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India’s Mars exploration mission by Oct

This news is hitting European media now... which led me here

Obviously this joke becomes a source of fake pride of many Indians. But as a guy whose tax $ is funding this stupid white elephant project, I feel outraged!

Yes, the EU donates hundreds of millions of aids euro to India annually. As a tax payer, my money is indirectly funding this project.

Why this shows the pinnacle of Indian hypocrisy and stupidity?

I'll use several mins here telling ya why:

1. wrong priority: when a large part of India is illiterate and starving, literally as the whole world knows it except Indians, someone on top in India has no shame in spending other people's aids money for their own ends of artificial glorification.

It is unfair to ordinary Indians, unethical to the int’l donors, and strictly speaking it is even illegal.

2. wrong target: why Mars? why not Saturn or Jupiter as a Chinese suggests (obviously he's much smarter shown by his satire)? The reason given by Indians is sth like

"if we succeed, we will be the 2nd nation after the US...if we fail, it'll help us technologically..."

Now that response is the evidence of typical 82 IQ or below. Why? Why not try this instead if using same logic and efforts but much better?----

"if we succeed in exploring Jupiter, we'll be the 1st in the world! if we fail, oke, it'll help us technologically, even more!" :rofl:

So if I were you, at least I would choose a much further target earning much morebragging right with the exactly the same efforts.

No wonder with such stupidity around and throughout, India is such a basketcase, because any idea, no matter how outrageously stupid it is, will be supported by even much stupider audiences who have no clue of being taken for a ride. :no:

3. wrong benefit groups: whose tech it helps? where the $$$ go?

If India can not build from A to Z a 3++ gen fighter like LCA Tejas, do you HONESTLY believe that it can accomplish such a thing like 5 gen fighter on its own? No. But Indians somehow are all convinced as "YES" :lol:

Again and again, in every field of HAL, or ISRO or DRDO, the same stupidity is shown in EVERY SINGLE of their "project" that is before even knowing how to crawl, they brag they will and is ready to sprint as fast as or even faster than Usain Bolt. ( Kavari, hello? they claimed they could built it in about a fraction of time and money that took much more experienced and technologically much more advanced France have done in similar things. :no: )

The lunar explorer that India sent to the much closer Moon was lost in contact after a short period of operation, hello??? Yet when NO better tech has ever been demonstrated after it, while somehow Indian ISRO is convinced it’s ready for much further away Mars – again, typical Indian brag to sprint before crawl.

Do you really really , honestly, think that India who even pays an army of Russian consultants, technologies and entire turnkey systems such as rocket fuel, guidance system, key designs and key high temperature super hard alloys all imported straight from Moscow on low tech rocket such as Agni V, but at the same time India somehow "magically" has much higher tech of its own for the more powerful Mars rocket, if not also importing/paying all star Russian technologies, key parts and personnel/consultants????

So where the main $$$ of this white elephant project go? Russia.

Where the main tech ( rocket tech) come from? Russia mainly, and possible also the EU, NASA.

Whose technologies, successfully or not, it will demonstrate mainly? Russian.

Whose industries, knowhows “it will help mainly even when failed”? Russian.

Where the minority of the $$$ go? Bonus of some Indian benefit persons in ISRO/DRDO, and their Swiss bank accounts account, of course.

above is the simple logical check list that most of entire Europeans, North East Asians and (white)Americans will tell ya.

Thus, succeed or not, India and Indians who in a fool’s paradise are happy and feel proud of it, while the rest of the developed world will look down further upon this laughing stock. Now you know why.

LOL How stupid are you? Your failed mental obsession just wants to derail this thread. Your absolute lack of some common sense is appalling, please remove yourself from the internet. :hitwall:

1. India does not need any aid. We even announced that officially. All your aid goes to NGOs! The government cant stops this.
GOI has set up one of the largest help programs in the world. THese few hundred millions are nothing to what the government does.
The funny thing is that we recently lent them 10 billion dollars :coffee:

2. ISROs budget is just 1.2 billion USD! Even your mental capability should allow you to understand that this is nothing compared to our other expenses.

3. Scientific work is a benefit for many industries and will thus further help to fight poverty.
of course, as usual and as expected, 82 IQ indians are trolling their own supposed "glorifying" thread, while my controlled reasoning has been met with ad hominem attack, only - a further evidence of intellectual capacity of Indians.

if you think i wrote that much for the sake of you lot, then you have IQ most likely even below 82.

I wrote that as kind suggestion to india, your country , on what is good planing and what is not.

I wrote that to numerous int'l lurkers who happened looking into this.

Seeing that you are from china and talk about Indian poverty do try to use your brain and read up on stuff other than CCP propaganda on the amount of aid your beloved china receives and has received from decades, secondly china spends billions of dollars in its space program when 80% of it's population lives on 1000 $ or less a year - get answers from CPC if you can before trolling on India.
I would be more happy if they take some more time and do things much more thoroughly as they did with Chandrayaan. Its even better if they invite international proposals for the experiment payload which I am sure every space faring nation willing to contribute.

Maybe from Chandrayaan mission our scientists got the confidence for deep space missions and now they want to do it alone. I wish us success !! :tup:

They are not inviting foreign instruments because the payload capacity of PSLV is limited for Mars missions, which is 10 Kg.
In Every Indian Space related thread some Chinese members have a duty to make there presence felt, by this one thing is for sure - India Is A BIG Space Power & some members can't stand this.

@ Indian members, Guys stop replying to a troll, just report him.

P.S. "If people say bad things about you, you must be doing something good." - Guru (movie).
Not really. In core mathematics may be but in Applied Mathematics, Indian are doing pretty good.

I agree with Math R&D. But look at IISc, ISI :-)D - Indian Statistical Institute), Indian Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai etc. They are doing pretty well. But I would agree that considering pool of students, graduates and PG students, its quite less.

Most of them get admitted in Priinceton, Stanford, etc. which is what we call brain drain.


So from which one of them did you do your PhD? And in which field?

But generally we are quite poor in world beating research --- blame it on our education system --- to do well it is better to be taught correctly at the right time. This is why IITs are preferred --- not because the vast majority of the ones doing B.Tech are very intelligent, but because they are taught correctly in IITs --- something that the other universities cannot boast of.

Of course one could always argue about which path is correct... but that does not condone the lack of application of our university system.
So from which one of them did you do your PhD? And in which field?
But generally we are quite poor in world beating research --- blame it on our education system --- to do well it is better to be taught correctly at the right time. This is why IITs are preferred --- not because the vast majority of the ones doing B.Tech are very intelligent, but because they are taught correctly in IITs --- something that the other universities cannot boast of.
Of course one could always argue about which path is correct... but that does not condone the lack of application of our university system.
Neither of them but I know it because of my Prof. who had taught in IIT K prof. for 30 years and was HOD of Mathematics Department. I did my MS by Research in his guidance in Mathematical Modeling.

There are other universities which are also good but IIT gets good amount of funding and it has been for decades which has now good brand value.

Applied Mathematics is quite on rise in India and number of publications in this field in International Peer Reviewed Journals, is increasing leaps and bounds.
Neither of them but I know it because of my Prof. who had taught in IIT K prof. for 30 years and was HOD of Mathematics Department. I did my MS by Research in his guidance in Mathematical Modeling.

There are other universities which are also good but IIT gets good amount of funding and it has been for decades which has now good brand value.

Applied Mathematics is quite on rise in India and number of publications in this field in International Peer Reviewed Journals, is increasing leaps and bounds.

It is good that you had a good prof. I mistakenly thought that you had done PhD --- but MS research is also research.

Mathematical modelling is very important --- good that you chose this field. The behaviour of a numerical implementation of a problem could be quite different from the analytical solution --- and many times more difficult is implementing a numerical solution of a problem whose actual solution we do not know.

I do not say that IITs/IISc/TIFR and equivalents are great --- they are better than the rest by leaps and bounds --- exceptions like good profs & students elsewhere are of course present. The advantage of being in these places is that if you desire then there is considerable academic freedom to do great work.

The same things plague our defence research institutions. No wonder its like we keep running frantically on a treadmill !! But we'll get up there sooner than later --- of this i am sure. Give us a couple of decades - our science will be outstanding then.
@thinkingcap81 You also doing Research ?

I know this brain drain. Seen it quite closely.
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@thinkingcap81 You also doing Research ?

I know this brain drain. Seen it quite closely.

Yep @KRAIT, i'm doing PhD --- hoping to complete in the next 3-4 months --- been 5+ years :what:

Basically i am trained as a mechanical engineer --- i will get my PhD degree from mechanical engineering dept. of my institute, but my work is related to some aspects of monsoon dynamics --- far away from mechanical engg --- kinda lost interest in mechanical stuff.

This is getting off-topic. I've no pm facility and i rarely log on here --- though i keep following some topics here & there --- not in detail --- enough to know the perpetual trolls - elites included, the intelligents, the think tanks & think tonks...

Bye and recover from your leg fracture asap.
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More important than the mars mission is the GSLV mk 3 test flight. I doubt even god knows when that is.
Yep @KRAIT, i'm doing PhD --- hoping to complete in the next 3-4 months --- been 5+ years :what:
Basically i am trained as a mechanical engineer --- i will get my PhD degree from mechanical engineering dept. of my institute, but my work is related to some aspects of monsoon dynamics --- far away from mechanical engg --- kinda lost interest in mechanical stuff.
This is getting off-topic. I've no pm facility and i rarely log on here --- though i keep following some topics here & there --- not in detail --- enough to know the perpetual trolls - elites included, the intelligents, the think tanks & think tonks...
Bye and recover from your leg fracture asap.

Monsoon Dynamics. Great. I worked a bit on Artificial Rainmaking through Aerosols. I think you deal a lot with Mathematical models especially non linear differential equations and Partial differential equations.
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They are not inviting foreign instruments because the payload capacity of PSLV is limited for Mars missions, which is 10 Kg.

why limit it to only 10KG. the only thing you can put on there is a stereo system.

I believe that the GLSV project is the bottle neck of India's space superpower ambition.
why limit it to only 10KG. the only thing you can put on there is a stereo system.

I believe that the GLSV project is the bottle neck of India's space superpower ambition.


how many countries can put 1000 kgs to earth orbits, or 500 kgs to lunar orbit?

GSLV Mk-3 is a project as of now; that doesn't take away achievements of the past.

how many countries can put 1000 kgs to earth orbits, or 500 kgs to lunar orbit?

GSLV Mk-3 is a project as of now; that doesn't take away achievements of the past.

It seems like you and most Indians share a post to brag instead of conveying facts and reasons. You can't do much with a 10KG object. But I guess this is more of a bragging mission than any thing else. So its ok to not accomplish much except getting there.

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