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India Ranks Lowest Amongst BRICs in Innovation

For comparing per capita GDP PPP is always the correct measure . However, The IMF is right , the overall GDP of economy must be measured in nominal terms only .The Chini members here are fooling no one except a few gullible Pakistanis . The neutral audience can see the truth for itself .

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China - $ 8382
India - $ 3694
Pakistan- $ 2787


You don't measure per capita in countries where poverty rate is high because it's just economy divided by population. :)
your still poor overpopulated third world country... half your country acts like india is a superpower, while the other half thinks india is a superpower. whos league are you in exactly??

India is in the league of Medium human development countries and rising rapidly . Pakistan on the other hand is in the league of Low human development countries.

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't measure per capita in countries where poverty rate is high because it's just economy divided by population. :)

In that case both India and Pakistan's GDP per capita should not be taken into account as both are poor third world countries . Or do you think Pakistan is not poor and third world ? :blink:

And in such a case , The UN's human development index is the best approach to see development in a country in which India is ranked Medium and Pakistan Low .HDI is a more holistic and wholesome approach towards measuring development.
Let me try and help you understand that India ranked BOTTOM...it's hard for any one to do worse.


Haq's Musings: PISA & TIMSS Confirm Low Quality of Indian Education

The day Pakistanis even gather the guts to take part in such a global test as PISA , that day we will talk . Students who took part from China were from its major cities whereas students from India ( Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh )were not form our major cities .

Some of these people are so shameless , they will curse India on doing badly in a test they didn't even gather the guts to test their own students on .

And they take pot shots on India for being ranked 64 on innovation when their own country ranks 133rd i.e 8th from the bottom.Such shameless yet funny creatures :lol:
India's and Pakistan's HDI are only 10 ranks between. India is on the verge of low HDI
Reading some threads and comments i can assume that Pakistani's have pakka SLAVE mentaltiy...they will to do anything to prove their loyalty and please their master China..

India is on verge of low... Pakistan's HDI was higher than India's in 2010 even though India had higher gdp growth.

India is on verge of low... Pakistan's HDI was higher than India's in 2010 even though India had higher gdp growth.

You either have a problem with English comprehension or an ego problem that does not allow you to accept the clear realities. Anyway, go back to my last post and read it . India's increases are much faster than Pakistan inspite of Pakistan being in the low category and India in the medium .

This is off-topic stuff anyway .

That means Indian HDI went down also.


India is on the verge of low HDI. Pakistan and India are in the same section, despite being in a different category.
You are wasting your time. Indians only believe in PPP GDP measurement. So they congratulating themselves for having the world's 4th largest economy. Mean while, their economy is tanking and their rupee is becoming worthless.

When I see how Indians focus on the only one area they are not ranked last, it remind me of a child that bring home a report card of all 'F' except for 1 'B' and keep on bragging that he is doing an excellent job for getting a B.
Most Indian don't gives a damn to what the $ to Rs rate is.........The fact remains that inflation isn't keeping up with the loss of value of rupee vs Dollar, so prices are pretty much the same. Income have risen above 25% in rupee terms and that's what matters. Everybody is pretty much happier than they were an year ago. As for the per capita GDP, can you get a kilo of rice for 3 cents elsewhere in the world??

That means Indian HDI went down also.


India is on the verge of low HDI. Pakistan and India are in the same section, despite being in a different category.


You have no more arguments to make buddy . Let it go . You are only embarrassing yourself .This contention of yours has been answered well and clearly in post no. 81 .


India HDI medium and much faster growing ( 0.005 + last year)
Pakistani HDI low and much slower in growth (0.001 + last year) :tup:
Its funny how a pakistani trying to show India down knowing that his country is not at par with India.
This people dont care about developing their own country but get the ultimate pleasure by being problematic to India.
Shame on humanity this people are.
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