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India Pinning All its Hopes on US Against the Chinese

Why would India want help from USA,we will fight our own wars and handle them. I have not seen China standing it's ground to fight when the opposition has stood it's ground in the last 30-40 years .fanboys and cheerleaders don't quote me if you can't find one such example from last 30-40 years.
Why would India want help from USA,we will fight our own wars and handle them. I have not seen China standing it's ground to fight when the opposition has stood it's ground in the last 30-40 years .fanboys and cheerleaders don't quote me if you can't find one such example from last 30-40 years.

Endian are afraid of Pakistan which has 1/5 of the size of Indian army. You think they can fight China?
Indian defense analysts are very vocal about indian war preparation, and most think that India has no war option.
Indian government and media pinning all hope on uncle SAMs to save India.
people don’t understand America and Chinese relationship. America regardless of it’s differences with China, we never directly fight China or directly support india against China. If Chinese start dumping dollars, it will crash American economy and will bring Great Depression. Why? during this pandemic no country/countries in the world will be able to buy trillions of dollars.
Here comes, the 2nd Raj a desperate cry from India, similar to there ancestors before them did, Then It was us Muslims, now it’s the Chinese,

And this time, it’s not the English or Queen Victoria . But by English speaking Americans and trump to continue this tradition.

And I don’t see tsar Putin’s or Russians coming at all, Indian’s, did speak greatly of this mega alliance if there’s?
The only way for India to fight China on a somewhat equal footing is to enter a military alliance with the US and let the US establish military bases in India like what has been done with Australia and South Korea. Would that reduce India into basically a protectorate of the US and decrease its national sovereignty? Maybe. But this is the only way I see them being able to stand up to China militarily. Otherwise, they will have no hope in a war with China. Unfortunately for Modi and the BJP, this would be political suicide.
Indian will surely become a vassal like Japan and South Korea if they let the USA in. Right? @Mighty Lion

The Indians would much prefer our rule over Chinese rule lol ... the US military has generally treated the people of occupied territories or where there are military bases very well. I'm not sure how the Chinese would treat the Indian population ... probably not very good I surmise.

China nearly cut off the Siliguri corridor and probably could've advanced to New Delhi had the war not been fought in October (since the supply lines would have frozen by winter). I don't think Nehru is stupid enough to undermine his own military. Asking a superpower for help would have been the common sense choice to do for him at that point.
USA tries to make a move then watch out for Russia coming in the picture. This will become a WW3.

Delhi is only 300 kilometers from Tibet. I think if India and China really go to war capturing Arunachal and Ladakh and even Kashmir may not be enough for a ceasefire. China would need to cut off the Siliguri Corridor and go within striking distance of New Delhi for the Indian side to accept a ceasefire/armistice imo because that would be tantamount to a defeat.
Pakistan is moving 200k troops to the LOC. Not a confirmed report as yet but the Indian news channel have reported. Pakistan might want Kashmir and China will want only till their claim line.

fanboys and cheerleaders don't quote me if you can't find one such example from last 30-40 years.
Oh, right. Now you've reduced the timeline when I mentioned 1962. :lol:
And fanboys don't quote. :lol: :lol:
Trump GOD will save Endia

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MODI is now crying to PUTIN to talk to China to resolve this issue.
We need to send some diapers to them. This just beyond embarrassing.

India is planning to buy more than 20 billion dollars worth of emergency military hardware including 21 to 30 Mig29, 15 to 30 SU-30, 35 Rafale, long and medium range SAMs, Tanks, APCs, radars, anti-tank missiles.
India is planning to buy more than 20 billion dollars worth of emergency military hardware including 21 to 30 Mig29, 15 to 30 SU-30, 35 Rafale, long and medium range SAMs, Tanks, APCs, radars, anti-tank missiles.
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