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India, Russia opt for velvet divorce

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doubt .

The last thing we should do is to go to us camp.We should play the neutral switzerland. The current crisis is a lot hotter than what cold war was due to the dedollarization element.

If Pakistan join Russo-Sino axis we will have no other option than joining the US camp . In WW2 US didn't wanted to join any sides and we all know what happened later .

Pakistan won't choose sides so that it can be a spectator they will be itching for war.
LOL Beta Internet Mil gya to kuch bhi post kre ga... proof of Baksheesh....???

Look at your Airforce budget kid, it can't even buy a decnt fighter. Dreaming about Su 35. :rofl:
My one cent? You've bet on the wrong horse.......... in the long term, there's more synergy between the US and China than between US and India........ and when push comes to shove, US has a habit of dumping an ally in a heart beat........ whatever the case, there are many if's and but's in this new bromance....... only time will tell....... furthermore, whatever happens, you'd have lost a reliable partner in Russia.......

I agree, let me assure you there are no delusions with respect to US in India nor any unrealistic expectations. In-fact we are keeping US at arm's length for now. Thanks to Pakistan for teaching us about reliability of US as an ally.

We can only be assured of US acting in it's own self-interest and you see most action happening where Indian and US interests overlap i.e. Navy.and China

Regarding synergy between US and China, Man you gotta be kidding me!! Pacific command shits bricks over China every morning. I haven't see two countries more in-compatible. China's rise in Global Politics is proportional to fall of US. India has to do nothing in this regard. It is just luck that our interests are convergent.

Regarding loss of Russia - No biggie! we haven't lost them but graduated to transactional relationship. Russia as it is now is a liability, if things change in future I am sure Indians will grow a lot warmer to Russians.

The thing is India has no interest in being a proxy for anyone, our size and economy bestows upon us certain advantages which we can leverage to act in our own interest, Not many nations have that privilege.
Even if this deal went succesfull which i highly doubt

couple of sukhoi squadron won't give u any advantage over indian armed forces.

remember pakistan armed forces traditionally enjoy superior technology over indian armed forces

patton tanks , f-86 sabers , f- 16 , p-3 orion , agostas sub etc we still manage to win against u.
(pressure india, take pakistan from saudi arabia and reduce the terrorist flow to syria).

Aaaand how is Pakistan involved in the terrorist flow to Syria?
Add China too
yes, it's more a China/Russia vs west situation now

but like it or not, Pak are still very much in the US camp (by dependency) and they're going to let go, PAk is in very deep with the US *coff* f-16 fleet

More like China-Russia vs USA . Pakistan is a unreliable state. As for su-35 I think its bait .Killing two birds with one stone ,(pressure india, take pakistan from saudi arabia and reduce the terrorist flow to syria). But Pakistan is under too firm a grip of Saudi Arabia. Though I believe there is a element of strong Chinese pressure in this game on Russia to offer its advanced Su-35 to Pakistan.
China wield the maximum influence in Pakistan and I think it was probably their strong advice against sending sending troops for the Saudi's war in Yemen that resulted in how that situation panned out but this Su 35 thing feels more like Russia tugging on the leash.

in the end both the dogs will have to go along with whatever they're told :P
Look at your Airforce budget kid, it can't even buy a decnt fighter. Dreaming about Su 35. :rofl:

F-16 Block 52 is a decent Fighter Dumb shit
Oh, Russia, why must you tease us so?

F-16 Block 52 is a decent Fighter Dumb shit

It is indeed, if you're living in the 80s.
Aaaand how is Pakistan involved in the terrorist flow to Syria?

He thinks Pakistan is sending Terrorists in PIA :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Oh, Russia, why must you tease us so?

It is indeed, if you're living in the 80s.


Did DRDO or HAL invented Block 52 in 80's.... Build Tejas first
F-16 Block 52 is a decent Fighter Dumb shit
When your country lives on alms of one sugar daddy, making a sugar daddy of your enemy's friend is probably the stupidest thing your people can do. Then again Pakistan was never known for it's intelligence.
We are as non aligned presently as we were in the Cold war. Nothing to worry. Even in cold war we bought European Stuff which is almost equal to the Soviet stuff we bought(in terms of money spent).

And we need to remain the same.We are currently undertaking joint exercises with US, Austraila, Middle East, Iran, Israel , UK and Vietnam as I write.

Doubts on Indian Diplomacy should be the last thing.

India fortunately had a dynamic leader in Indira in those days...

Unfortunately today, we have Innocent/Reactionary/Incompetent leaders at best or a pawn of the foreign powers at worst.

It's the job of the leaders to set the direction and job of the diplomats to implement it effectively.

I do not doubt the Diplomats but surely doubt the Leaders.
He thinks Pakistan is sending Terrorists in PIA :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Did DRDO or HAL invented Block 52 in 80's.... Build Tejas first

Nobody 'invented' the block 52. You need to read the dictionary.
India fortunately had a dynamic leader in Indira in those days...

Unfortunately today, we have Innocent/Reactionary/Incompetent leaders at best or a pawn of the foreign powers at worst.

It's the job of the leaders to set the direction and job of the diplomats to implement it effectively.

I do not doubt the Diplomats but surely doubt the Leaders.

Congi ALERT here! Sure last 10 years was heaven for Idia's armed forces!
When your country lives on alms of one sugar daddy, making a sugar daddy of your enemy's friend is probably the stupidest thing your people can do.

You do know that India received more economic assistance from the US than Pakistan despite sitting firmly in the Soviet camp.
You do know that India received more economic assistance from the US than Pakistan despite sitting firmly in the Soviet camp.

Where? When? How? Really? Or more precisely is the variety of pot in pakistan really strong?
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