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India Reacted Swiftly, Calls To China Gone Unanswered: US Agency On Lanka

Japanese loans are long term on very low interest rates. Japan will eventually restructure their loans if need be, no point in giving SL more loans knowing fully well it will just end in Chinese coffers.

Even if Japan restructures it's loans today, it won't make ANY difference. On the other hand, Chinese loans are short-medium term with high interest rates. Loans that produced nothing but concrete junk for the country! And their payments are due now!
If China restructures it's loans, it will make a BIG difference.
Do you understand now? No? No problem.
The way I see it, the Chinese are either extremely stupid or extremely malicious. The big ticket infrastructure projects these guys force loans on (through corruption) are almost always white elephant projects. There’s a reason other multilateral agencies (or mature national aid agencies) don’t fund those easily. Specifically because these is no direct correlation to economic growth.

To see an example of yet another debt trap disaster waiting to happen - Gwadar International Airport built on Chinese loan.
well the largest chuck of past due loan of 1 Billion$ is owed to China an agreement to restructure or forgive debt by China will provide the greatest immediate relief to Sri Lanka.

China accounts for 10% of Government to Government borrowings but when you include state guaranteed debt then China holds the largest share of Sri Lankan debt at 20% not counting international sovereign bonds which accounts for 36% of Sri Lankan debt.

Yes but facts don't matter to you.

So again, let’s look at the facts. China owns a minority of the debt, smaller than western and Indian holdings. And in addition, this crisis is being set off because of the dollar’s rise due to rapid quantitative tightening which is making these debts much more expensive to pay off since most of it is in dollars.

But according to the “facts”, it’s all China’s fault? Exactly how?
why should the West help Sri Lanka service Chinese debt? It's your loan, your liability - your problem.
LOL.. The majority of Western citizens are f****** stupid. Chinese debts in Sri Lanka is 10% only. The rest of Sri Lanka's debts were owned by nations like U.S., UK,, India and Japan through their sovereign banks, IMF, or World Bank. The problem with Sri Landka debt servicing is its loan sizes, its inability to generate income due to its administration mistakes, and United States' currency harvest of small third-world countries dependent on the American dollars for transactions, debt interests, and fiscal supports.
why should the West help Sri Lanka service Chinese debt? It's your loan, your liability - your problem.
The biggest debt owners are Westerners like IMF, American and European corps. Chinese loans only account for 10% of Sri Lanka total debts. The Sri Lanka ambassador to China said that Chinese loans are indeed non-factor in current Sri Lanka economic crisis and the crisis has nothing to do with China. So stop being hypocrites, the economic crisis in Sri Lanka are more likely created by you Western and Japanese debts. If you want to help Sri Lanka, put up your own f money instead of blame every problem in the world on China !
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The biggest debt owners are Westerners like IMF, American and European corop loans. Chinese loans only account for 10% of Sri Lanka total debts. The Sri Lanka ambassador to China said that Chinese loans are indeed non-factor in current Sri Lanka economic crisis. So stop being hypocrites, the economic crisis in Sri Lanka are more likely created by you Western and Japanese debts. If you want to help Sri Lanka, put up your own f money instead of blame every problem in the world on China !

A lie repeated a thousand times does not morph into the truth. 30% of Sri Lankan debt is sovereign bonds held by global institutions and private investors the next is China @ 20%.

A lie repeated a thousand times does not morph into the truth. 30% of Sri Lankan debt is sovereign bonds held by global institutions and private investors the next is China @ 20%.

Where did you get your numbers from? BBC? NYT? or White House? LOL... Sri Lanka's loans were mostly dollar-dominated. When dollar rose in values, small countries in big debts like Sri Lanka will have problems servicing their debts. For example, Sri Lanka found its services of its debt interests became 30% more expensive after the US Fed raised its interests because the dollars were driven up.

A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the fact in the Western world. All you have to do to find the lies is to listen to some White House, Pentagon, UK's words: China's threatening their safety. HELLO? You sent military jets into Chinese airspaces to eavesdrop on their activities, not the other way around. Who's threatening whom?
LOL.. The majority of Western citizens are f****** stupid. Chinese debts in Sri Lanka is 10% only. The rest of Sri Lanka's debts were owned by nations like U.S., UK,, India and Japan through their sovereign banks, IMF, or World Bank. The problem with Sri Landka debt servicing is its loan sizes, its inability to generate income due to its administration mistakes, and United States' currency harvest of small third-world countries dependent on the American dollars for transactions, debt interests, and fiscal supports.

what the hell is a 'sovereign bank'? Do you even know how the IMF and world bank work? China is a member of the IMF with 7% share, higher than both UK and India.

Where did you get your numbers from? BBC? NYT? or White House? LOL... Sri Lanka's loans were mostly dollar-dominated. When dollar rose in values, small countries in big debts like Sri Lanka will have problems servicing their debts. For example, Sri Lanka found its services of its debt interests became 30% more expensive after the US Fed raised its interests because the dollars were driven up.

A lie repeated a thousand times becomes the fact in the Western world. All you have to do to find the lies is to listen to some White House, Pentagon, UK's words: China's threatening their safety. HELLO? You sent military jets into Chinese airspaces to eavesdrop on their activities, not the other way around. Who's threatening whom?
The numbers are straight from the horses mouth - the sri lankan finance ministry.
A lie repeated a thousand times does not morph into the truth. 30% of Sri Lankan debt is sovereign bonds held by global institutions and private investors the next is China @ 20%.

If you have read the quoted article, pay close attention to the paragraph before the last. What is wrong with "repaying Chinese"?
A lie repeated a thousand times does not morph into the truth. 30% of Sri Lankan debt is sovereign bonds held by global institutions and private investors the next is China @ 20%.

"Official data from Sri Lanka's Finance Ministry shows China accounting for only about 10% of the country's $35.1 billion in external debt at the end of April 2021."

That's what above said in your own article , the rest of 20% of Chinese loans are just speculations on Japanese part for other purposes, not proven ! Don't try to lie !

Take a look at the real loans distribution of Sri Lanka in the following article, you Western and Japanese loans comprise the absolute majority over 80% of debts.


The economic crisis in Sri Lanka has nothing to do with China or Chinese loans, Chinese loans to Sri Lanka are concessional and interest are low indeed as stated by the Sri Lanka ambassador to China in the following interview in English near the beginning of the interview:

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What is your problem ? What has you India done except lips service. China has delivered one million metric tons of rice and 500 million RMB emergency relieve to Sri Lanka so far.

Zhao Lijian: As traditional friendly neighbors, China pays close attention to and feels for the difficulties and challenges facing Sri Lanka. We have all along provided support to Sri Lanka’s socioeconomic development as long as our ability permits. China has announced that it would provide emergency humanitarian assistance worth 500 million RMB for Sri Lanka. The first delivery of medicine has arrived in Sri Lanka, and the first shipment of rice has left China for Sri Lanka. Through government-to-government and subnational channels and through friendly organizations, China has provided multiple batches of assistance in diverse forms to people across the sectors of Sri Lanka to improve their livelihood

Chinese loans to Sri Lanka are concessional and interest are low indeed as stated by the Sri Lanka ambassador to China in the following interview in English near the beginning of the interview:

So now, you Indian stop plow in Chinese dumpsters for food all the time, and stop bitching anything about China all the time. Start fill and deliver your promises to Sri Lanka now instead of just big mouth.
Let me narrate a cute story.

Few months back SL imported "organic" fertilizer from China. (Only dumbos trust Chinese with anything related to food anyway)
Turns out, China supplied poison in the garb of fertilizers.

Ofcourse people of SL are not used to consuming toxic substances in their daily diet unlike their Chinese counterparts, so they sent the consignment back.

China forced SL to pay millions of $$$ for the same poison, which SL did not even receive.

So, it's kinda funny you want the world to "praise" China for sending few thousand MT of rice every month to SL, while other countries who aren't "all-weather friends" of SL do more for them already.

That 1MMT rice donation is a pledge (for low IQ internet coolies like yourself to fight "anti-chinese" rhetoric), in reality China sends a few thousand MT of rice every now and then.

You can count total MT of rice donated to SL here - https://twitter.com/ChinaEmbSL?t=7wXuJ969LzwI6J1wlzxrmQ&s=09

Do it wumao, it's your homework.
Show us how much China has donated till now and then we talk how much India has helped.

The way I see it, the Chinese are either extremely stupid or extremely malicious. The big ticket infrastructure projects these guys force loans on (through corruption) are almost always white elephant projects. There’s a reason other multilateral agencies (or mature national aid agencies) don’t fund those easily. Specifically because these is no direct correlation to economic growth.

To see an example of yet another debt trap disaster waiting to happen - Gwadar International Airport built on Chinese loan.
They are loan sharks. Some may say loan sharks are synonymous with being malicious. But it always takes two to tango.
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Let me narrate a cute story.

Few months back SL imported "organic" fertilizer from China. (Only dumbos trust Chinese with anything related to food anyway)
Turns out, China supplied poison in the garb of fertilizers.

Ofcourse people of SL are not used to consuming toxic substances in their daily diet unlike their Chinese counterparts, so they sent the consignment back.

China forced SL to pay millions of $$$ for the same poison, which SL did not even receive.

So, it's kinda funny you want the world to "praise" China for sending few thousand MT of rice every month to SL, while other countries who aren't "all-weather friends" of SL do more for them already.

That 1MMT rice donation is a pledge (for low IQ internet coolies like yourself to fight "anti-chinese" rhetoric), in reality China sends a few thousand MT of rice every now and then.

You can count total MT of rice donated to SL here - https://twitter.com/ChinaEmbSL?t=7wXuJ969LzwI6J1wlzxrmQ&s=09

Do it wumao, it's your homework.
Show us how much China has donated till now and then we talk how much India has helped.

They are loan sharks. Some may say loan sharks are synonymous with being malicious. But it always takes two to tango.
Oh yeah, you Indians can send you your famous cow dung to Sri Lanka instead, slandering and dodging talk of sending poisons to Sri Lanka are typical sh** from you Indians, such reporting had already been debunked by the Chinese as shown in the following article. Of course, the one million ton of rice is going to be delivered over a period of time, unless it's your cow piss Indian logic.

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The way I see it, the Chinese are either extremely stupid or extremely malicious. The big ticket infrastructure projects these guys force loans on (through corruption) are almost always white elephant projects. There’s a reason other multilateral agencies (or mature national aid agencies) don’t fund those easily. Specifically because these is no direct correlation to economic growth.

To see an example of yet another debt trap disaster waiting to happen - Gwadar International Airport built on Chinese loan.

Heres a ridiculous idea for you, it’s definitely not Gawadar

hurried built Chabahar port cannot match Gwadar in the tonnage road map. First being first, China will be using Gwadar for trade. China’s trade volume is much much greater than that what India will be achieving in developing Chabahar.

Only benefit of Chabahar will be to Afghanistan who can import Indian items with out Pakistan meddling in the shipping. That’s the end to it. No more no less
Let me narrate a cute story.

Few months back SL imported "organic" fertilizer from China. (Only dumbos trust Chinese with anything related to food anyway)
Turns out, China supplied poison in the garb of fertilizers.
Another fictional Indian creation. Only people on cow dung diet would believe what the Indians say.

There was also a second tranche of equal or lesser amount in the pipeline, don't know if it was approved or not.

Another thread based on nothing but Indian Sanghi propaganda dissing China.

Thread is useless mudslinging by now and should be locked. @WebMaster bhai your call please.
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