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India registers highest annual FDI inflow of $81.72 billion during 2020-21


Feb 8, 2021
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NEW DELHI, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Indian government Wednesday said the country has registered the highest ever annual foreign direct investment (FDI) inflow of 81.72 billion U.S. dollars during the last financial year 2020-21.

The information was given by federal junior minister for commerce and industry, Som Parkash, in a written reply in the lower house of Indian parliament (locally called Lok Sabha).

"India has registered its highest-ever annual FDI inflow of 81.72 billion U.S. dollars (provisional figure) during the last financial year 2020-21 as compared to 45.15 billion U.S. dollars in 2014-2015," the minister said.

"In the last seven financial years (2014-20), India has received FDI inflow worth 440.01 billion U.S. dollars which is 58 percent of the FDI reported in the last 21 years (763.58 billion U.S. dollars).

During the financial year 2019-2020, India registered FDI inflow of 74.39 billion U.S. dollars (provisional figure).

India's economy is steaming ahead, and it's bleeding its enemies by HYBRID WARFARE, much like other SUPER POWERS do, without risking it's citizens in harm's way, to attain strategic and minor small Tactical advantages.
It's a pity / Ironic that Large Private Companies of India have annual revenues greater than the defense budget of Pakistan.
Modi had said in one of his interview that he will be the last guy to take short term issues to address any problem. He launched some mind boggling large scale schemes to transform India. Ma cards issued to some 8 -9 crore people to take medical treatment in private hospitals free. 1.5 crore homes provided poor. Infrastructure got a great push. India observed a steep rise in ease of doing business. Many states turned electricity surplus. Bank accounts opened for 99% families. Government benefits directly transferred to eligible accounts. After finishing Huger poverty, Post hunger poverty upliftment measures were initiated at a rapid space. Over 10 crore gas connection is provided. Now , a substantial part of Indian population has moved to middle class with a substantial surplus to spend to meet their needs. This will surely make India a big demand based economy. When your economy offers opportunity, People will surely move to encash it. This is the reason why FDI is increasing rapidly.
Modi had said in one of his interview that he will be the last guy to take short term issues to address any problem. He launched some mind boggling large scale schemes to transform India. Ma cards issued to some 8 -9 crore people to take medical treatment in private hospitals free. 1.5 crore homes provided poor. Infrastructure got a great push. India observed a steep rise in ease of doing business. Many states turned electricity surplus. Bank accounts opened for 99% families. Government benefits directly transferred to eligible accounts. After finishing Huger poverty, Post hunger poverty upliftment measures were initiated at a rapid space. Over 10 crore gas connection is provided. Now , a substantial part of Indian population has moved to middle class with a substantial surplus to spend to meet their needs. This will surely make India a big demand based economy. When your economy offers opportunity, People will surely move to encash it. This is the reason why FDI is increasing rapidly.
The scheme to give monthly stipend to families living in poverty have benefited Alot plus the free medical check up access to good hospitals
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