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India rejects trilateral security pact with Australia, US

The Chinese are not stupid; they know exactly what game India is playing.

Oh yes, and we have seen the Indians themselves posting many articles from the Chinese State Media to prove it. :azn:

Since of course the Chinese State Media is owned by the CPC, who directly controls the PLA.

Unfortunately, people like you are a shrinking minority. Nationalism is rising in India, China, Russia, US, almost everywhere...

True, rising nationalism is inescapable. Even the CPC fears nationalism in China, since it is a force that has been proven to be the demise of many of China's previous governments, and could easily topple them too if they do not follow populist sentiments.
What I see is that, Every one is interested in a mexican stand off rather than finding oppertunities to grow and make sure that basic needs are available to fellow citizens. every one is very much into a opposing that is not their own countrys call.
Good Luck you all. I tried the idea of spreading peace with some sanity but I see there is no sanity in PDF, especially from my own country men.
Taking everything that is Chinese as hostile has become the trend of most Indians in PDF. To the extent they call a fellow Indian as arse kisser.

Good Luck to you guys.

Ashok, I do like your posts & I do like your idea of peace & I second that. In fact I've seen many Pakistani members here who are very decent, humble, peace loving & post intelligent posts which makes the reading quite interesting. But I've yet to come across a Chinese member who has any of the qualities I mentioned earlier. You just cannot hold a decent debate with them, because they are arrogant & abusive. This does not mean we should not make peace with them nor do these members represent their country, but it is what impression I've got from reading all their posts.
Ashok, I do like your posts & I do like your idea of peace & I second that. In fact I've seen many Pakistani members here who are very decent, humble, peace loving & post intelligent posts which makes the reading quite interesting. But I've yet to come across a Chinese member who has any of the qualities I mentioned earlier. You just cannot hold a decent debate with them, because they are arrogant & abusive. This does not mean we should not make peace with them nor do these members represent their country, but it is what impression I've got from reading all their posts.

I feel exactly the same way about Indians here. :azn:

There is not one single Indian member here who I have found to be reasonable or fair. They all consider themselves to be better than their neighbours, yet according to the UN Human development report they still haven't even been able to beat Africa. That is the difference between their perceptions and reality.
Since of course the Chinese State Media is owned by the CPC, who directly controls the PLA.

Democratic media independence is only applicable to domestic issues. In matters of foreign policy, especially when the magic words "national security" are infused, all media -- democratic and otherwise -- tends to follow the official line. This has been demonstrated in US, UK, India also.

True, rising nationalism is inescapable. Even the CPC fears nationalism in China, since it is a force that has been proven to be the demise of many of China's previous governments, and could easily topple them too if they do not follow populist sentiments.

It's not clear if democratic systems are better or worse at taming rampant nationalism. It's one of those things that gets a life of its own no matter who's in power.
Well, this is not new. Back in 2007 during the Malabar Exercise, US-India-Japan-Australia were discussing similar security pact but Japan and India pulled out of it, they feared this will give an impression that pact like this is part of a plan to nothing but 'encircle China'.
I feel exactly the same way about Indians here. :azn:

There is not one single Indian member here who I have found to be reasonable or fair. They all consider themselves to be better than their neighbours, yet according to the UN Human development report they still haven't even been able to beat Africa. That is the difference between their perceptions and reality.

This is exactly what I said "Arrogance at its Best"
The Chinese are not stupid; they know exactly what game India is playing.

Acc to you what is the game plan played here ( Hope you are not stupid and rather intelligent as chinese to understand nd answer )

And what would be your reply " If India would have had a go at trilateral security pact" ?
It's not clear if democratic systems are better or worse at taming rampant nationalism. It's one of those things that gets a life of its own no matter who's in power.

This is definitely one area in which I consider Democracy to be a lot better.

Democracy is great at letting people "vent frustrations" via voting, regardless of whether or not it affects the actual outcome.

This mechanism for allowing people to vent their frustrations, is absolutely invaluable. Unlike China, where the nationalist sentiment often ends up pushing the National Government into doing things that don't make the most strategic sense, or lead up to incidents of social unrest where people end up marching on the streets.

This is why Wen Jiabao has been talking about political reforms so often, we want that "safety valve" for ourselves. Though of course, when Chinese leaders say they want democracy, it is not the Western multi-party democracy they are talking about, but rather a one-party democracy. :lol:
Even though India 'rejects' (if Australia formally requested Govt. of India) security pact officially. It is highly likely India will keep its 'back door open'. It quite similar like Indo-Israel relaton. India publicly supports Palestine's cause but carry on various defence projects with Israel like Barak 8 / MR-SAM.
I feel exactly the same way about Indians here. :azn:

There is not one single Indian member here who I have found to be reasonable or fair. They all consider themselves to be better than their neighbours, yet according to the UN Human development report they still haven't even been able to beat Africa. That is the difference between their perceptions and reality.

I have seen this favorite rhetoric from some members many times. My questions to them are

1. Is Africa a country?
2. If some stupid said something about whole country, he must be stupid. but why are you saying we are not able to beat Africa? Why is that India as a country need to be compared to Africa, a continent? Don't throw some stupid links. Debate as a man if you can.
3. Is Africa such a cheap thing to be compared?
4. Lets assume these racists think Africa as a cheap place, my question is, what do you have that Africa doesn't have? Don't put stupid links to show the quantity, talk about quality as a MAN if you can.
5. Some of the greatest people are born in Africa. Greatest civilizations were born in Africa. Greatest religions were born in Africa. Why any country has to see the comparison with Africa as an insult except 'good for nothing eunuchs who doesn't have a freedom of mind!!!'
GO India Go.

I think we are entering a new era.

See In pakistan, Kiyani has directed his troops to respond without approval.

In India playing safe by not entering any security pact following its own non alignment policy.

But i doubt is there any secret security pact going between India and US? Just like India did a pact with USSR before 1971 war.
1. Is Africa a country?

Obviously not, read any of my previous posts and I will usually mention the word continent along with it. Like here.

I thought it was unnecessary to include it here, since most people would know that, but apparently I was wrong. :lol:

The point of comparing a nation to a continent is to show how poorly they have done, and it was not me who made the comparison, it was the BBC and the UN Human development report.
Obviously not, read any of my previous posts and I will usually mention the word continent along with it. Like here.

I thought it was unnecessary to include it here, since most people would know that, but apparently I was wrong. :lol:

The point of comparing a nation to a continent is to show how poorly they have done, and it was not me who made the comparison, it was the BBC and the UN Human development report.

Yes and chinese to have more half the total of african countries

My god chinese talk about poverty when they so many poor people living in China.

150 000 000 I dont think this figure is small by any comparison. considering pakistan's whole population is 170 million.
Yes and chinese to have more half the total of african countries

Not even close. :lol: Also, read this article from the Economist:

Comparing India and China: Chasing the dragon | The Economist

The lag in social progress is much longer. A child’s odds of surviving past their fifth birthday are as bad in India today as they were in China in the 1970s.

According to the Economist, India is 40 years behind China in terms of social indicators. :azn:

And now your growth rate is slowing down to 6.9% with double-digit inflation too.
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