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India’s Military Comes of Age: The BrahMos Missile

Slightly Off-topic ... but why is it that western nations incl. US dont deploy supersonic cruise missiles. Most super sonics are either russian, indian or chinese.
^^ they have different doctrines

soviets were first to go for supersonic CM and ASCMs

reason> they didn't have multiple carriers each equipped with dozens of fighters and helis and it was not possible to have so many carriers, let alone multiple CBGs required for them

so their strategy was to develop supersonic ASCMs capable of carrying nuclear warheads and equipping TU 16,TU 22, TU 22M with such missiles to neutralize threat of US carriers

they also equipped majority of their destroyers,frigates and battle cruisers with them

later China too adopted this doctrine,to a

India's naval force building since late 1990s has been, to a large extent, around club and Brahmos missiles and India has dozens of ships which can fire this missiles

visit this article for further info

Sunburn for the RAN?
And yet not a single article states that BrahMos has been deployed with Russian Forces. :D

Post that article when that fantasy happens.

The fact of the matter is BrahMos is a 2nd rate Missile that Russians don't even want. They just made India think that they developed it to boost their morale after the failure of Arjun and many other military projects undertaken by India.

Russians operate Yakhnot missiles on which Brahmos is based and has much Indian input
Slightly Off-topic ... but why is it that western nations incl. US dont deploy supersonic cruise missiles. Most super sonics are either russian, indian or chinese.

some people think america has huge AC fleets.shipboard aircrafts can do job like antiship therefore they dont need a supersonic cruise missile.but indeed america has the technology to make supersonic missiles.they even participated in xiongfengIII project,a supersonic missile project of Taiwan.
however,they are still using harpoon,a subsonic one.
subsonic missile does means they are subsonic all the way before hitting the target.for most of the way,they fly close to surface so that enemy radar can not aware them in time.at the end of the trajectory,speed will be increased to supersonic level and missile will do some terminal maneuvering.china's C803 and america's harpoon and tommahawk are these kinds.there is also saying that subsonic cruise missile are more accurate than supersonic ones,because they have more time for modifying their track against ships.
supersonic missiles are famous for its role in soviet union of cold war.as soviet's AC fleet are really not comparable with USN,they need something badly to destroy USN AC fleets.so they made huge supersonic missiles which has huge body and therefore long range(usually 400 km).this was effective for fleets without aegis system.but in nowadays,it wont be easy for supersonic cruise missile to approach the target,no matter its on land or sea.yes their speed is fast,but their trajectoryis so high and their body is so huge,they are more easy to be detected,which means the targets may have enough time to deal with it. compared with subsonic ones,supersonic ones cost much but gain little.
US having no supersonic cruise missile does not means that supersonic missiles are outdated.on the contrary,they developed some hypersonic project(X51).
some people think america has huge AC fleets.shipboard aircrafts can do job like antiship therefore they dont need a supersonic cruise missile.but indeed america has the technology to make supersonic missiles.they even participated in xiongfengIII project,a supersonic missile project of Taiwan.
however,they are still using harpoon,a subsonic one.
subsonic missile does means they are subsonic all the way before hitting the target.for most of the way,they fly close to surface so that enemy radar can not aware them in time.at the end of the trajectory,speed will be increased to supersonic level and missile will do some terminal maneuvering.china's C803 and america's harpoon and tommahawk are these kinds.there is also saying that subsonic cruise missile are more accurate than supersonic ones,because they have more time for modifying their track against ships.
supersonic missiles are famous for its role in soviet union of cold war.as soviet's AC fleet are really not comparable with USN,they need something badly to destroy USN AC fleets.so they made huge supersonic missiles which has huge body and therefore long range(usually 400 km). this was effective for fleets without aegis system. but in nowadays,it wont be easy for supersonic cruise missile to approach the target,no matter its on land or sea.yes their speed is fast,but their trajectoryis so high and their body is so huge,they are more easy to be detected,which means the targets may have enough time to deal with it. compared with subsonic ones,supersonic ones cost much but gain little.
US having no supersonic cruise missile does not means that supersonic missiles are outdated.on the contrary,they developed some hypersonic project(X51).

contradiction - in your own post. seems you urself are confused.

from your own post, you say until aegis was designed SUPER SONIC MISSILES had no counter.

So u admit, when no aegis, Super Sonic Missile cant be intercepted by the old systems, but the same old systems were designed and able to counter the sub sonic missiles.

So to take it forward, if aegis now offers some sort or protection against Super Sonic missiles then the sub sonic ones cant even touch a aegis equipped ship.

so the SuperSonic Brahmos is the kill weapon to overcome even the most advanced protection systems and is a nightmare for ships.

and it also clearly brings out the dichotomy in your post, wherein you are trying hard to show supersonic as bad, but your own points reflect the strength and power of Brahmos.
An essentially Russian junk paid for by the Indians。 What's the big deal?:coffee:

Burning with jealosy :lol:

Send your JUNK navy to our shores as we need some target practice for our junk Brahmos :lol:
So to take it forward, if aegis now offers some sort or protection against Super Sonic missiles then the sub sonic ones cant even touch a aegis equipped ship.

if it was because my poor English which made you didnt get my point,i apologise.but the opinion i quote is quite wrong.
supersonic cruise missile are easier to be exposed to enemy's radar than sub one,as reasons i have said(i wont repeat it cause typing letters on cell phone is really a nightmare,especially on old nokia),aegis will have enough time to lunch antimissile missile.while for subsonic ones, as they fly to surface and considering earth curvature effect and some rough terrain,it will be difficult for radar to find them.so aegis are more fond of high trajectory missiles.you see,you can find enemy missile early and lunch antimissile guided missile.for subsonic missiles,when it is about to be exposed, it would increase its speed to supersonic and do some maneuvering.this makes it harder for phalanx system to intercept a missile.
if it was because my poor English which made you didnt get my point,i apologise.but the opinion i quote is quite wrong.
supersonic cruise missile are easier to be exposed to enemy's radar than sub one,as reasons i have said(i wont repeat it cause typing letters on cell phone is really a nightmare,especially on old nokia),aegis will have enough time to lunch antimissile missile.while for subsonic ones, as they fly to surface and considering earth curvature effect and some rough terrain,it will be difficult for radar to find them.so aegis are more fond of high trajectory missiles.you see,you can find enemy missile early and lunch antimissile guided missile.for subsonic missiles,when it is about to be exposed, it would increase its speed to supersonic and do some maneuvering.this makes it harder for phalanx system to intercept a missile.

i dont worry for your english.. u said CLEARLY,

"they made huge supersonic missiles which has huge body and therefore long range(usually 400 km).this was effective for fleets without aegis system

so supersonic was effective more then the subsonic when aegis was not there... when aegis is there supersonic can still kill, subsonic is just useless.

so it shows the supersonic Brahmos is a nightmare, and the hypersonic will be even more deadly fire n forget, one shot 99.9% kill vehicle.
"they made huge supersonic missiles which has huge body and therefore long range(usually 400 km).this was effective for fleets without aegis system

so supersonic was effective more then the subsonic when aegis was not there... when aegis is there supersonic can still kill, subsonic is just useless.

so it shows the supersonic Brahmos is a nightmare, and the hypersonic will be even more deadly fire n forget, one shot 99.9% kill vehicle.

what i said about soviet supersonic missile was some circumstances in cold war.besides,their cruise range was beyond 400km(brahmos is far shorter).and that was under circumstance of saturation attack.i also said USN's harpoon and tommahawk and china's c803 are subsonic missile.honestly,do u really think they r junk?i also explained the advantages of subsonic missile.why didnt you see that....man antimissile technology has improved a lot.i dont understand where you get the idea that subsonic missile can be easily killed.did u read what i said?for example,in the terminal flying,C803 can reach a speed about 2M.when radar detect it,it would be late as it is already close to the target.
supersonic cruise missile is not better than sub ones ,unless it can cruise close to the surface without lower much of its range.can brahmos do that?
and as far as i know,
brahmos does not fly ALWAYS at 2.8 or 3 mach,

it needs to climb up to a certain height before it approaches maximum speed,hence it makes itself easier target to be detected and intercepted,

sub sonic can fly very close to surface,hence they are difficult to detect,
what i said about soviet supersonic missile was some circumstances in cold war.besides,their cruise range was beyond 400km(brahmos is far shorter).and that was under circumstance of saturation attack.i also said USN's harpoon and tommahawk and china's c803 are subsonic missile.honestly,do u really think they r junk?i also explained the advantages of subsonic missile.why didnt you see that....man antimissile technology has improved a lot.i dont understand where you get the idea that subsonic missile can be easily killed.did u read what i said?for example,in the terminal flying,C803 can reach a speed about 2M.when radar detect it,it would be late as it is already close to the target.
supersonic cruise missile is not better than sub ones ,unless it can cruise close to the surface without lower much of its range.can brahmos do that?

and u think u can make that out but not the Russians and Indian scientists working on supersonic and hypersonic missiles.. :lol:

who told u by the time sub sonic is detected its too late to stop it? so guess just abondon Aegis and other systems right. Why waste money when they cant detect even sub sonic ones at interceptable range. :lol:

can u tell me the magical figure for SIZE (that if missile is bigger then that it will be caught on radar and smaller then that wont be caught) :lol:

also brahmos gets its speed not beacuse of its size but because of its advanced propulsion technoligies.. which Russia has mastered over decades... which Chinese cant produce for next few decades..

and u were the one who CLEARLY wrote - that when AEGIS was not there, Supersonic just cannot be stopped.
And now u r saying opposite that supersonic can be easily caught but sub sonic cant be. :lol:

if old system can capture Sub Sonic, I can only wonder what aegis would do to your sub sonic missiles. I guess subsonic wont even touch the ship unless fired 15-20 at a time.

Brahmos is the way to go and there is very less chance against this for a ship.. develop one if you can. sour grapes for you i guess.
please dont pick up one of my sentence and twisted into sth. beyond my idea.read them with the whole paragraph please.

and u think u can make that out but not the Russians and Indian scientists working on supersonic and hypersonic missiles.. :lol:
who told u by the time sub sonic is detected its too late to stop it? so guess just abondon Aegis and other systems right. Why waste money when they cant detect even sub sonic ones at interceptable range. :lol:

that is not my opinion.Brahmos is a good supersonic misslise,but that doesnt means it is better than subsonic ones.i have repeated the reasons for many times.problems for supersonic cruise missiles are universally acknowledged.u can refer to some relative articles to see if i am wrong.for instance,Brahmos is better than XiongfengIII(also a supersonic missile made by taiwan),but it may not be better than TommaHawk and CJ-10 for land attack,and it may not be better than Harpoon and C-803 for sea attack.supersonic cruise missile is not better than sub ones when we see it on the whole.

can u tell me the magical figure for SIZE (that if missile is bigger then that it will be caught on radar and smaller then that wont be caught) :lol:
also brahmos gets its speed not beacuse of its size but because of its advanced propulsion technoligies.. which Russia has mastered over decades... which Chinese cant produce for next few decades..

com'on.....it was not just the size that supersonic to be caught by raday.i have said the most important is the trajetory,or the hight when cruising.sub ones flying close to the surface,so radar wave are blocked by rough topographyand and curvature of the Earth.supersonice flys so high that it can be caught quite early.what is the most significant part of the anti-missle system?reaction time.
and for the size.the size is not for getting speed....it is for loading more fuel for range....i apologize again if it was my english confused u.

and u were the one who CLEARLY wrote - that when AEGIS was not there, Supersonic just cannot be stopped.
i never wrote that.i just said how soviet union deal with USN ACs.did i said supersonic cannot be stopped?though i also think it this way,but on a precondition that those soviet union fleets can approach and survive from USN's carrier-air wing team. but be aware,that were things before 1990s....

if old system can capture Sub Sonic, I can only wonder what aegis would do to your sub sonic missiles. I guess subsonic wont even touch the ship unless fired 15-20 at a time.
i have explained for many times..

the video above can tell something.i am not meaning to show Brahmos or Babur,which is better.i quote it to show my standpoints.
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and as far as i know,
brahmos does not fly ALWAYS at 2.8 or 3 mach,

it needs to climb up to a certain height before it approaches maximum speed,hence it makes itself easier target to be detected and intercepted,

sub sonic can fly very close to surface,hence they are difficult to detect,

Are you have little knowledge about cruise missile....?????:cry::cry:

Every cruise missile needs to climb up to certain hight & than fly very low.
Brahmose doesnt need to climb high to gain velocity & unlike other supersonic missiles it maintain supersonic profile in hole flight (other use it in only in terminal phase).

Brahmose can detect by radar earlier in distance but has very low reaction time due to 2.8 mach.
Brahmose can detect by radar earlier in distance but has very low reaction time due to 2.8 mach.

is radar wave faster or supersonic missile faster?....2.8 mach is rather slow compared with light speed within a 290km range,which means quite a reaction time than sub ones.

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