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India: Resolving the Bangladesh Immigration Issue


Apr 8, 2007
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The long-running issue of illegal immigration has hindered development and exacerbated poverty in both countries.

By Joyeeta Bhattacharjee
May 27, 2014

During campaigning in India’s recent elections, Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) prime minister-designate Narendra Modi said that illegal immigrants from Bangladesh would have to leave the country if his party is voted into power. Since the BJP did in fact win the election, and with a record majority, how will Modi actually address the issue of illegal immigration? Many previous governments, including those of the BJP, have tried to deal with the issue, with very little success.

Amongst the initiatives adopted by the Indian government for recognizing illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, the most publicized is the Illegal Migrant Determination Tribunal (IMDT), which was established by Parliament in 1983. It was designed especially for Assam State, where the issue of illegal immigration has long been a cause of social and ethnic tension. Unfortunately, the IMDT did not perform as expected. From its inception in 1983 through to the 2000s, the tribunal identified a mere 10,000 illegal immigrants, and deported only 1,400. Considering its poor performance, the Supreme Court of India struck down the law in 2005 and required that the Foreigners Act of 1946 be enforced throughout India to deport illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.

Yet deportation under the Foreigners Act is also problematic. In 2003, the then Home Minister L. K. Advani ordered all states to deport illegal immigrants. A few weeks later 265 people were sent to the border, but authorities in Bangladesh declined to accept them. In fact India’s Border Security Forces (BSF), and its counterpart the Bangladesh Border Guards (then called the Bangladesh Rifles), came to the point of violence over the issue.

Commonality of language, culture and religion between the two countries emerged as a major challenge in identifying immigrants, making deportation extremely difficult. The immigrants speak the same language as many Indians, and often have familial connections that make it easy to assimilate with the local population. Bangladesh’s consistent denial that its citizens are illegally crossing the border also complicates matters. Even when Indian authorities have identified illegal immigrants, deporting them becomes almost impossible given the reluctance of Bangladeshi authorities to cooperate.

Still, the issue needs to be resolved, given pressure from local populations in the states that border Bangladesh. Locals in states like Assam fear they will soon become a minority in their own land. Sentiment runs so strong that political parties often exploit the issue to gain popular support. Blood has been spilled at times – illegal immigration was a key factor in the ethnic violence in Assam in the 1980s.

A viable solution requires a holistic view. The first step would be to ascertain the number of immigrants living in India. The government in New Delhi does not have accurate data on the numbers of illegal immigrants. Some figures in the 1990s put the number from Bangladesh at 20 to 30 million, but a new count is needed, and that will not be easy.

It is also important to realize that immigration from Bangladesh to India is not a phenomenon that only began after the independence of Bangladesh in 1971 or even after the partition of India in 1947. Of course, partition triggered a large exodus of people from East Pakistan (as Bangladesh was then known), but most of the immigrants were Hindus. Decades prior to partition, there was a flow of Muslims from East Bengal to states like Assam, where they came in search of a better livelihood. This population must be considered Indian and their rights must be protected. Yet this section of the Indian population often faces harassment over the illegal immigrant issue.

Next, there is a need to understand what drives immigration from Bangladesh. The major causes are socio-political strife, natural calamities, communal riots, and poor economic prospects. Amongst these the economic issue has been the most dominant factor. In spite of deportation, arresting the flow of immigrants from Bangladesh will be very difficult, since economic conditions and opportunities for employment back home are bleak. The porous border also makes it easy for deportees to return. Despite the economic progress Bangladesh has made since independence, the country still remains one of the poorest in the world, with more than 40 million people living in abject poverty.

A lasting solution will require dialogue. To bring Bangladesh on board, India needs to be innovative. Starting with deportation will not be effective and will only worsen relations. Although Dhaka did not officially comment on Modi’s call to deport illegals, media reports suggested Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was not happy.

The carrot, not the stick, will be needed to convince Bangladesh to talk. It needs to realize that its reluctance in addressing the problem has harmed its own interests. For instance, some estimates suggest that the Bangladesh government loses billions of dollars annually, as most of the money these migrants send home is sent through illegal channels. There has been talk in India of issuing short-term work visas to illegal workers, who often take on unpleasant or hazardous work. This documentation could help both countries, but it will need to be discussed.

Rather than rushing to deport people, the new Modi government needs to carefully weigh a solution that will benefit all stakeholders. Friendly relations with its neighbors is in India’s interests, after all. For its part, Bangladesh should be open to dialogue with India, allowing for consideration of new options to this very persistent problem.

Joyeeta Bhattacharjeeis an Associate Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi.The views expressed here are the author’s own.

India: Resolving the Bangladesh Immigration Issue | The Diplomat


It would be difficult for the Awami League to engage in dialogue with India when the latter bandies around doctored figures of 20+ million illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. This figure includes the tens of millions of Hindus who emigrated to India in 1947 and 1971 and the tens of thousands of Indian Muslims who were relocated to the Seven Sisters as mentioned in the article. The true figure of immigration from Bangladesh to India since 1971 numbers probably in the few thousands. The issue of illegal immigration has to be seen in the context of communal politics in India. Illegal Hindu immigrants from Bangladesh and Pakistan have been accepted with open arms and accorded all legal rights simply on the basis of their religion and which suggests a clandestine policy of trying to increase the Hindu-Muslim ratio in India in the former's overwhelming favour. The other side of this policy is the expulsion of Muslims on various pretexts such as illegal immigration or divided loyalties. Whatever solution is sought, it must not appear to victimize or discriminate against one particular community in India since the country's leaders continue to claim to practice constitutional secularism but which is in reality a mere facade for a communal agenda. Please read more in my book The India Doctrine -

The India Doctrine (1947-2007) | Mohammad Munshi - Academia.edu
The long-running issue of illegal immigration has hindered development and exacerbated poverty in both countries.

By Joyeeta Bhattacharjee
May 27, 2014

During campaigning in India’s recent elections, Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) prime minister-designate Narendra Modi said that illegal immigrants from Bangladesh would have to leave the country if his party is voted into power. Since the BJP did in fact win the election, and with a record majority, how will Modi actually address the issue of illegal immigration? Many previous governments, including those of the BJP, have tried to deal with the issue, with very little success.

Amongst the initiatives adopted by the Indian government for recognizing illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, the most publicized is the Illegal Migrant Determination Tribunal (IMDT), which was established by Parliament in 1983. It was designed especially for Assam State, where the issue of illegal immigration has long been a cause of social and ethnic tension. Unfortunately, the IMDT did not perform as expected. From its inception in 1983 through to the 2000s, the tribunal identified a mere 10,000 illegal immigrants, and deported only 1,400. Considering its poor performance, the Supreme Court of India struck down the law in 2005 and required that the Foreigners Act of 1946 be enforced throughout India to deport illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.

Yet deportation under the Foreigners Act is also problematic. In 2003, the then Home Minister L. K. Advani ordered all states to deport illegal immigrants. A few weeks later 265 people were sent to the border, but authorities in Bangladesh declined to accept them. In fact India’s Border Security Forces (BSF), and its counterpart the Bangladesh Border Guards (then called the Bangladesh Rifles), came to the point of violence over the issue.

Commonality of language, culture and religion between the two countries emerged as a major challenge in identifying immigrants, making deportation extremely difficult. The immigrants speak the same language as many Indians, and often have familial connections that make it easy to assimilate with the local population. Bangladesh’s consistent denial that its citizens are illegally crossing the border also complicates matters. Even when Indian authorities have identified illegal immigrants, deporting them becomes almost impossible given the reluctance of Bangladeshi authorities to cooperate.

Still, the issue needs to be resolved, given pressure from local populations in the states that border Bangladesh. Locals in states like Assam fear they will soon become a minority in their own land. Sentiment runs so strong that political parties often exploit the issue to gain popular support. Blood has been spilled at times – illegal immigration was a key factor in the ethnic violence in Assam in the 1980s.

A viable solution requires a holistic view. The first step would be to ascertain the number of immigrants living in India. The government in New Delhi does not have accurate data on the numbers of illegal immigrants. Some figures in the 1990s put the number from Bangladesh at 20 to 30 million, but a new count is needed, and that will not be easy.

It is also important to realize that immigration from Bangladesh to India is not a phenomenon that only began after the independence of Bangladesh in 1971 or even after the partition of India in 1947. Of course, partition triggered a large exodus of people from East Pakistan (as Bangladesh was then known), but most of the immigrants were Hindus. Decades prior to partition, there was a flow of Muslims from East Bengal to states like Assam, where they came in search of a better livelihood. This population must be considered Indian and their rights must be protected. Yet this section of the Indian population often faces harassment over the illegal immigrant issue.

Next, there is a need to understand what drives immigration from Bangladesh. The major causes are socio-political strife, natural calamities, communal riots, and poor economic prospects. Amongst these the economic issue has been the most dominant factor. In spite of deportation, arresting the flow of immigrants from Bangladesh will be very difficult, since economic conditions and opportunities for employment back home are bleak. The porous border also makes it easy for deportees to return. Despite the economic progress Bangladesh has made since independence, the country still remains one of the poorest in the world, with more than 40 million people living in abject poverty.

A lasting solution will require dialogue. To bring Bangladesh on board, India needs to be innovative. Starting with deportation will not be effective and will only worsen relations. Although Dhaka did not officially comment on Modi’s call to deport illegals, media reports suggested Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was not happy.

The carrot, not the stick, will be needed to convince Bangladesh to talk. It needs to realize that its reluctance in addressing the problem has harmed its own interests. For instance, some estimates suggest that the Bangladesh government loses billions of dollars annually, as most of the money these migrants send home is sent through illegal channels. There has been talk in India of issuing short-term work visas to illegal workers, who often take on unpleasant or hazardous work. This documentation could help both countries, but it will need to be discussed.

Rather than rushing to deport people, the new Modi government needs to carefully weigh a solution that will benefit all stakeholders. Friendly relations with its neighbors is in India’s interests, after all. For its part, Bangladesh should be open to dialogue with India, allowing for consideration of new options to this very persistent problem.

Joyeeta Bhattacharjeeis an Associate Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi.The views expressed here are the author’s own.

India: Resolving the Bangladesh Immigration Issue | The Diplomat


It would be difficult for the Awami League to engage in dialogue with India when the latter bandies around doctored figures of 20+ million illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. This figure includes the tens of millions of Hindus who emigrated to India in 1947 and 1971 and the tens of thousands of Indian Muslims who were relocated to the Seven Sisters as mentioned in the article. The true figure of immigration from Bangladesh to India since 1971 numbers probably in the few thousands. The issue of illegal immigration has to be seen in the context of communal politics in India. Illegal Hindu immigrants from Bangladesh and Pakistan have been accepted with open arms and accorded all legal rights simply on the basis of their religion and which suggests a clandestine policy of trying to increase the Hindu-Muslim ratio in India in the former's overwhelming favour. The other side of this policy is the expulsion of Muslims on various pretexts such as illegal immigration or divided loyalties. Whatever solution is sought, it must not appear to victimize or discriminate against one particular community in India since the country's leaders continue to claim to practice constitutional secularism but which is in reality a mere facade for a communal agenda. Please read more in my book The India Doctrine -

The India Doctrine (1947-2007) | Mohammad Munshi - Academia.edu
Why so butt hurt over taking back illegal Bangladeshis and yes India is homeland of Hindus and they are welcome anytime to stay or take asylum.:D
Why so butt hurt over taking back illegal Bangladeshis and yes India is homeland of Hindus and they are welcome anytime to stay or take asylum.:D

When I say that India is the homeland of the Hindus I get criticized but when an Indian says it then it is okay.
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India is too dirty for a Muslim immigrant. Better try something else next time.
India is too dirty for a Muslim immigrant. Better try something else next time.
mr. professional.. @Joe Shearer
can we have a -ve rating here...

When I say that India is the homeland of the Hindus I get criticized but when an Indian says it then it is okay.
ofcourse india is homeland for hindus.... nothing wrong....in it...
feel free to say this whenever u want...

The long-running issue of illegal immigration has hindered development and exacerbated poverty in both countries.

By Joyeeta Bhattacharjee
May 27, 2014

During campaigning in India’s recent elections, Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) prime minister-designate Narendra Modi said that illegal immigrants from Bangladesh would have to leave the country if his party is voted into power. Since the BJP did in fact win the election, and with a record majority, how will Modi actually address the issue of illegal immigration? Many previous governments, including those of the BJP, have tried to deal with the issue, with very little success.

Amongst the initiatives adopted by the Indian government for recognizing illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, the most publicized is the Illegal Migrant Determination Tribunal (IMDT), which was established by Parliament in 1983. It was designed especially for Assam State, where the issue of illegal immigration has long been a cause of social and ethnic tension. Unfortunately, the IMDT did not perform as expected. From its inception in 1983 through to the 2000s, the tribunal identified a mere 10,000 illegal immigrants, and deported only 1,400. Considering its poor performance, the Supreme Court of India struck down the law in 2005 and required that the Foreigners Act of 1946 be enforced throughout India to deport illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.

Yet deportation under the Foreigners Act is also problematic. In 2003, the then Home Minister L. K. Advani ordered all states to deport illegal immigrants. A few weeks later 265 people were sent to the border, but authorities in Bangladesh declined to accept them. In fact India’s Border Security Forces (BSF), and its counterpart the Bangladesh Border Guards (then called the Bangladesh Rifles), came to the point of violence over the issue.

Commonality of language, culture and religion between the two countries emerged as a major challenge in identifying immigrants, making deportation extremely difficult. The immigrants speak the same language as many Indians, and often have familial connections that make it easy to assimilate with the local population. Bangladesh’s consistent denial that its citizens are illegally crossing the border also complicates matters. Even when Indian authorities have identified illegal immigrants, deporting them becomes almost impossible given the reluctance of Bangladeshi authorities to cooperate.

Still, the issue needs to be resolved, given pressure from local populations in the states that border Bangladesh. Locals in states like Assam fear they will soon become a minority in their own land. Sentiment runs so strong that political parties often exploit the issue to gain popular support. Blood has been spilled at times – illegal immigration was a key factor in the ethnic violence in Assam in the 1980s.

A viable solution requires a holistic view. The first step would be to ascertain the number of immigrants living in India. The government in New Delhi does not have accurate data on the numbers of illegal immigrants. Some figures in the 1990s put the number from Bangladesh at 20 to 30 million, but a new count is needed, and that will not be easy.

It is also important to realize that immigration from Bangladesh to India is not a phenomenon that only began after the independence of Bangladesh in 1971 or even after the partition of India in 1947. Of course, partition triggered a large exodus of people from East Pakistan (as Bangladesh was then known), but most of the immigrants were Hindus. Decades prior to partition, there was a flow of Muslims from East Bengal to states like Assam, where they came in search of a better livelihood. This population must be considered Indian and their rights must be protected. Yet this section of the Indian population often faces harassment over the illegal immigrant issue.

Next, there is a need to understand what drives immigration from Bangladesh. The major causes are socio-political strife, natural calamities, communal riots, and poor economic prospects. Amongst these the economic issue has been the most dominant factor. In spite of deportation, arresting the flow of immigrants from Bangladesh will be very difficult, since economic conditions and opportunities for employment back home are bleak. The porous border also makes it easy for deportees to return. Despite the economic progress Bangladesh has made since independence, the country still remains one of the poorest in the world, with more than 40 million people living in abject poverty.

A lasting solution will require dialogue. To bring Bangladesh on board, India needs to be innovative. Starting with deportation will not be effective and will only worsen relations. Although Dhaka did not officially comment on Modi’s call to deport illegals, media reports suggested Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was not happy.

The carrot, not the stick, will be needed to convince Bangladesh to talk. It needs to realize that its reluctance in addressing the problem has harmed its own interests. For instance, some estimates suggest that the Bangladesh government loses billions of dollars annually, as most of the money these migrants send home is sent through illegal channels. There has been talk in India of issuing short-term work visas to illegal workers, who often take on unpleasant or hazardous work. This documentation could help both countries, but it will need to be discussed.

Rather than rushing to deport people, the new Modi government needs to carefully weigh a solution that will benefit all stakeholders. Friendly relations with its neighbors is in India’s interests, after all. For its part, Bangladesh should be open to dialogue with India, allowing for consideration of new options to this very persistent problem.

Joyeeta Bhattacharjeeis an Associate Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi.The views expressed here are the author’s own.

India: Resolving the Bangladesh Immigration Issue | The Diplomat


It would be difficult for the Awami League to engage in dialogue with India when the latter bandies around doctored figures of 20+ million illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. This figure includes the tens of millions of Hindus who emigrated to India in 1947 and 1971 and the tens of thousands of Indian Muslims who were relocated to the Seven Sisters as mentioned in the article. The true figure of immigration from Bangladesh to India since 1971 numbers probably in the few thousands. The issue of illegal immigration has to be seen in the context of communal politics in India. Illegal Hindu immigrants from Bangladesh and Pakistan have been accepted with open arms and accorded all legal rights simply on the basis of their religion and which suggests a clandestine policy of trying to increase the Hindu-Muslim ratio in India in the former's overwhelming favour. The other side of this policy is the expulsion of Muslims on various pretexts such as illegal immigration or divided loyalties. Whatever solution is sought, it must not appear to victimize or discriminate against one particular community in India since the country's leaders continue to claim to practice constitutional secularism but which is in reality a mere facade for a communal agenda. Please read more in my book The India Doctrine -

The India Doctrine (1947-2007) | Mohammad Munshi - Academia.edu
[/The India Doctrine (1947-2007) | Mohammad Munshi - Academia.edu[/I][/India: Resolving the Bangladesh Immigration Issue | The Diplomat


It would be difficult for the Awami League to engage in dialogue with India when the latter bandies around doctored figures of 20+ million illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. This figure includes the tens of millions of Hindus who emigrated to India in 1947 and 1971 and the tens of thousands of Indian Muslims who were relocated to the Seven Sisters as mentioned in the article. The true figure of immigration from Bangladesh to India since 1971 numbers probably in the few thousands. The issue of illegal immigration has to be seen in the context of communal politics in India. Illegal Hindu immigrants from Bangladesh and Pakistan have been accepted with open arms and accorded all legal rights simply on the basis of their religion and which suggests a clandestine policy of trying to increase the Hindu-Muslim ratio in India in the former's overwhelming favour. The other side of this policy is the expulsion of Muslims on various pretexts such as illegal immigration or divided loyalties. Whatever solution is sought, it must not appear to victimize or discriminate against one particular community in India since the country's leaders continue to claim to practice constitutional secularism but which is in reality a mere facade for a communal agenda. Please read more in my book The India Doctrine -

The India Doctrine (1947-2007) | Mohammad Munshi - Academia.edu[/I]
the best way to deal with this is to have vasectomy for tge people of bangladesh....even f they are allowed to live tgey will nt be allowed to multiply ........ this wilp solve the issue in one generation
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When I say that India is the homeland of the Hindus I get criticized but when an Indian says it then it is okay.
india is a homeland for hindus....that doesn't mean that it is a hindu country :)
There are1.50 mlln registered Indians in BD.Illegal Indians would be double that figure. We even get illegal Indian elephants coming into devastate our crops.forests.

Wild elephants raid villages for food
Mirza Shakil, Tangail

A herd of elephants graze on the hills at Poragaon union of Nalitabari upazila of northern Sherpur. This and two other herds entered several villages looking for food. The photo was taken recently. Photo: Courtesy
It's a battle for survival.
Loss of habitats and food sources has forced at least three herds of around 60 to 70 wild elephants of Tangail's Garo hills to march to adjacent villages in search of food, triggering a conflict with villagers.
These mega-herbivores, that can consume a year's harvest in just a few days, are raiding the croplands and gardens of toiling people of around 60-kilometer area of Nalitabari, Jhenaigati and Sreebardi upazilas.
According to Sherpur district administration, a herd of about 15 to 20 wild elephants entered the Garo hills in Bangladesh from Meghalaya of India's Assam in 1997. They did not go back as the hills offered them abundant food and habitat.
However, things started being different as these Elphas maximuses bred and tripled their number over the past years while men continued to increase the encroachment on the wildlife habitats.
A highly intelligent species, the elephants are now returning what the humans did to them.
Almost every night, the crop-raiding giants come down the hills and choose croplands as an easy source for their nutrition. People of the areas, however, are certainly not glad about this.
"How can we survive if they (elephants) destroy all our crops?" said a farmer of Nakugaon village in Sherpur's Nalitabari. The elephants rampaged through at least 20 acres of rice fields in the village last week.
"We have stopped doing everything except guarding our farmlands from dusk to dawn," said Saheb Ali, a farmer of Tarani village of the same upazila.
Hundreds of farmers like him are spending sleepless nights with spears, torch and sticks to protect their only source of livelihood from these largest land mammals that too are badly in need of food.
Worse still, the villagers fear for their lives every day as more than 50 people were killed by the marauding elephants in the past 17 years, according to the district administration.
Both the number of the elephants and the people of the area have multiplied since 1994. An ever-increasing population is destroying the habitats and grazing zones of the elephants, forcing the giants to raid the villages, says local green activist Mannan Sohel.
The wild elephants cannot return to the forests of Meghalaya either as India has erected barbed fences on the border, say local foresters.
In a desperate bid to rid themselves of elephant attacks, locals want electricity connection to the villages immediately, as elephants fear light at night, Mokhlesur Rahman, chairman of Sherpur's Nalitabari upazila parishad, told The Daily Star.
Zakir Hossain, deputy commissioner (DC) of Sherpur, however, said the administration was working to find a way to ensure peaceful coexistence of the elephants and humans.
“The lives of the wild elephants are valuable but the lives of people are more valuable. Though it is tough to ensure a peaceful co-existence, measures are being taken to save both,” he said.
Different organisations, with the help of local administration, are conducting awareness programmes among the locals to keep them from harming the animals.
When asked about the demand of the environmentalists to create a sanctuary for the endangered species in the area, the DC said, “Where will I shift the people then?" -- a question that reveals a disturbing picture of the severely damaged equilibrium of nature; a question that has no easy answer.

Published:12:01 am Monday, May 26, 2014
mr. professional.. @Joe Shearer
the best way to deal with this is to have vasectomy for tge people of bangladesh....even f they are allowed to live tgey will nt be allowed to multiply ........ this wilp solve the issue in one generation

Sanjay Gandhi thought that was more appropriate for the Indian people ...

india is a homeland for hindus....that doesn't mean that it is a hindu country :)

Just start giving free hand to BSF. And wait for them to cross inside into our territory before pulling the trigger. Once they come in, then Bangladesh has no moral authority to claim whether we shot their citizens or some robbers, drug smugglers or cattle thieves in our own country.

Simple solution.

Also, language and culture are not a problem. Bangladeshi Bengali is different from India Bengali. While the former uses a lot of nasal twangs and raspy word endings, the latter is more crisp and uses Sanskrit words extensively. This is exactly the thing; if there is a will, there is a way to do things even without shooting.

Get Assamese officials into action who are too familiar with the differences; Electrify the fences around the border and give orders to be ruthless.

Things will change in no time.

The reason why Assam riots happened was because that scum MMS forced BSF to stop shooting.
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