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India, Russia ink S-400 missile system deal

Once the system becomes operational, fly a drone every now and then into the Indian territory.

But that being aside, haven't the Indians always bought latest toys and still failed to man up?

All the S-400 in the world cannot buy you balls.

India gets he latest tech from Russia, Pakistan gets it from China.

As far as Rafael is concerned, in the past the the Indians had bought the latest jets of that time.

As long as this S-400 deal gets Modi reelected, it is good in my books.
Ball is there. We showed you in 71.
Whatever you believe this is not 1950,this is 2018, and he was a dictator not representative of the people of Pakistan at that time,and China is not like USA who always want to backstabber to Pakistan @Osiris

@waz @The Eagle @Horus there are too many threads running on the same topic please merge, Thanks
Exactly it isn't the 1950s anymore or the 1990s where USA can doublecross us.

Now the times are changing rapidly. Secondly China has never wronged us and they are a neighbour. USA is all the way on the other side of the world. The average Pakistani couldn't give a damn for America.

Thats why Pakistani public opinion is very much against USA, possibly forever because of America's actions.
Can we get a cruise missile of that cross section I mean stelath. .?
Pak got 100 LD10 ARM from China, its 80km and 20kg warhead. Don t know Babur configuration.It is stealth, never look into it. But US AGM88 is monster. Double the radius and 150 kg of warhead. Then came MAR1 in PAF inventory with 90kg warhead and operation range max 100km. MAR1 is good cure for S400.
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A single nuke detonated in upper atmosphere will cripple the entire s400 system due to emf, without inflicting any direct human casualties.

Wah Kya idea hey... Nobel prize on nuclear physics must go to you

... last words by the Indian commander of S-400 battlion immediately before he dies in the explosion in 2023.

Stupid commie making *** out of himself Mao style
I just wonder, how is this gonna help anyone other than U.S.A or Israel (if ever they acquire the Aforementioned Missiles)?? Pakistan certainly is never gonna get these systems, nor can afford them in the near to short term given the current state of your economy. :-)

So far they've ran through these various """"solutions""""

  • EMP blast from nukes (because the S400s def aren't guarded against that and the pakistanis won't face any international pushback)
  • Acquire knowledge from cheen on how to defeat them (because the chinese will be so candid with a defense system used to guard their own cities)
  • Acquire F-35/other 5th gen (because a sanctioned and economically bankrupt country can obviously afford them)
  • Put pressure of America to sanction India (because everyone cares about pakistani's opinions and interests, especially America)
  • Flood the S400s with a barrage of missiles/ drones (because the S400s don't have anti-spoof detection mechanisms and pakistan is rich enough to saturate this system with hundreds of missiles)
  • Nuke India (because India and the world won't nuke them back)
  • US will deliver 18 f16blk52 to pakistan (because for some reason they will)
Am I missing anything?
@WebMaster @Horus @WAJsal @waz @Oscar

Can I post, "72 missiles so that kali m@ta don't rape or kill kids for blood sacrifice as in hindutva bhart"

huh, can the mods take care of this buffoon?
We get banned for farting & here we have this.

Either follow the rules or just say the rules don't apply to Pakistani bigots.

A single nuke detonated in upper atmosphere will cripple the entire s400 system due to emf, without inflicting any direct human casualties.

You are going to detonate a nuke where? :o:
Perfect against nuclear threat.
S-400 is defensive weapon

1 S400 Battalion has 8 Launchers or 112 missiles, command and support vehicles.

1 S400 Regiment has 2 Battalions

In 2015 China bought 6 S400 Battalions for $3 Billion but not the 400 km (40N6 missile). $500 million per battalion including the command and support structures.

India bought 5 S400 Regiments or 10 Battalions for $5.4 Billion including the 400 km (40N6 missile). $540 Million per Battalion.

India has bought 5 regiments of S400 Missile, Even If 2 Regiments are deployed, One each in Rajasthan and Punjab.

It will bring 80 % of Pakistani airspace within Indian SAM range and 100% percent of Pakistani airspace in detection range of S400 Radars which can detect aircrafts up to 600 KMs.
One Naive question.
Can we lock on to their planes while they are flying in their airspace as a show of power?

pakistan got sanctioned by USA for getting Nuclear weapons. Did we bow down to American demands not to get nuclear weapons, you ignorant person?

Well done.
Please help your fellow Muslim nation iran by buying it's oil...

As far as economy is concerned Pak is doing far better than last 15 years and we are hopeful for future.

Now coming to the topic, I think the counter of S400+Rafael is not any other offensive weapon but more focus on a similar SAM system.
Look what india is trying to achieve with these 2 systems.

Trying to limit PAF in it's own air space so that Rafale/other fighters can hit Pak at will.

So if Pak really focuses on its SAM system(which Pak has literally ignored for so long)... it can maintain a status quo here coz after all rafale is just another fighter jet equally prone to SAMs/missiles...and for s400 SAMs aren't launched against each other.
It will give Pakistan a breathing space to focus on stealth program and MIRV in future

Do you have comprehension problem my friend. I was mentioning one go also because are utilising first load the reload time is high enough for us to take out S-400. We have to use 72 projectiles to make system go offline and 73 projectile from our side will take out the system.
Two questions.
How come you bring 72 projectiles so specifically to one area and Target s-400! That too you comfortably forgot that s-400 is highly mobile.
Two. What makes you think s-400 will be alone on it's own
So far they've ran through these various """"solutions""""

  • EMP blast from nukes (because the S400s def aren't guarded against that and the pakistanis won't face any international pushback)
  • Acquire knowledge from cheen on how to defeat them (because the chinese will be so candid with a defense system used to guard their own cities)
  • Acquire F-35/other 5th gen (because a sanctioned and economically bankrupt country can obviously afford them)
  • Put pressure of America to sanction India (because everyone cares about pakistani's opinions and interests, especially America)
  • Flood the S400s with a barrage of missiles/ drones (because the S400s don't have anti-spoof detection mechanisms and pakistan is rich enough to saturate this system with hundreds of missiles)
  • Nuke India (because India and the world won't nuke them back)
  • US will deliver 18 f16blk52 to pakistan (because for some reason they will)
Am I missing anything?
Finally u r missing ruhani takat on white horse and gajar ka halwa e hind
Pak got 100 LD10 ARM from China, its 80km and 20kg warhead. Don t know Babur configuration.It is stealth, never look into it. But US AGM88 is monster. Double the radius and 150 kg of warhead. Then came MAR1 in PAF inventory with 90kg warhead and operation range max 100km. MAR1 is good cure for S400.
If only we could hack the radar like isreal did when they attacked Syria (jammed Russian origin radar) or weapons like jsow etc then we can counter as 100km is effective if we can't be detecTed at that range or a sacrifice. ...
If we had to take out all batteries what will be the number of sacrifice? Hypothetically?
China as a user will have worked out strategies against it as it was known for years that india was trying to go for s400

Pakistan and China are both threatened by this system so between them they will come up with a counter

the more China is threatened the more willing it is to push the boat out in ensuring Pakistan acts as a balance and noose around india's neck
That may have been true a year ago, but now India and China have decent relations. So Pakistan will have to put on its big-boy pants and deal with India on its own for once. China is not going to save you.
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