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India Planning to Create Massive Floods In Pakistan!!


Sep 26, 2018
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Pakistan issues warning that India has opened 3 outlets of Alchi Dam on River Ravi without preschedule (under Indus Treaty). Could potentially lead to serious floods on Indus.


When & where did Pakistan's foreign office complained of India building dams on Pakistani waters?
Neither Pakistan did anything to build some control measures!
When & where did Pakistan's foreign office complained of India building dams on Pakistani waters?
Neither Pakistan did anything to build some control measures!
I think we are at war with India now.!!!!
in kay paas pichvaarr dhonay ka paani tak nahi hay, there farmers are committing suicide due to lack of water killing their crops, flood kar nay chalay hain chayndki laga kay...hatred really does throw a man deep into lunacy!
Sometimes I really feel that my fellow countrymen react with their emotions rather than their intellect. Have ever considered the consequences of India's actions? Do you not think that Pakistan has contingencies in place for such events?

Talk of war like as if it is a play think, without thought, analysis, planning, contingencies, working partnerships, purging of weak points (traitors) in our midst and etc.

No my fellow countrymen, this isn't war, these traps being sprung by the enemies of Pakistan in order to lure us into a war. If you go into this head strong, then guess what, they have already won.

I would suggest my fellow countrymen to do more strategic studies. Wars are not planned until strategic study has been conducted. If that has not taken place, the war is lost before it is even fought.

Instead of being reactive, be proactive. Strengthen your unity, before charging at the enemy. Without our faith in Allah, we are nothing.
Pakistan issues warning that India has opened 3 outlets of Alchi Dam on River Ravi without preschedule (under Indus Treaty). Could potentially lead to serious floods on Indus.



Pakistani policymakers seriously need an injection of a few hawks who don't rely on bilateral treaties. This BS approach assumes that New Delhi under RSS is a rational actor who will abide by bilateral commitments. WAKE UP!

When & where did Pakistan's foreign office complained of India building dams on Pakistani waters?
Neither Pakistan did anything to build some control measures!

All we can do for the past few decades is complain, bitch and react. Zero preemption. Zero consequences for India. We go crying to international forums that don't do jack shit (we lost international arbitration over the spillways of Baglihar Dam despite both countries agreeing to a neutral expert.) Nobody can solve our problems for us except our own policymakers and leaders.

every year we cry on same thing India did this and that but we never took any appropriate measures to tackle the problems .. and next year we wil be again singing the same song

See my reply above. You're absolutely right. Certain civ and mil leaders should be hanged. These matters aren't small.

Sometimes I really feel that my fellow countrymen react with their emotions rather than their intellect. Have ever considered the consequences of India's actions? Do you not think that Pakistan has contingencies in place for such events?

Talk of war like as if it is a play think, without thought, analysis, planning, contingencies, working partnerships, purging of weak points (traitors) in our midst and etc.

No my fellow countrymen, this isn't war, these traps being sprung by the enemies of Pakistan in order to lure us into a war. If you go into this head strong, then guess what, they have already won.

I would suggest my fellow countrymen to do more strategic studies. Wars are not planned until strategic study has been conducted. If that has not taken place, the war is lost before it is even fought.

Instead of being reactive, be proactive. Strengthen your unity, before charging at the enemy. Without our faith in Allah, we are nothing.

You bring up some good points but you are assuming that everyone here wants open war. I think, to the contrary, everyone simply hopes that our leaders have some solutions beyond just complaining. Some form of preemption would be nice. Some asymmetric military strategy to bleed India without crossing an open war threshold would be nice. More insurgencies there and exploiting fault lines so we have some leverage would be nice. We are in a situation now where we hardly have any aces up our sleeves in the subconventional space. It's pretty sad and scary and the slow decline accelerated after Mush.
Had Pakistan made canals in Balochistan then all this water would have actually been beneficial for us. We would have clapped and cheered Indian on to let even more water through.
Now, I am certain that this coming war is Ghazwa e Hind. It's reported by the Prophet PBUH that the war is going to start due to water.
Guzwa e Hind has already happened.. started by Muhammad bin Qassim.. Done

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