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India rejects Siachen demilitarisation

Rest of the world is not as naive as the constituency of Pakistani public this comment from Kiyani is aimed at. Its like India telling Pakistan to demilitarize Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.. :lol:

They own at max 10% of Siachen .... rest belongs to India

How they demand this much
Yes Kargil was a real peace initiative..lol. Lot of people dead and embarrassment for Pak.

After Kargil India is against those types of Peace.

Kargil was launched long after India surprised attack Siachen first so cut the crap about peace you guys were the aggressors and lol at dead people really!!
The general has just confirmed the opinion of Pakistani Nationalists that india is, and will remain Pakistan's eternal enemy, the indian state is in nature hegemonic and fascist.

Eternal vigilance is the watch word, force is all they understand, a lesson our civilization has learnt well by the more than 1,000 years of presence in this region.
No. I am just a guy behind a computer and so are you. If you demand that we follow UN rez. then you can't selectively edit it as per your whims and fancies.

Key is applying UN resolution in letter and spirit.
Who will decide the spirit of resolution! India? or Pakistan? Obviously big no for both of them. Suggestion of involving neutral third party into the issue was suggested million times by Pakistan --- India rejected that too.

P.S: India does not want peace in the region.
Poor mental state of this nation is evident by this post and by the statement of Indian Chief.
Pity! Indians are against peace.

now you are taking about peace because your army and govt. is not in position to hold his position in siachen otherwise every one know whose record is better in maintaining the peace.
Rest of the world is not as naive as the constituency of Pakistani public this comment from Kiyani is aimed at. Its like India telling Pakistan to demilitarize Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.. :lol:

Rest of the world has been buying India ''we want peace '' B.s for very long time by exposing the real side of India we have proven to the rest of the world that that have been duped.

They will start to see how naive they have been you see one can achieve a lot more by the stroke of a pen then by bullet and this is a brilliant strike.

After believing India, we got 1971 war! Remember? Yes Hell to Peace --- Keep living in slums, keep running out of toilets, keep people of India illiterate and keep feeding corrupt army and politicians by snatching bread out of hands of poor Indian. You are enjoying your life, 800 million of Indians are not.

Same to you........
your condition is not better than us...
now you are taking about peace because your army and govt. is not in position to hold his position in siachen otherwise every one know whose record is better in maintaining the peace.

Kargil was launched long after India surprised attack Siachen first so cut the crap about peace you guys were the aggressors and lol at dead people really!!

Kashmir (all of it) had acceded to India in 1948, Siachin is part of Kashmir, if we send army to our own part how can we be aggressors????
The indian only understands force, only the foot on his throat ensures peace.
Key is applying UN resolution in letter and spirit.
Who will decide the spirit of resolution! India? or Pakistan? Obviously big no for both of them. Suggestion of involving neutral third party into the issue was suggested million times by Pakistan --- India rejected that too.

P.S: India does not want peace in the region.
For the millionth time.
Go and read at the end of page 4
Your brain may tell you that it's Indian propoganda or an Indian website, but this the official UN website.
For dummies
Kashmir (all of it) had acceded to India in 1948, Siachin is part of Kashmir, if we send army to our own part how can we be aggressors????

All Muslim majority parts were to be part of the new state of Pakistan.
Bhartis don't want peace. Inside their not as large hearts, they hate Pakistanis with every fiber of their being. I knew this drama was in vain.

We offered demilitarization keeping in mind the troops of both countries, but India being selfish cry baby doesn't care about anything except it's hegemony in the region. One can only accept fascism from such a state.

Pakistan Army is perfectly capable guarding the area, regardless.
Kargil was launched long after India surprised attack Siachen first so cut the crap about peace you guys were the aggressors and lol at dead people really!!

You made my point...enough of Peace talks which dont yield anything and yes we cant afford to lose our soldiers precious blood to Pak backstabbing.
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