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India, Russia opt for velvet divorce

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doubt .

The last thing we should do is to go to us camp.We should play the neutral switzerland. The current crisis is a lot hotter than what cold war was due to the dedollarization element.

Yeah? You know who the predators pick off first right?
Yeah? You know who the predators pick off first right?

Yet the predatory nations did not pick off switzerland for centuries . We have a decent nuke arsenal and we are not majors in the dedollarization movement in which Russia and China are .We are followers in this train though.
fluid situation in a fast changing and increasingly multi-polar world, let's see.

but in the end, both India and Pakistan are but pawns in the bigger Russia vs US great game..

Add China too
As Russia announced this news of a possible negotiation, it has announced a joint deal to modernise the Su 30 MKI / SM into Super Sukhoi, essentially SU 35S + aircraft with AESA radar, new engines, etc.

Even Russia is not buying Su 35 and China doesn't need it now that it has J 16. Pakistan can only afford a squadron or two of these jets if Russia doesn't lend it 2 - 5 bn $ of credit. Russia is in need of money so chances that they will lend money to a beggar when they are in need of money themselves is incredulous.

Even if it goes through, 2 squadrons of SU 35 < 272 Super Sukhoi which are closer to FGFA than Su 35.

Russian state technology corporation Rostec said that India has expressed interest in carrying out a joint project to extensively modernize its SU-30MKI aircraft in collaboration with Russian companies.


MOSCOW (Sputnik) – India has expressed interest in carrying out a joint project to extensively modernize its SU-30MKI aircraft in collaboration with Russian companies, the Russian state technology corporation Rostec said in a statement Friday.

"In the long term, as recommended by the Russian Ministry of Defense, we plan a major upgrade of the SU-30SM [model] to increase its combat effectiveness. The Indian government has expressed interest in collaborating to modernize the SU-30MKI, which is an evolution of the SU-30SM," the statement reads.

According to the statement, both aircraft models will be given upgraded avionics and radars, as well as an improved engine. The SU-30SM and the SU-30MKI will also be equipped with additional weapons.

The SU-30 MKI, NATO reporting name Flanker-H, is the Indian Air Force’s elite fighter-bomber. It was developed by Russia's Sukhoi Aviation Corporation and built under license by India's Hindustan Aeronautics.

Russia and India have been close partners in military and technical cooperation for decades. In 2014, the total value of weapons and military hardware delivered by Russia to India reached $4.7 billion, according to Russian Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation estimates.

Timeline is around 2020.
fluid situation in a fast changing and increasingly multi-polar world, let's see.

but in the end, both India and Pakistan are but pawns in the bigger Russia vs US great game..

More like China-Russia vs USA . Pakistan is a unreliable state. As for su-35 I think its bait .Killing two birds with one stone ,(pressure india, take pakistan from saudi arabia and reduce the terrorist flow to syria). But Pakistan is under too firm a grip of Saudi Arabia. Though I believe there is a element of strong Chinese pressure in this game on Russia to offer its advanced Su-35 to Pakistan.
Yes Pakistan Can Buy it Like 5 Billion Dollar Pakistan Paying for 8 subs like pakistan Paying 1 Billion For AH-1Z heli 1000 hellfire missile Like Pakistan paying for 8 Global cutters Patrol boats from America Like Pakistan is paying ATR like Pakistan and many more stuff so don't worry about Pakistan Paying

That is chinese Baksheesh. Russia here needs money not some giveaway. If we can scupper sale of french electronics to JF 17, we can do this as well.

If Modi goes and signs a ToT on PAKFA, FGFA, Super Sukhoi, during his russia visit this deal can kiss itself goodbye.
Guys calm down . If at all russian fighters will touch pakistan skies it will be IAF MKI . These rumours already debunked by russians them self .

Russia china relationship is getting stronger no doubt about it . Which means they are tilting towards pakistan . But note russia under goimg some serious money issues where china plays important role in aiding them .

But lets look at their relationship with magnified glasses . The so called investment of 300 billion promised by XI is still at stalemate . For this 300 billion project to work 50 billion should be invested in infra alone . Excluding the deal itself . Which should be inveated by russia in Russia and China .

Secondly , Pressure mounted by china to get cosy with pakistan is very large .China knoe Russia is the only big wall between India and China . They are doing everything thing to make russia an enemy of India . But poor attempt .

Russia has other plan in their mind . To avoid this russia offering chinese to share high quality military technology . Its all my calculations things might very different but I have my valid point too.

What is happening ? On one hand russia sided with china . And china brag about its cosynes with them . But what we are missing here is Russian sale of Kilo subs and KH missiles to the Vietnamese . THE LAST time when viet prime minister came to India, Russia agreed to the sale of Bramos to them . Which is an joint venture between india and russia . So it shows even though Russia shares very well established friendship with China its more in business terms . Mmean while russia followimg and assuring its ally that it wil come for their help .last thing Russia want is losing India and Vietnam who are getting closer into potential militarily ally and tends to create a rim of seperate power entity in Asian waters to take on china . Japan India vietnam Australia and US thats some serious power full power . All superpowers will like to have control over any groups of nations atleat 1/3 countries of the group for their own security .

More over India is not just friend but time tested and trusted one than fragile pakistan and ambitious china .

I bet we are here to stay as friemds for ever . Unless crazy Putin spins a dice for russian foreign policies
Add China too
fluid situation in a fast changing and increasingly multi-polar world, let's see.

but in the end, both India and Pakistan are but pawns in the bigger Russia vs US great game..

And there lies the problem for India.

Historically the India was supported by Russia but now with all three major players (US, Russia, China) supporting Pakistan, India has become an orphan pawn and not having enough time and strength to grow as a Minister.

The phrase "na ghar ka na ghaat ka" perfectly explains the current Indian situation..
That is chinese Baksheesh. Russia here needs money not some giveaway. If we can scupper sale of french electronics to JF 17, we can do this as well.

If Modi goes and signs a ToT on PAKFA, FGFA, Super Sukhoi, during his russia visit this deal can kiss itself goodbye.

LOL Beta Internet Mil gya to kuch bhi post kre ga... proof of Baksheesh....???
My one cent? You've bet on the wrong horse.......... in the long term, there's more synergy between the US and China than between US and India........ and when push comes to shove, US has a habit of dumping an ally in a heart beat........ whatever the case, there are many if's and but's in this new bromance....... only time will tell....... furthermore, whatever happens, you'd have lost a reliable partner in Russia.......

Any of the consequences of speeding up will be matched proportionally in form increased urgency in US - India ties.
Similarly I see a counterweight to it in form of US-Japan-India. Nature abhors imbalance

Add Australia and Philippines . I'm sure these two countries will join US much b4 India.

On-topic nothing new Russian and Indian interest doesn't go hand in hand in future and one more thing no need to bring Pakistan into this equation its more because of China .

@Muhammad Omar bro does Pakistan even need these long range jets? Since India is your principle adversary.
We are as non aligned presently as we were in the Cold war. Nothing to worry. Even in cold war we bought European Stuff which is almost equal to the Soviet stuff we bought(in terms of money spent).

And we need to remain the same.We are currently undertaking joint exercises with US, Austraila, Middle East, Iran, Israel , UK and Vietnam as I write.

Doubts on Indian Diplomacy should be the last thing.
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