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India registered Bd Jamdani, nakshi kantha, fazli mango as its own product

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God for the hindus not me...

good for you..Now file a protest with World Trade Organization,if you want to sell fazli mango with its name..not interested in your understanding of Hindu way of life.
Don't Become a Cyber-Mullah . You are No One To certify anyone regarding their Faith and Beliefs . Stick To Work you Excel In and It will Be good ( Hint : Making Lungis , Chaddis etc) .\

And Don't Try to Pick on Indian Muslims . Indian Members Don't Appreciate it and Might Take you for a ride :P
you will make me die out of laughter :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
God for the hindus not me...

Masjid Dha Day, Mandir Dha Day Dha Day Jo Kujh Disda
Par Kissay Da Dil Na Dhawee(n) Rub Dilaa(n) Wich Wasda --Bulle Shah

Tear down the Mosque, tear down the temple Tear down every thing in sight
But don't (tear down) break anyone's heart Because God lives there--Bulleh Shah
ofcourse you meant that but there is also no denying that you used the word GOD and Brahma together which some mulla can use to debar your entry to the mosque :P

@ both of you.. please get back to the topic..
@ both of you.. please get back to the topic..

by all means...

it is just that he won't reply to sane posts and pick up some random post to troll.. Many people have already stated what protocol can BD follow to register their counter claim and win it back. But no, these people have to bad mouth India in every breath notwithstanding their continous religious innuendos in every post !!!

yes what 'bout wikipedia...?....please elaborate....lets laugh together to your jackassery a little bit more..

leave that kid alone for a while !!
by all means...

it is just that he won't reply to sane posts and pick up some random post to troll.. Many people have already stated what protocol can BD follow to register their counter claim and win it back. But no, these people have to bad mouth India in every breath notwithstanding their continous religious innuendos in every post !!!

leave that kid alone for a while !!

What can I say..

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sari is Exclusively Indic. Nothing do with an Islamic Country.

You can patent Burkhas. :lol:

if there was a register for dumb people, i will put you in after reading this stupid line. Indic is a region not a country
Islamic Mythology and Hadiths are Banned in PDF.

I belong to the West Coast of India.

This is What your Baap Saudis think of you. :lol:


:lol: dalit bombay dude time for permanent ban of this id of yours as well like others has arrived. Wait and enjoy last few moment here in PDF.

yes what 'bout wikipedia...?....please elaborate....lets laugh together to your jackassery a little bit more..

I dont need to... if you get your answer that you asked earlier that will be enough.
if there was a register for dumb people, i will put you in after reading this stupid line. Indic is a region not a country

There is Indic Civilization. Burkha and all Muslims belong to Arab Civilization.
wow, i wonder why i don't see brits stealing indian traditional stuffs and patenting them :eek:

Totally ignorant post.. do you even know what they stole from India ? The Koh-i-noor diamond gracing Queen Elizabeth's crown belongs to India. What more do you want..

coming to rational claims though, US did try to patent basmati but Indians got it back. We never cried hoax and spent our time thinking out and polishing the argument which we were going to make when the judiciary asks us.. so, maybe for once you can shove your jibes up yours and start using those grey cells u were born with..
Totally ignorant post.. do you even know what they stole from India ? The Koh-i-noor diamond gracing Queen Elizabeth's crown belongs to India. What more do you want..

coming to rational claims though, US did try to patent basmati but Indians got it back. We never cried hoax and spent our time thinking out and polishing the argument which we were going to make when the judiciary asks us.. so, maybe for once you can shove your jibes up yours and start using those grey cells u were born with..

are you really trying to justify your action of stealing?really now?thats like me saying ''pakistan captured us once but we got our land back so lets go and capture maldives"
anyway, if you are that needy, feel free to keep what you have taken.we got a big heart :smokin:
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