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India rejects trilateral security pact with Australia, US

We can buy both Sukhois and F-16's. We can stick to our positions on Kashmir and still have our expats work in middle-east. We can conduct military exercises with both US and China. We have our strategic relationship with US, and yet stick to our guns on WTO and climate change. I would say being non-aligned has served us well.
India must enter into the trilateral security pact with US and Australia. This military understanding will help counter China in Indian Ocean region. It will also boost the economic ties between India and Australia.

God knows, when these old politicians will die who have crossed 60's and do not have any power to think logically. We are going to miss the Bus.Our leaders have shown myopic vision in formulating foreign policy for last 64 years and this doesnt come as a surprise.:disagree::disagree:

name the politicians. we will send slappy singh(harvindar singh) to slap them.:butcher:
Originally Posted By Pakistanisage
@chinese Dragon, you have hit the nail on the head. Indians have this attitude of superiority viz a viz the rest of the World. Let me explain the reason behind this arrogance. If you look deeply at the Indian Hindu philosophy of the caste system, you will find the answer for this arrogance. The highest caste of Brahmins think they are better than other caste and this hierarchy runs its gamut through the structure of the Caste system. That is the root cause of Hindu arrogance because from their birth they are raised with this arrogant attitude that they are better than others.

P.S. It is not my intention to be mean but I am approaching this from an academic perspective in trying to explain arrogant Indian attitudes.

Exactly this attitude of ours is so deep rooted tat we dont teach our childrens's tat 1hindu = 10 muslims
I think if India continues taking steps like these, the Chinese will start to get the impression that India is not a threat, and definitely the pressure on them wil start decreasing. This will lead to better relations between the giants.

i think there is possibility that china may think that india is scared of china.
You can request IP checks all day long, they don't cost anything for the moderators. :lol:

You will see that we are most likely in different corners of the world, since I think greyboy was an overseas Chinese living in America.

Not accusing of being grey boy.. just saying you sound (electronically) a lot like him .. :)
LOL, ask Cardsharp then. He knows me. :azn:

And he knows exactly why I am no longer friendly to Indians on here.

My exact point was that. There are only two kind of people in the internet forums - sensible people and the rest( All nationalities included). If you are the same Chinese Dragon( account not hacked ), then how can you antagonize yourself against all people belonging to a particular nation, after speaking with some insensibles. Or you don't know, how to differentiate them??

"Don’t argue with idiots. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."

LOL, ask Cardsharp then. He knows me. :azn:

And he knows exactly why I am no longer friendly to Indians on here.

Dear Mr. Chinese Dragon,

Ones attitude towards a certain group of peoples or section of thoughts does result in hate or liking.

I don't know why you hate Indians or rather I would say non friendly to Indians??
Why we would ask Mr. Cardsharp that CD is not friendly towards Indians?? Is there any problem to you for telling it personally??

I have not seen a single post of yours (related to India topic) throughout this one year of mine in this forum was devoid of hatred and anger against Indians...

I pity you for having such a horrible thing and pray to god to give you some peace...

Why India can not have her own policy??

Why India can't have coexistence with China??

Why Chinese members always takes it negatively whatever India has done? (not everyone but majority of them)

Why China thinks herself as boss of Asia and keeps on bullying neighbours?

And the last one why china is so confident with her military power?

If you can find answers of these for me, it would be quite appreciable.
^^^ The answer was already given, but if you want it again, please read post #129 of this thread.

Here is a direct link to that post - Link.

It is quite a nice post, I hope you will be able to read the quotes. :lol:
^lol by that logic, characters like speeder 2 and hongwu also represent chinese opinion.
if you can't seperate the wheat from the chaff, it is a prime indication of your own incompetence
Australia has denied pushing for a joint security pact with India and the US, saying comments by Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd were misinterpreted.

Mr Rudd was quoted in the Australian Financial Review this week as backing the trilateral pact.

But the Australian High Commission said on Friday he had been responding to a question about uranium policy.

India said on Thursday it was not aware of any such proposals, with officials saying Delhi had been "taken aback".

'Not keen'
A statement by the Australian High Commission in Delhi on Friday read: "Media reports quoting the Australian minister for foreign affairs characterising India's views on a trilateral security dialogue between India, Australia and the US are wrong.

"The minister was responding to a question about the proposed change in Australia's uranium policy when he said, 'the response from the Indian government has really been quite positive'.

Kevin Rudd has strengthened security ties with the US
"Australia has not proposed such a trilateral arrangement."

Analysts say the idea of such a pact has been floated by think-tanks rather than governments and its adoption would alarm China in particular.

Australia has recently deepened military ties with the US, agreeing to host a full US Marine taskforce by 2016.

The move angered Chinese media.

India's ministry of external affairs appeared non-plussed by the reports of Mr Rudd's comments.

It said on Thursday: "We have seen media reports about the comments attributed to the Australian foreign minister... We are not aware of any such proposal."

Defence ministry officials told the Press Trust of India they had been "taken aback by the statement".

"The defence ministry is not keen on... any multilateral security constructs in the region excepting those under the UN flag or such broad-based arrangements as the Association of South East Asian Nations," they said.

BBC News - Australia denies suggesting India-US security pact
Behind all these denials something seems to be cooking. This is how people and politicians are prepared. After all India is running scared with all this info about PLA exercises.
Behind all these denials something seems to be cooking. This is how people and politicians are prepared. After all India is running scared with all this info about PLA exercises.

India is scared of PLA exercises so it rejects Trilateral pact with US and Australia. Makes big sense now...lol. Maybe India DOES not like Australia so no pact.
India is scared of PLA exercises so it rejects Trilateral pact with US and Australia. Makes big sense now...lol. Maybe India DOES not like Australia so no pact.

You need to re-read my post. It seems an agreement is already there among the three because of India is very frightened. But the news is being broken to the public through such leaks and denials and again clarification, etc. We ought to remember also the West needs to protects its investments in India which herself is incapable of doing.
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