
Lol @ some naive people, when ISI proxies attacked Indian embassy and it's staff;

1)When they attacked, 5,000 Afghans visited Indian on average monthly but it's now increased to more than 30,000 Afghans monthly!!

2)When they attacked, Indian investment was less than 500mln$ but now above 2bln$.

3)When they attacked, There were no cultural relations and scholarships but today we have more than 4000 Afghan students studying in Indian institutions (they are going at 1500/year now).

4)When they attacked, we were not strategic partners but now we are strategic partners and we have more stronger military ties.

5)When they attacked, our imports (6.9) and exports (23.5) but now imports (11.3) and exports (33.6) is to India.

6)When they attacked, there were no Indian construction of Dams in Afghanistan but today India is actively building Damns in east and west Afghanistan.

7)When they attacked, we had no 24 hours power in 9 provinces but today with Indian assistance we have 24 hours power in 9 provinces no matter it's winter or summer.

8)When they attacked, India was not most favored country by Afghans but today is!!


If you guys mean this to be subversive role than we have too happy for this India should keep this kind of subversive role in Afghanistan!! :tup:

Pakistani's here are suggesting of supporting and infiltrating terrorists into Afghanistan and India post NATO pullout, they are also suggesting Kargil like incursions into India and more Mumbai style terrorist incidents. This is a fact which I think they are gearing up to do in post 2014.

What's Afghanistan security scenario post 2014, India's is weak and we are not confident of stopping Mumbai style terrorist incidents - nor can we stop infiltration of terrorists into Kashmir.

You will be in for a big surprise after 2014 american withdrawal i can bet that all taliban factions will merge under pakistan to recapture whole of afghanistan again like 1990s.It wont take much to convince TTP.

ISI was able to attack india so many times with in last decade even when it was busy on western front and home front fighting WoT.now when NaTO withraws it will be free from two front and would be able to concentrate fully on india with unlimited supply of fighter at it hands.it will drag india by its nose .

It wont take much time and efforts from pakistan to bring it on forefront again with a bang ala kargil style.Kargil did bing kashmir into international scene again.
Lol @ some naive people, when ISI proxies attacked Indian embassy and it's staff;

1)When they attacked, 5,000 Afghans visited Indian on average monthly but it's now increased to more than 30,000 Afghans monthly!!

2)When they attacked, Indian investment was less than 500mln$ but now above 2bln$.

3)When they attacked, There were no cultural relations and scholarships but today we have more than 4000 Afghan students studying in Indian institutions (they are going at 1500/year now).

4)When they attacked, we were not strategic partners but now we are strategic partners and we have more stronger military ties.

5)When they attacked, our imports (6.9) and exports (23.5) but now imports (11.3) and exports (33.6) is to India.

6)When they attacked, there were no Indian construction of Dams in Afghanistan but today India is actively building Damns in east and west Afghanistan.

7)When they attacked, we had no 24 hours power in 9 provinces but today with Indian assistance we have 24 hours power in 9 provinces no matter it's winter or summer.

8)When they attacked, India was not most favored country by Afghans but today is!!


If you guys mean this to be subversive role than we are too happy for this India should keep this kind of subversive role in Afghanistan!! :tup:
I wonder ho many of these 35000 afghans in india will be used to attack india like afghan police and ANA soldiers are killing Nato soldiers on daily basis...............:)

so that means taliban attackers /sleeper cells are already in india all it needs is to activate them at right time......:devil:
Buddy dont waste ur energy, ur talking to a tormented soul. Shes the authentic ,how u say it, 'Phaphe kutn janani'?:tup:

THe way Ajtr is responding its almost as if she want to Paint Pakistanis as idiots.she very deceptive tht way.:lol:

Not almost, she's already done that.:lol:

I was taking it a step further.
I wonder ho many of these 35000 afghans in india will be used to attack india like afghan police and ANA soldiers are killing Nato soldiers on daily basis...............:)

so that means taliban attackers /sleeper cells are already in india all it needs is to activate them at right time......:devil:

will u stop insulting the Pakistani ppl now please ...its not funny anymore.:angel:
I wonder ho many of these 35000 afghans in india will be used to attack india like afghan police and ANA soldiers are killing Nato soldiers on daily basis...............:)

so that means taliban attackers /sleeper cells are already in india all it needs is to activate them at right time......:devil:

How many Afghans are there in Pakistan again? A few million I heard...Even if 1 % are under the influence of RAW, Pakistan can burn overnight.. No ?
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