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India Pinning All its Hopes on US Against the Chinese

Indians are under panic attack. :lol::lol::lol:
It is time for China to break this unnatural artificial fake country of India.
It is time for China to break this unnatural artificial fake country of India.
I know. They are really in a buying spree. Now to scare the Indians all we need to do is scream "China" behind them. :lol:
India made many mistakes in last 5 years. I am listing few here....
  • India have supported West on recognizing Tibet as an independent country and on Hong Kong issue
  • Changing status of Jammu and Kashmir and released the map with Aksai Chin has part of India
  • India building infrastructure in Ladakh to allow easy movement of their troops close to LAC.
  • India aligned with USA and offered its air bases for surveillance and to intimidate China
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China shouldn't play with fire. US can destroy China economy very easy. Can't wage war against India if you can't finance it.
China shouldn't play with fire. US can destroy China economy very easy. Can't wage war against India if you can't finance it.
Because you said so? You're a nobody. GTFO
Stop wasting bandwidth.
So true. This is what bhakts have never understood. Someone, somewhere will always enslave them, as has been the case throughout history.

Supapowa India is turning into Sugapuff India.
They had the chance to break the cycle by aligning with the Asia region powers in order to have a peaceful neighborhood and progress their development. But something in the Indian psyche won't allow them to see the wood for the trees, so they end up inviting in the one most malignant and coercive power of the last century.
They seem to be so mentally scarred by centuries of enslavement that they seem to be obsessed and engrossed by trying to be the dominant power rather than an equal amongst friends. Otherwise known as a chip on their shoulder.
It basically comes from the truism that the abused generally become the abusers because of the mental trauma they have suffered.
They had the chance to break the cycle by aligning with the Asia region powers in order to have a peaceful neighborhood and progress their development. But something in the Indian psyche won't allow them to see the wood for the trees, so they end up inviting in the one most malignant and coercive power of the last century.
They seem to be so mentally scarred by centuries of enslavement that they seem to be obsessed and engrossed by trying to be the dominant power rather than an equal amongst friends. Otherwise known as a chip on their shoulder.
It basically comes from the truism that the abused generally become the abusers because of the mental trauma they have suffered.

Another thing that i have noticed lately that some of their political analyst are quit openly saying that Russia is China's strategic ally and can't be a long term friend of India. I guess this is after Putin rejected India's request to pressure China. Indian politicians and defense analysts have also labeled Iran, Turkey and Malaysia as pro-Pakistan and can't be India's long term friend.
China shouldn't play with fire. US can destroy China economy very easy. Can't wage war against India if you can't finance it.

and you people who possess very lil knowledge can finance a war against China? Mughals dominated u for a reason. You braindead scums
There is a reason that 50% of US Navy is hovering all over Taiwan, Tibet, South China sea at this time. It cost $$ Billions of Dollar to move the 50% fleet all the way to Indian Ocean and park it there. US is definitely spending lots of money.

India is definitely getting access to latest and greatest weapon from this partnership. If India buys F35, this is just because of this partnership, not everyone has access to such toys. India is the only country which Enjoy all three Russian, EU, US toys with no restriction. Not sure how the POTUS is allowing it to make a exception here.

terms are really not fair for India/US friendship here. India is getting larger share of pie. US get little in return.
Another thing that i have noticed lately that some of their political analyst are quit openly saying that Russia is China's strategic ally and can't be a long term friend of India. I guess this is after Putin rejected India's request to pressure China. Indian politicians and defense analysts have also labeled Iran, Turkey and Malaysia as pro-Pakistan and can't be India's long term friend.
Russia probably knows India is not dependable but they wil sell weapons to India, China has already taken this into account. Now delivering it on time is another matter all together.
Russia probably knows India is not dependable but they wil sell weapons to India, China has already taken this into account. Now delivering it on time is another matter all together.
Not just that but Russia has a huge border with China and an extremely sparsely populated Siberia (already small population is declining). Russia would have no choice but to not antagonize China. I doubt Russia can afford the arms buildup to face the Chinese like the Soviet Union could back in the 70s and 80s. And besides, Russia's economic outlook long term is very bleak so it needs Chinese trade more than ever right now.
Not just that but Russia has a huge border with China and an extremely sparsely populated Siberia (already small population is declining). Russia would have no choice but to not antagonize China. I doubt Russia can afford the arms buildup to face the Chinese like the Soviet Union could back in the 70s and 80s. And besides, Russia's economic outlook long term is very bleak so it needs Chinese trade more than ever right now.

Russia need Chinese investment otherwise it will be in deep trouble due to Europeans sanctions.
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