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India remains world's number 1 Arms importer

Indian Naxals are more than enough to keep India at Bay !!! LOL

Arm Importer then indigenous failure then Aggressive defence build up then US don't trust India then No UN permanent membership then Naxal now what ?

Keep posting and give us laugh of the day. :rofl::rofl:

India without a permanent UN seat is a DISASTER for you, think what will happen to you after we get UNSC seat. Pray to the god, nothing more you can do!!!

Even if India succeed in begging for a per. U.N. seat Indians still can't do much to harm Pakistan because whatever sinisters India want to do to Pakistan China can veto them !!!
Indian Naxals are more than enough to keep India at Bay !!! LOL

ya they seem to have done a wonderful job as of now...considering how much mess we are right now and how pakistan is climbing new heights every day:no:
Even if India succeed in begging for a per. U.N. seat Indians still can't do much to harm Pakistan because whatever sinisters India want to do to Pakistan China can veto them !!!

Didnt Pakistan used to rely on USA's veto till a couple decades back?? What happened to that ?? :D
Even if India succeed in begging for a per. U.N. seat Indians still can't do much to harm Pakistan because whatever sinisters India want to do to Pakistan China can veto them !!!

Few minutes back you said it would be disaster for south Asia. Now, no impact ? :cheesy:

Keep posting such thing for comical thread.

By the way, what kind of cheap stuff you are taking ? :lol:
Pakistan must beef up her security and should work together with China, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan etc to keep Indian Hegemony at Bay !!!


India's Smiling Buddha Blast And Canada's CANDU Snafu-
Bush Mired in Fallout
India's Smiling Buddha Blast And Canada's CANDU Snafu By Ingmar Lee

In 1956 Canada provided India with a 40 megawatt "Canadian-Indian Reactor, U.S." (CIRUS) research reactor near Mumbai. The United States supplied the heavy water necessary to control nuclear fission. In 1959 Canada sold a 125-megawatt nuclear reactor to Pakistan and then in 1964, sold them a "CANada Deuterium Uranium" (CANDU) reactor. In 1971, Canada constructed a 137-megawatt CANDU heavy-water nuclear reactor at Karachi, Pakistan. Canada also included heavy water and a heavy water production facility as part of the deal. Three years later, in 1974, India detonated its first nuclear device, nicknamed the "Smiling Buddha," at Pokhran, Rajasthan, using plutonium from the CIRUS reactor. Turns out, Canada's reactors are just great at producing weapons-grade plutonium. Canada did not bother to ask India to comply with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards nor for any accounting of the amount of plutonium the CIRUS produced. India claims that its agreement with Canada did not preclude the use of CIRUS-produced plutonium for "peaceful" nuclear explosions. India described its Smiling Buddha blast as a "Peaceful Nuclear Explosion,"

Haan yaara humney to cori ki aur par aap i heard its taught in pakistan that nuclear technology and atom bomb was invented in pakistan?? is it true??
Indian Naxals are more than enough to keep India at Bay !!! LOL

I am proposing to change naxal's name to 'aid', 'predator', 'begging', 'terrorism', 'conspiracy'!!! :lol: naxals hate you more than anyone else. if they come your day will end at that day itself. you will meet your ******* on that day.
And for some people, don't drink at all..

Someone here is not able to handle this also:

Haan yaara humney to cori ki aur par aap i heard its taught in pakistan that nuclear technology and atom bomb was invented in pakistan?? is it true??

Unlike India, Pakistan never claimed that her stuff is indigenous. But India always claim that all her stuff is "indigenous". LOL
Even if India succeed in begging for a per. U.N. seat Indians still can't do much to harm Pakistan because whatever sinisters India want to do to Pakistan China can veto them !!!

Begging is your profession, see how you always beg if anything happen. UNSC have to be earned not get by begging like giving bases and allowing drone attacks. And you china will fled just like they did in 1971.
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