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India’s perceived responsibility to protect Sri Lanka


Apr 8, 2007
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The statement released by Sri Lanka’s Ministry of External Affairs on the recent meeting of Sri Lanka and India in New Delhi unfortunately re-establishes the fact that India persists with its one dimensional and unethical policy platform on Sri Lanka in spite of the shattered, short sighted, destructively emotional legacy of many Indian prescriptive initiatives.

India being a major player in Asia and the giant neighbour of sovereign Sri Lanka, geo politically is expected to play an active role and also use its strong influence on SL-India relationship based on mutually accepted principles. However, India should stand and weigh the pros and cons of her perceived priorities even at this stage as many of India’s prescriptions have been lethal to Sri Lankans. If the Indian Foreign Policy formulators are humble enough to re-visit their unenviable prescriptions including the ones thrust upon Sri Lanka without giving any considerations to democratic institutions including the Parliament of Sri Lanka, India should be able to have a more balanced approach and also to have a good, strong and stable friend at her Southern tip.

Similar to the proverbial white man’s burden in guiding the destiny of the coloured in the world, India illogically has taken upon herself the role of care taker of Sri Lankan Tamils who are an integral part of Sri Lankan populace. The services provided to Sri Lankan Tamils by the Sri Lankan Government is no different to that provided to other ethnic groups such as the Sinhalese, the Muslims etc. Apart from the racist demands of the LTTE terrorists and some Tamil politicians in claiming an exclusive Eelam to fulfill their separatist dreams, the majority of Tamils have accepted that fact that their future depends on the peace and prosperity of the Sri Lankan nation. Hence, India should review its stand on post-War Sri Lanka emerging from the ruins of post-Vaddukodai Tamil politics.

When India urges Lanka to adopt ‘genuine (sic) reconciliation ‘investigate allegations of “human rights” violations, including early return of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP’s) to their respective homes, early withdrawal of emergency regulations, restoration of normalcy in affected areas and redress of humanitarian concerns of affected families one is compelled to go back to 70s and 80s when the Indian mediation was the most potent force in Sri Lankan politics. The Indian Minister Chidambaram articulated the Indian position by backing the TULF going against the political realities, history and demography insisting that Sri Lanka MUST take political as well as legal and administrative steps to meet the Tamil grievances.

We are now in 2011 and history has proved beyond any doubt that India’s direct interference resulted in the near destruction of Sri Lanka and that the Indian solution took us into deeper trouble.

Recognizing the fact that India should act as a genuine friend without any malice, the current Sri Lankan situation provides an excellent opportunity to exchange constructive ideas and plans for strengthening of relationship and bringing stability to the region in keeping with SAARC principles.

The burden of providing space to all Sri Lankans including the Sri Lankan Tamils should be the sacred task of Sri Lankans who have faced immense vicissitudes arising from short sighted polices both internal as well as foreign.

Meantime, we consider it very important that Sri Lanka utilises the services of experienced learned specialists rather than depending on raw politicians to formulate her regional diplomatic relationships.

Ranjith Soysa
Society for Peace, Unity and Human Rights for Sri Lanka( SPUR)

OK lets take this as India's failure so it does not mean Bangladesh should not extend its cooperation and help to countries who feel they are arm twisted by India.
Bangladesh should also supply militiary help to such SAARC countries. No more bullying by India.
That is when Bangladesh has something to give!

As one observes, they can only reproduce second hand news that borders on the sensational like the yellow journalists and authors!

That is their forte and specialisation, at least over here.

And they have no comments to add. Merely reproduce!
We should just let Pakistan and China supply weapons to countries who arms are being twisted by India. Happy now?
Who is 'We'?

You and You?

if so, don't delay, give them something.
Wow!!! What's stopping BD now ?

Go back and Browse for more anti- India news to be posted here.
Please stop trolling and stick to the issues raised in the thread.

The article merely shows that it is not only BD that is fed up with Indian interference. This is a phenomenon shared by all South Asian countries. I think Sri Lanka should decide its own future and that Rajapakshe is doing a wonderful job. India should just leave him alone and allow him to rebuild the country according to his plans. If these are not to the liking of New Delhi then tough.
Please stop trolling and stick to the issues raised in the thread.

The article merely shows that it is not only BD that is fed up with Indian interference. This is a phenomenon shared by all South Asian countries. I think Sri Lanka should decide its own future and that Rajapakshe is doing a wonderful job. India should just leave him alone and allow him to rebuild the country according to his plans. If these are not to the liking of New Delhi then tough.

Why is that these countries expect India's help ? why does New Delhi's liking matter? Leave India alone. BD has lots of Intellectuals who need to vent there intellect that could be channelized to good cause. That will help all other SAARC countries as a whole there is no use of shielding such talent.
Please stop trolling and stick to the issues raised in the thread.

The article merely shows that it is not only BD that is fed up with Indian interference. This is a phenomenon shared by all South Asian countries. I think Sri Lanka should decide its own future and that Rajapakshe is doing a wonderful job. India should just leave him alone and allow him to rebuild the country according to his plans. If these are not to the liking of New Delhi then tough.

A BD citizen ' thinks' what the President of Sri Lanka should do to run his own country !

Talk of minding your own business !

This is so typical of us S Asians- Begani shadi mein Abdullah Diwana
Basically Rajapaska got India's support for war after he promised to devolve power to regional states so Tamils could have a stake in power. He has to make good on his promises otherwise Sri lanka as a country would be at loss for making India as their enemy. No other country could do anything about it in our backyard.
Just how many times are you going to post this video mate?
Basically Rajapaska got India's support for war after he promised to devolve power to regional states so Tamils could have a stake in power. He has to make good on his promises otherwise Sri lanka as a country would be at loss for making India as their enemy. No other country could do anything about it in our backyard.

You may be overestimating how important India is to Sri Lanka. The support of China is enough to help Sri Lanka develop. While Indian help would be welcome for Sri Lanka, it is not critical. Also as time passes, Sri Lanka would be able to develop deeper ties with other fast growing Asian economies such as Indonesia etc.
Just how many times are you going to post this video mate?

Until people stop pretending as if India had nothing to do with arming, training and funding the LTTE.

I know you probably prefer this information hidden away in some dusty corner.
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