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India Placing Sukhoi's near Pak Border

if India can not understand our preach.

than we have a option

:sniper: if you want peace than fight

but India have no chance for fight :azn:
I would be very interested to see the Chinese response to this Indian move. Any input from our Chinese friends on this forum?

This will be the response from China;

China’s Air Defence
missile systems
Dr Carlo Kopp
Congress on China’s military power. Last year saw an important incremental improvement
in what is already a formidable air defence capability, as the PLA deployed four battalions
of the S-300PMU-2 / SA-20 Gargoyle high mobility long range SAM system. This is another
step in China’s long march since the end of the Cold War to deploy a modern multi-layered
Integrated Air Defence System (IADS).

air defence system of china - Google Search

the DF‑15, DF-11 Mod2 and new land-attack cruise missiles (LACMs) of the second artillery missile force targeting Taiwan at more than 1,500, with newer versions having navigation satellite (navsat) guidance. In 2007 a Chinese source told DTI that the PLA will also be using two new shorter-range SRBMs, the truck-mounted 250-km. B-611M and 150-km. air-transportable P-12. Both are maneuverable, navsat-guided weapons with modular warheads. The PLA is also developing longer-range artillery rocket-based SRBMs, like the 200-km. navsat-guided WS-3. Some Chinese sources indicate that an antiradar or passive-guided 300-km. version of the WS series is possible.
China Adds Precision Strike to Capabilities

Yes I'm sure Afghans would love to be included in the Israel-India-Russia axis of evil :hang2:

I think the government is already working with the Indians on reconstruction. Indians can very well bring Afghan government on table with Israel and Russia over defense pacts and other development issues.

And how come India and friends became axis of evil. Same as calling Pakistan as terrorist state. So think before you write.
I think you should change the title to India placing Sukhoi's near Pakistan and China border so more Chinese members read this as it concerns them too:

IAF to up vigil along LAC to counter China

NEW DELHI: IAF is slowly but surely bolstering its operational capabilities along the borders with China and Pakistan. If specialised mountain and
other radars are being inducted to make Indian airspace more impregnable, then plans are also afoot to deploy more Sukhoi-30MKI fighters along the eastern and western fronts.

"We need to engage everyone in our neighbourhood but also keep our gun-powder dry,'' says Air Marshal N A K Browne, chief of the Western Air Command (WAC), which is operationally crucial since its area of responsibility stretches from Ladakh to Bikaner.

Speaking in the run-up to the IAF Day on October 8, Air Marshal Browne on Friday said medium-range radars, rugged mountain radars, LLLWRs (low-level light-weight radars) and LLTRs (low-level transportable radars) were either being deployed or procured for the borders with China and Pakistan, which fall under the WAC.

IAF's moves to bolster operational readiness both along the LAC with China and LoC with Pakistan come amid a flurry of reports of Chinese troop incursions as well as helicopter intrusions into Indian territory in recent days.

On IAF chief Air Chief Marshal P V Naik's recent statement that IAF was just "one-third'' of the Chinese air force, the WAC commander said the remarks had to be seen in the proper context.

"It's not just a question of numbers, there are other issues such as technology and capability. IAF is extremely well-balanced on all fronts,'' said Air Marshal Browne.

As earlier reported by TOI, IAF has already begun to deploy its most-potent Sukhoi-30MKI jets in Tezpur after Pune and Bareilly. "After two Sukhoi squadrons in Tezpur, we will base another two squadrons in Punjab by 2011...they will certainly add to our offensive potential,'' said Air Marshal Browne.

By also basing Sukhois in Halwara (Punjab), followed by Chabua (Assam) and Jodhpur (Rajasthan), IAF wants to cater for any contingency which may arise on the eastern as well as the western front.

At present, IAF has inducted around 100 of the 230 twin-engine Sukhois contracted from Russia, with HAL tasked to manufacture 140 of them under transfer of technology, under three deals worth a total of around $8.5 billion.

Air Marshal Browne also pointed out that IAF had re-activated Advanced Landing Grounds (ALGs) in Ladakh, along the LAC with China, at Daulat Beg Oldi, Fukche and Nyoma since last year.

This is seen as a move to strategically counter the massive build-up of military infrastructure by China all along the LAC since the ALGs will help in rushing troops and supplies to forward areas.

"The aim is to support our troops in north-eastern Ladakh. As of now, only these three ALGs will be operated. We do not have any intention to re-activate any further ALGs in the near future,'' said Air Marshal Browne.

IAF to up vigil along LAC to counter China - India - NEWS - The Times of India
I think you should change the title to India placing Sukhoi's near Pakistan and China border so more Chinese members read this as it concerns them too:

Why you have to run after China for everything? Man that sounds comic.... Su30 are also placed in Arunachal Pradesh... I never heard from Chinese the kind of statement you give.

Are you terrified or what?
Tell me the country which cries like a baby when Pak makes some Arms deal, ranging form local production of G-3 to U-214 to RD-93 :coffee:

We can bring in international pressure ON YOU, you cannot even stand in front of any nation... :rofl::rofl::rofl: ... Comeon... What has your AQ Khan done? copied and sold..... We dont want that to happen, nor do we want any thing to be directed at us.... Simple.. If pakistan wants even it can stop all the deals India makes... Nop , Pakistan has no voice in International community, so it just has to keep its mouth SHUT
Tell me the country which cries like a baby when Pak makes some Arms deal, ranging form local production of G-3 to U-214 to RD-93 :coffee:

Oh and Pakistan never had problem with Indian deals. Should I post you the links.

At least Indians dont do like running to Chinese or Americans after offending Indians and expecting them to open the second front for Pakistan. Expecting economic and arms support is fine but expecting second front from another country is something called stupid.

See you say you have best realtions with China, nepal, srilanka, BD and all are Indian enemies. Your drum of anti India sentiments in these countries would be bursted in a moment. Try asking them for air bases as India has in Tajikistan or may have in Afghanistan (depends).

Forget Chinese they will never ever engage India for you. Chinese are not doing service in Pakistan its sheer business for them. They dont have a potential market for defense equipment apart from Pakistan and Gwadar and other ports are of Chinese stratergic interests. As far as arming Pakistan is concerned it is better to have pakistani soldiers to fight against India and weaken it then to have Chinese soldiers engaged.

Engaging India means 40% of the world going for war and definetly this is not going to happen for the sake of Pakistan. With border skirmishes the peace process between India and China has already fastened with Indians declining the base in Mongolia to improve relations. And mutual tie up of billions with Indians and China which is far more then that of China in Pakistan , do you think it would be in interests of China to engage India.

It is in interest of China and India to make Pakistan believe that they have China to watch their back. As this would provide more market for Chinese goods and Indians know that Pakistan is in illusion, as in past, of China. A misinformed enemy is always good to have.
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By just unveiling our INS Arihant, we saw ur navel chief under the pants of china... :rofl::rofl: ... What was that for?

HE SAID THIS FROM BEIJING ... Poor navel chief of pakistan had to say ths from under the pants of china..lol

Dumb Head when that Nuke Sub was unveiled he was there for F-22P frigate, no one can stop u from drawing conclusions u want to draw...
We can bring in international pressure ON YOU, you cannot even stand in front of any nation... :rofl::rofl::rofl: ... Comeon... What has your AQ Khan done? copied and sold..... We dont want that to happen, nor do we want any thing to be directed at us.... Simple.. If pakistan wants even it can stop all the deals India makes... Nop , Pakistan has no voice in International community, so it just has to keep its mouth SHUT

acha acha, Tell me a Single arms deal struck by Pak which was stopped by India, G-3 stopped?? F-16s stopped?? ur beloved Friend Russia Stopped from giving us RD-93?? U-214s were stopped??Cobras Stopped? Radars stopped?? TOW missiles stopped?
How much of Diplomatic Leverage & Indian Voice in international Community worked??
At least we don't show illogical concerns, now stop ranting please..
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Given the distance that the MKIs can cover, does it make any difference if they're stationed near the Pakistani border?
By just unveiling our INS Arihant, we saw ur navel chief under the pants of china... :rofl::rofl: ... What was that for?

HE SAID THIS FROM BEIJING ... Poor navel chief of pakistan had to say ths from under the pants of china..lol

India’s nuke submarine affects security balance in Arabian Sea: Pak Navy Chief

now that you have portrayed yourself.. let me continue.. Your Chiefs PM indians are under US pants 24/7 trying to convince them that they should not give us F-16s, TOW missiles, P-3, 30 year old Frigates, Cobras, radars etc..... induction of new platform like nuclear powered submarine is indeed a arms race... we sure have a reason of concern.... if pakistan also had a nuclear sub then we would not bother much what comes out of india because it doesnt work most of the time... btw... your arihant is still on dry docks.. without any nuclear plant..... and lol... its merely a training vessel..
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