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India’s secret ICBM ambitions

So now it's USA? Earlier on this very thread your countrymen (not Malaysians, as you were pretending to be) were claiming that it is all made in Russia and painted in India. Be consistent, will you?

Or maybe India has the unique distinction of American missiles with Russian seekers and Chinese warheads painted in India.

Damn, jealous trolls will cook up anything to satisfy themselves. Including fake nationalities for themselves.

what's the matter ? When Indian trolls lose an argument then they start diverting the attention away from the topic with personal attack or with dragging Pakistan into the thread. Grow up and get back to the topic !
what's the matter ? When Indian trolls lose an argument then they start diverting the attention away from the topic with personal attack or with dragging Pakistan into the thread. Grow up and get back to the topic !

You are the biggest troll on this forum.

You have been trolling every Indian thread,by posting the same BS
what's the matter ? When Indian trolls lose an argument then they start diverting the attention away from the topic with personal attack or with dragging Pakistan into the thread. Grow up and get back to the topic !

I did not get into any argument, and I did not even mention Pakistan. Open your eyes and read properly.

I am not in the habit of arguing pointlessly with people unworthy of my time. I was merely pointing out the inconsistency, that the first few pages were full of people claiming that India's missiles are Russian, and the last few pages that they are American. I was merely requesting some consistency. Silly me, to expect that from pointless trolls who won't even admit their nationality due to shame, until forced to by admins.
You must not know much about nuclear technology on cruise missile. The AGM-129 ACM carry nuclear warheads for USAF.

I am aware of cruise missiles with nuclear warhead. I just found the suggestion of using cruise missiles for strategic nuclear delivery amusing.
In another word, India do not have a real deterrant until a warhead is mounted on there. And India has no such warheads. So India has no real deterrant.

We dont want to reveal our secrets ...so for you Work is in progress
Really?From which article posted here says that,genius?

Come up with proofs


GTFO false flag troll

What's the source to prove the fake paint job on your face make you look better? Come up with proof or GTFO mr. fake paint job.
You need help,just look at that BS poll you vreated in this forum

just look at your stupid nickname. MK3? how about show me some self respect and make your rubbish GSLV work first?

one day indian, always liar.
I am aware of cruise missiles with nuclear warhead. I just found the suggestion of using cruise missiles for strategic nuclear delivery amusing.

This is performed with strategic long range bomber such as b-52.
just look at your stupid nickname. MK3? how about show me some self respect and make your rubbish GSLV work first?

one day indian, always liar.

One day troll,always a fool.

Hey,arent you the same guy who once claimed that India doesnt have 'complete' windtunnels?? :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:

You could have atleast googled the term 'gslv mk3 '.

What's the source to prove the fake paint job on your face make you look better? Come up with proof or GTFO mr. fake paint job.

Can you stop trolling here please??

What's the source to prove the fake paint job on your face make you look better? Come up with proof or GTFO mr. fake paint job.

Proof?For what?
You are the one who claimed Indian missile technology is Russian imported.

So give proofs or GTFO.
instead of proving the what they say all faithfull and hafeez are doing is thanking each post which is crap.....
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