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India retaliates

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right step eet ka jawab pathar se do
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LOL. Most certainly we should learn. Better late than never.

Indian rape laws are pretty strict and if any Indian worker working in the US consulate ever charges any US consulate member of even attempting to rape, they go to Jail without any possibility of Bail. :lol:

Withdrawing the member's diplomatic status is only the first step towards taking stronger action against them. This should get pretty interesting.
they should know everything is reciprocative in nature when it comes to diplomacy.

if they can follow Vienna convention strongly so can we.
Mate - She has been accused of felony - giving false statement for visa purposes constitutes 10 years as per US laws. In felony cases, there is no question about asking someone to report to police station especially her who can sit in the Indian consulate premises and NYPD would not be able to do anything. Handcuffing is a normal process and she can be arrested only outside of her vehicle(which is a Indian government sovereign space) or Indian consulate. They can arrest her only in public place i.e when out of the vehicle and that is what they have done here.

So it is a matter of perceived public humiliation vs how the U.S law enforcement agencies operate.
agree but y search accused diplomat by removing clothes and that to a lady shame on ur law enforcement agencies right step taken indian goverment
She is a Deputy Consul General of the US mission so that makes her No. 2 in the Indian embassy.

She does have diplomatic immunity and the US has taken refuge in a technicality to arrest her. There will be Serious Long lasting repercussions and then the NYPD police chief and DA can explain to the US public and the govt. why they did, what they did.

The NYPD and DA know the repercussions which would come from Washington DC if they acted in a wrong manner and they would have taken that into consideration before acting. Beyond that, there is no question about them explaining to US public. The immigrants are exploited here in US and they would see it as this Indian official exploiting the uneducated nanny by paying less.

Meanwhile what is the need for this Indian official to bring a nanny from India if she can't afford to pay the minimum wages prescribed by U.S visa procedures?

agree but y search accused diplomat by removing clothes and that to a lady shame on ur law enforcement agencies right step taken indian goverment

There is no claim of strip searching or removing clothes from her attorney or her as claimed by the Indian media - Hindu has clearly pointed that out(I posted the article above)

I guess there would have been a patdown - it is a standard police protocol.
No Indian beats drums if he donates something, This is not a Indian culture. So you are not Indian. Even if true about your donation, you have done nothing compared to average Indian does. So stop braging and remove our national flag from your ID.

lol what average Indian does is talk s**t just like you did right now. Go put in some work and then you can quote me.
Don't you think that misstating the salary for visa process and then underpaying the maid constitutes "grave" crime? There is a minimum salary to qualify for visa to US(for example, H1 used to be $36,000 per hour) but she was paid less than $4 per hour(do note that the minimum wage in US is $7.25 per hour). This is at best labor exploitation and worst case it is human trafficking. Whatever may be the case, she has committed a fraud. The question here is the diplomatic immunity for which she qualifies or not. That is the root of the contention here between U.S and Indian Governments.

I actually haven't gone into the merits of the case, it is not relevant to the point I was making. Even if the U.S. case was valid, there was no conceivable reason to treat her in the manner that she has been treated. After all U.S. embassy staff & their partners who are homosexual can legally be arrested because they are committing a crime in India. What you think of the law is not relevant, what needs to be explained is why U.S. officials & their partners should be above the law of the land. I don't support any such action but the legal parameters of a breach of law remain the same in both cases.

The question is, how do the arresting officer know he or she is arresting a diplomat in the first place?

She can say she is a diplomat but all claim can only be verified after the subject was detained and processed. In which the background of the detainee is reviewed. Officer cannot just let go of detainee because they tell them they are diplomat...

Even if a search is conduct and ID were produced, how can the officer assure the ID is indeed legitimate? Not like an average NYC police officer would know what a diplomatic ID card look like.

The arrest was not made with embassy ground nor diplomat residence, you cannot assume the officer know she is a diplomat for sure. That is the point

I don't think that there was any doubt in the matter. The police were briefed on who they were arresting, otherwise why not go to her home or work place. Why follow here till she took her daughter to school before arresting her? In any case, it is not just about the arrest but the manner in which she was treated even after. If the prosecutors who ordered her arrest didn't bother informing the police officers that she was a diplomat(they had to get clearance from Washington), then they are at fault.

In any case, since last posted, there has been considerable movement on this issue. Retaliatory steps(why I said that diplomatic necessities are mutual accommodations) have already been put into play & I must say, that they are pretty strong ones too.
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Strange that India reacting strongly in this matter..Is there something else that we do not know about?
lol what average Indian does is talk s**t just like you did right now. Go put in some work and then you can quote me.

Its better than bottlicking the west , am quiet glad folks like you are not in India and polluting the surroundings
The NYPD and DA know the repercussions which would come from Washington DC if they acted in a wrong manner and they would have taken that into consideration before acting. Beyond that, there is no question about them explaining to US public. The immigrants are exploited here in US and they would see it as this Indian official exploiting the uneducated nanny by paying less.
Meanwhile what is the need for this Indian official to bring a nanny from India if she can't afford to pay the minimum wages prescribed by U.S visa procedures?

Who the fcuk are you to question why the Indian official needs to bring a nanny ? That she has not paid minimum wage is only hearsay. It is yet to be proven.

The Nanny lived in a New York luxury apartment with free food and free cloths and free vehicle to take her anywhere along with a Diplomatic passport that gave her a certain diplomatic privileges. If you consider all the expense incurred on the nanny it will most certainly be more than 15$ per hour. I believe that is called CTC.

You bet NYPD and New York DA would be explaining to the US govt. why their action has taken Indo US relationship back by at least 5 years.

BTW consider this action by the same NYPD and DA

Dozens of Russian diplomats and their spouses scammed Medicaid out of $1.5 million in nearly decade long scheme: feds - NY Daily News

Russian diplomats, their spouses living in New York City and their associates bilked American taxpayers out of $1.5 million in a Medicaid fraud scheme that lasted for nearly a decade, the feds said Thursday.

None of the defendants are in custody, thanks to diplomatic immunity, although 11 still reside in the U.S. and six still represent Russia here. :lol:

What happened to the US sense of justice when it comes to dealing with the Russians ? LOL.

It is about time India treated US the way it deserves to be treated.
I actually haven't gone into the merits of the case, it is not relevant to the point I was making. Even if the U.S. case was valid, there was no conceivable reason to treat her in the manner that she has been treated. After all U.S. embassy staff & their partners who are homosexual can legally be arrested because they are committing a crime in India. What you think of the law is not relevant, what needs to be explained is why U.S. officials & their partners should be above the law of the land. I don't support any such action but the legal parameters of a breach of law remain the same in both cases.

Let me understand why do you think she was ill-treated as opposed to anyone accused of felony?

Beyond that, I think it is going to be a situation where India will do a tit-for-tat and all the "special" privileges revoked for the U.S officials. Even U.S officials in DC wouldn't have wanted this situation but I think their hands are tied when NY DA and NYPD want to act as per the laws.
right step ret jawab pathar se do
;) Americans should learn to understand Indian media gimmick.

defending your diplomat for wrongdoing

I am not defending her. Only protesting the way she has been treated by US. We want apology from US.
Its better than bottlicking the west , am quiet glad folks like you are not in India and polluting the surroundings

So better talk shit rofl. Have a different opinion and the sheep come attacking you lol. BTW I am done with this thread wont be replying to any more quotes thank you
Latest developments:

1. In what are being called first reciprocal steps, India has signalled its displeasure at the arrest and "barbaric treatment" treatment of its diplomat in New York, Devyani Khobragade, with a slew of tough measures like asking US diplomats and their families in consulates all over the country to surrender their identity cards and withdrawing airport passes for them.

2. India has also sought salary details of all Indian staff employed in US consulates, including those working as domestic help at the homes of US diplomats in India. It has asked for visa and salary details of teachers at US schools here to determine if they are paying tax or not.

3.The police have been asked to lift barricades outside the US embassy in Delhi and India is stopping all import clearances for the American embassy.
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