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India readies hi-tech naval base to keep eye on China

China India had one "war" 50 years ago. Isn't it time to move on? Today's China is not the same nor is India.

China and India's goal today should be one of friendship and not mistrust. China and India, both populous, both with rich history and both on the same continent. There is far more to be gained in peace than war.
mate we are all for having good friendly relation with China,but is it wrong to develop our defensive capabilities just to make sure that a '62 like debacle doesn't take place in the future.beside the Sino-Indian border is one of the most peaceful borders in Asia and for the past 3 decades not a single bullet has been fired by any of the two countries.but we should also remember the fact that India is the weaker of the two countries so its better to be prepared than to be caught with our pants down.:cheers:
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