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India’s secret ICBM ambitions

Do we need ICBM?
Can we make them?
when we going to test them?
Not any time soon, we have have friendly relations with rest of world except few states around us so by testing we don't wanna start new diplomatic row where the rest of world will start coming after our ICBM, there are no permanent Friends r enemy in world state so we need to make our self strong enough that we can tackle adversary from any part of the world for that we need ICBM hence we have the ambition of it.

Why does India need ICBM's?
friends be realistic
if india wants to build an icbm it can do it in days even hours i guess just have a look at the space launch rockets they posses just make minor adjustments and an icbm is ready
so no need to create a huge fuss about this secret thing the only reason they do ot do it is because the west would not view it in a positive manner and also the space co-operation treaty between india and the us prevents it fro incorporating space technology into its military otherwise the technical help from nasa will cease.


Getting it to hit the right area (even with nukes you need some accuracy) would be the largest barrier I would suspect.

Basically targeting systems.
Actually, it's the other way round.The same evil people have allowed you to post here..and then there is Indian Defence Forums where they abuse Pakistani use racist language and want to nuke Pakistan.

I typed 'some' members. Not all! I even made that 'bold font'. Oh no I dont want anyone to use nukes anywhere on this planet!

And ofcourse you will have people with perverted viewpoints on every side! Not that I condone their views but FYI.

Isnt it good that such people can only vent their frustrations on forums while the real issues are dealt with by thorough professionals?

BTW let me tell you a little story,
During my stint at the IISc, B'lore, I was fortunate to get to attend a lecture by Wg Cdr (retd) Rakesh Sharma - the first Indian cosmonaut.
After his talk he played for us a small documentary made by all the people who have ever been into space. Of the total present population of 6 Billion people only ~450-500 individuals have ever been to space.
And once there when they looked back down at the blue planet with the vast black space in the background, they all realized at that very instant that this is our only home! The only planet we know, as of yet, in the whole universe which sustains life. And when you realize that, you will realize how vain our infighting is!
Now why would we want to nuke our only home in the vast universe?

~ Moriarty

Edit: If it was for me, I would arrange to send each and every person into space - if only for a couple of hours - so that each person realizes how inconsequential, how tiny, how insignificant, how vulnerable, how fragile, how lonely we - the inhabitants of this Blue Planet - are in the vast depths of space!!
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Getting it to hit the right area (even with nukes you need some accuracy) would be the largest barrier I would suspect.

Basically targeting systems.

FYI, Placing a satellite into any orbit accurately is far more complex and difficult than to pinpoint a spot on the ground! Ask around in your scientific circles and you will know!

~ Moriarty
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FYI, Placing a satellite into any orbit accurately is far more complex and difficult than to pinpoint a spot on the ground! Ask around in your scientific circles and you will know!

~ Moriarty

True, but it requires different systems (presumably).
Why does India need ICBM's?

for quite some time...the DRDO scientists have been blamed for the slow pace of our missile program as compared to china's....the most obvious and pronounced fact which indicated the slow pace of our program was the no. of tests conducted...most of the people in india started blaming the 'inefficient' scientists and the bureaucracy...the chief scientist of the IMDP(integrated missile development program) in his interview cleared the air...he mentioned how the civilian government was given the data on the current capabilities of our missile program and how the civilian space tech can be used to manufacture greater technologies...the drdo wanted the funding and more importantly the nod from the elected govt under mr Vajpayee...the answer was a curt no the civilian govt at that time had the vision to see and clearly demarcate the civilian space program from the missile program...the americans and the world community took their time in verifying and scrutinizing this..and gradually began the era of tech transfer to india and the nuclear deal.We all know how wary the americans are of the 'upcoming third world countries'...vajpayee govt's vision has resulted in our space program going in full-swing.an ICBM would defeat that very purpose.I am glad that decisions take a long time to be made in india..for they are scrutinized at different realms of the democratic fabric.

in short...we made our choice to be confined militarily and expansive in civil tech as far as ballistics are concerned.
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Why does India need ICBM's?

Your question should be does India need a 14,000 missile? I would say no if US can sign a treaty with India that it wont use nukes on India.

If between 5,500 - 8,500 - Still within range of remote part of China and also not a ICBM as per chinese definitions. China defines this range as LRBM. ICBM is 8500km and above as per Chinese definitions.

Actually now why does Britain needs ICBMs ? Who does Britain plan to attack?
Your question should be does India need a 14,000 missile? I would say no if US can sign a treaty with India that it wont use nukes on India.

If between 5,500 - 8,500 - Still within range of remote part of China and also not a ICBM as per chinese definitions. China defines this range as LRBM. ICBM is 8500km and above as per Chinese definitions.

Actually now why does Britain needs ICBMs ? Who does Britain plan to attack?

US has a launch on first impact policy, unless you nuked them they would not nuke you. So there is no danger of that.

We got our SLBM's as a result of the Cold War, they were needed against the Russians as there was a very real possibility of nuclear war. These days they are still needed against a Resurgent Russia threat and the Chinese pose a possible future threat, to reach them we need long range missiles.
Indian defence rsearch org as the name suggests is purely for military applications!

~ Moriarty

DRDO did come up with some significant civilian products which came as a result of their research in materials.
DRDO did come up with some significant civilian products which came as a result of their research in materials.

Ofcourse defence research has its useful civilians offshoots! But by and large the ISRO and DRDO are separate entities functionally and vision wise.
FYI, Prithvi took 12 hrs to be ready, back in 1990s. Agni on the other hand can be made battle ready in 15 minutes. Get your facts right.

12 hours with 5 support vehicles trailing. What can I say but Indian inefficiency!

The original Agni had a liquid-fueled second stage, and there's no way that could be primed in under 45 minutes unless the whole missile was pre-fueled and stacked in a tube, which Agni wasn't.

Its Agni-1, the derivative that has shed its second stage, that could be readied in 15-25 minutes. But it ain't operational yet!
12 hours with 5 support vehicles trailing. What can I say but Indian inefficiency!

Effeciency would have been when a Prithvi would have struck Pakistan. Back in the late 80s, it was the same story with all other major Ballistic missile in the world. Solid fuel came as late as in 1996. It would be naive to say it took India 10-12 hrs and not the other countries.

Its Agni-1, the derivative that has shed its second stage, that could be readied in 15-25 minutes. But it ain't operational yet!

The need for solid propellant for Agni was felt after Kargil. It took 18 months for DRDO to develop Agni I/A(solid propellant)after it developed the solid fuel Agni II. Both, have been Inducted into the Army.Agni II in March 2002 and Agni I/A in May 2007.

Why does India need ICBM's?

Take a look at India's unfriendly neighbourhood, and tell me why dont we need an ICBM?
The unfriendly neighbourhood does not stretch far enough to require InterContinental Ballistic Missiles.

I don't think so India will be make any ICBM in recent future. but a range between 7000 km - 8000 km (which reach all part of China) will be produce in recent future :tup:, If you call that a ICBM then its true :azn:
The unfriendly neighbourhood does not stretch far enough to require InterContinental Ballistic Missiles.

Its for deterrance. It projects India as a mighty power. Not everything in the inventory need to have an explicit use. Just like Nukes, you have it for deterrance. Its not the first thing you use in a war. Hopefully.:toast_sign:
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