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India’s Ballistic Missiles


Jul 6, 2009
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India?s Ballistic Missiles

India lately has been progressing at a rapid speed towards induction of new ballistic missiles; well it has to, china which has over 1000 conventional ballistic missiles currently aimed at Taiwan, in matter of days might be aimed towards India if border tension between two giants explodes, most of the Chinese missiles are mobile and can be posted close to Indian border at very fast rate ,due to better roads and rail links which Chinese have been able to construct over years , this article will take into in details of the Ballistic missiles India possess or already in development by countries premier DRDO labs in all over India.


India’s first Agni Missiles was test fired in 1989, with limited 1200 to 1500 km range it was more of Technology Demonstrator, it was also test bed for further new next generation Agni missiles which were later developed over the years after years of experience working on this missiles .in mid-90’s some of them were inducted into Indian Army Missile regiments. It was also referred to have Agni-1 but later it was official called Agni-TD and now most of them have been retired from force.


It was a shorter missile which was developed after Agni-2 , need was felt since Agni-2 had range of 2500km + while Agni-TD where somewhere around 1200-1500km range , so shorter single stage solid fuel 850km range was first test fired in late 2007 , it has been successfully test fired over the years now and has been inducted into Indian Army’s Missile regiment , Numbers inducted have been never disclosed.


First test fired in mid-99 and later inducted into Indian Army ,initially it had a range of 2500km with one ton payload but was able to hit 3300km with lighter payload , it was the first missile in Indian arsenal which was capable of hitting some major cities in china but was not enough to bring whole china into its range . it has been inducted in full force and has been considered until now has most reliable Agni missile in Agni Series .


This new 2.0 gen Agni-2 missile will be tested soon by end of September 2010, it will incorporate newer technologies developed over the years, and improved Agni-2 will have better range (3900km) with same 1 ton payload this could be achieved by using advance composite and lighter materials, it seems that Agni-2 missile will be work horse of India’s deterrence in Agni series of missiles.


First tested in 2006 which was a disaster it was retested almost year after in 2007 which was a huge success, DRDO and India rightly have under quoted the missile range has 3500km but western defense experts believe that missile can achieve 5500 km plus range and even up to 7000km with a lighter conventional payload, bringing in whole of Asia and Easter Europe , this is the first time Indian missiles will be able to over whole Asian continent and volatile middle eastern sector , induction has been going on for a while now but it seems to be in smaller numbers now .


Development of Submarine launched Agni-III has been in development for a while now, and work has been slow since its Carrier Nuke submarines (INS ARIHANT) has been development and it might take little more time to test and integrate the missiles.


Which will be based on Agni-III but will have one more stage to achieve greater range, officially it has been told to media by DRDO that it will have 5500 km range, but with lighter or even decent payload of one ton it will be able to deliver a payload over 8000km far away, it has been described has china specific missile but AGNI- III can hit almost every Major city in China, AGNI-V has been described by many western Defence experts has show of India Military strength , and to prove to world that India can hit any country over .
Dude just a little suggestion .... why did you start the article explaining about China ????
Your topic is " India’s Ballistic Missiles " stick to it don't create unnecessary spat.
Rest of the info is pretty good.
This is total **** ,why this paraonia towards china huh ? If they ever claimed that we developing missile as india centric. Please tell this scientists or flame threader to stop posting hostiles for china..
Well the article pretty much sums it up.
however there are certain discretion s in the article
One the stated range of gen 2 Agni II is 3000 Km , not 3900 Km , while that of Agni II is 2000 Km not 2500 km .
Secondly How can western experts assume that India would reduce the payload to increase the range of missiles.
Thirdly ,Theoretically if India were to reduce the payload of Agni III from 2500 Kg to 180 Kg , it can increase the range of missile to 11000 Km making it capable of striking deep inside Australia,but the question is why would India want to hit Australia,yeah we dont like the aussie and consider them as white supremest idiots , but it doesn't mean that we will threaten them.
While with a 1000 Kg payload Agni III can have a range of 5500 km bringing most of china within its range , then why the hell will india spend money on developing Agni V with range of 5000+ KM
Even this missile will have a payload of 2500 kg and with a lighter payload of say a 1000kg ,it would have a range of 8000km
My guess is that the reason why India develops missile with higher payload but lower range is so as not to raise eyebrows in international arena and also fulfill its strategic requirements
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