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India patronize Hindu militant group for breaking Bangladesh and setup a Hindu state

Well General Zia is the Islamic hero in modern Bangladesh. Respected by all Muslim and I am no different.:smokin:

Yes Sir, I do not deny that...he had been a stellar performer during your war of Independence and he has brought B'desh to the world map, through deliberate hard selling and meeting heads of states to take the cause of B'desh to a higher world fora...thank you
I think you miss understand my point. I said 'Isalami Jamoriat' which mean Islamic democracy similar to khalifat. :D

Brother Al-Zakir,
I always enjoy your posting and comment - and that does not mean
that we have to agreee with each other. I may have the same view
point if I were in my early 20%. :)

Khalifat was never in any sense representative of islamic way of life.
Just another brunch of free loader with a flavor of relagion in there
side. A modern democratic state where respect for all the relagion
and respect for islam live side by side with human right and good economic condition for the people and rule of law - represent much more islamic way of life than the Khalifat.
Excuse me Mr. Munshi, where do you get the idea from? Who taught you? Which history books have you read? And which Indian history books have you read to make such a stupid inference?

The fact that Bengal Sultanate starting from Bakhtiyar Khalji was never more prominent in your part of the world, than it was in our part of the world.

It is simply a bizarre idea to claim history on your side on the basis of the fact that it was an Islamic Sultanate.

Mr. Munshi, Gaur, Pandua and Lakhnauti were never in your part of the country. They were and still are in and around the main Malda town of West Bengal and not B'desh.

Wake up. What is meant by ignore that is muslim? What does it mean? If they accepted Muslim rule in Bengal they should have converted to Islam and moved away from India?

Dont you know these Sultans ruled the awam that was Hindu?

Or do you think that is your greatest grievance that these Sultans with all the power that they had coulnt remove the Hindu race from Bengal and convert everyone into BIGOTS?

I have read Bengal Sultanate History as it was. With due credits (if at all) were due at any point in time of their reign till the advent of Sher Shah Suri.

Dear Vandemataram,
We Bengali never said that history of Sen,Pal,Gupta was not our own
history as well as the sultanate of Bengal and after that like the 16 Zaminders of Bengal during Mughal Akbar. My ancestor converted to islam from the lower of the lowest cast for a better life not to become a bigot.

Even though the cast system is a cast for the people but in my humble knowledge( just 1 cents worth) it is not part of hindu relagion but the society itself created that for the benefit of a few people.

You have to see the reason of some people why they are anti-indian( surely not anti hindu) in political sense( but not anti indian people) is the way this country acted upon its small neighbors.

It is hard to see if you are not wearing someone else shoe and I am sure the same goes to the otherway as well.

RAW is actively pursuing its agenda to disintegrate Bangladesh. They always remain in search of an issue for fulfilling their objective. Since there is no division amongst masses with regards to language, ethnicity and culture, RAW has been relying upon religious differences to initiate and develop separatist movements in the country. Bangabhumi is the proposed name of a homeland for the Hindus who had migrated to India from East Bengal in the past. It is stated that one and half crore Hindus uprooted from the basins of Rivers Padma, Meghna and Madhumati who were forced to leave the area on account of economic deprivation and communal riots, now claim to have a right to settle in their own motherland. The state is planned to comprise of the districts of greater Khulna, Jessore, Kushtia, Faridpur, Barisal and Patuakhali of Bangladesh.

The start of Bangbhumi movement was announced on August 15, 1977. Its office is located in Ramlal Bazar of South Calcutta. The organisation styled itself as 'Nikhil Banga Nagarik Sangha' (All Bengal Citizen's Organisation). Mr. Sri Partha Samanta is the President and Mr. Kalidas Vaidya is the General Secretary of the Organisation. On March 25, 1982 'Nikhil Banga Nagarik Sangha' officially declared the formation of 'Bangabhumi'inside the territory of Bangladesh.Besides forming the 'Nikhil Banga Nagarik Sangha',RAW has also set up some paper organisations i.e., 'Bangla Liberation Organisation' styled on the pattern of 'Palestine Liberation Organisation' and 'Liberation Tigers of Bengal'on the pattern of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elarn.

Before we expose RAW's support to the Bangabhumi activists, it is pertinent to analyze rationale of their demand. It is a known fact that after partition in 1947 Hindus had the option to settle either in Pakistan or migrate to India. While many Hindus stayed back in the then East Pakistan, many others migrated to India. Likewise many Muslims left India and migrated to Pakistan. Such migrations were final and cannot be revoked on any pretext' now. The question arises that on what pretext RAW wants to create a separate homeland for Hindus who had migrated to India voluntarily at their own will from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) in 1947. During the united Pakistan, and even prior to 1977, such a preposterous claim was never raised. Such an attempt amounts to interference in the independence, sovereignty and regional integrity of Bangladesh.

The total area of proposed Bangbhumi comes to 20 thousand square miles which is more than one third of the total area 'of Bangladesh. The border of Bangabhumi runs in the north along River Padma, in the east along River Meghna,in the west along India-Banglade'sh border and in the south along the Bay of Bengal. The declared capital of the s.tate is at Samantanager (Mukti Bhaban or Freedom House) which has no apparent existence. According to reliable sources Samantanager is nom de plum for Bangabhumi HQ established in a house named 'Sunny Villa' in Bhabanipur, Calcutta. This house is owned by Mr. Chittaranjan Sutar, a famous RAW agent. 'Sunny Villa' had once played a pioneering role in organising activities for disintegration of Pakistan and creation of Bangladesh. That very Sunny Villa is again active and is being utilised this time for disintegr,ating Bangladesh. The reason is that Bangladesh has declined to bow before Indian designs thus it ought to be taught a lesson.

The flag of proposed Bangabhumi state comprises of one third green colour and the two third of saffron colour. In the middle of the saffron colour is the white sun. On the top of the stand is' a circle. The National Anthem is the faIrlous song of poet Dijendra Lal Roy: 'Dhana Dhanye Pushpe Bhara, Arnader Ei Basundhara'. (This land of ours filled with crops and flowers). The National Symbol is depicted by a green circle in another saffron coloured circle with word 'Sri', (Symbol of beauty and prosperity) written in the saffron circle. The state policy proposed to be adopted ~s non-communal and humanism. The name of propsed radio station is 'Bangabani' keeping in line with 'Akashvani' and its' call s-ign is 'Joy Banga' in line with 'Jai Hind' of India.

An armed wing of the organisation named 'Bangasena' has also been formed. The Commander of this armed force is Mr Kalidas Vaidya. The main organiser and trainer of Bangasena is Arun Ghosh. The only condition for enlistment in 'Bangasena' is that the recruit should be a resident or had been a resident or born in East Bengal. If either of the answers is in affirmative then he is considered eligible to be enlisted in 'Bangasena'. The daily Anandabazar Patrika of Calcutta, while writing about ''Bangasena' reported, 'The majority mempers of this Bangasena which is a voluntary force lack any plitical consciousness. They are utterly communal in their outlook, semiliterate and very emotional (Daily Anandabazar : September 13, 1989).

RAW has deliberately recruited Hindu fanatics and extremists in the organisation so that it is easy to get any mischief done from them. However, the experts say that though Bangasena apparently comprises of riff raffs of Calcutta, but many former officers and personnel of the Indian Armed Forces are also working behind the scene.The supporters and activists of Bangabhumi had threatened to enter into Bangladesh from India many times in the past. But all their attempts failed. In Bangladesh they had circulated posters and publicity material printed in India through agents of RAW. Many such posters, leaflets and pamphlets were seized by police from Naryanganj, Kushtia, Jessore, Khulna and Barisal.

Besides, police also seized many so-called flags of Bangabhumi which the agents of RAW had smuggled from India for hoisting on Government buildings. However, the RAW agents did manage to hoist Bangabhumi flag at three places in Tala Thana of Jessore. But the local people and the police immediately seized the flags. Bangabhumi leaders also sent letters to the Deputy Commissioners and other senior officers of the area threatening them to ex-communicate with Government of Bangladesh by March 23, 1985 and owe their allegiance to the so called Bangabhumi Government failing which they will be killed alongwith their families.

To create harassment amongst Bangladeshis of this region and to attract international news media, RAW provoked its agents to launch an ,attack on the office of the Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Calcutta (April 11, 1994). The agents of RAW justified their actiQn by saying that since Bangabhumi has come into being, therefore, they were justified to own .and occupy Bangladeshi Mission in Calcutta. They attacked building of Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in presence of Indian police, entered into the premises of the Mission and hoisted the flag of so called Bangabhumi. . RAW had enacted similar drama through its agents at the office of the Bangladesh High Commission in New Delhi on August 15, 1984.

RAW wants to create disturbances, terrorism and communal trouble in Banladesh on the plea of Bangabhumi movement. The agents of 'Bangasena' who are armed with mo~ern weapons are looki"ng for an opportunity to infiltrate into Bangladesh. Thereafter they will create such conditions in the region through blood letting and rioting that India may be justified to march in its regular Armed Forces into the area to establish 'peace and order'. That is how Indians are ultimately planning to separate western part of Bangladesh. However, this is a long term plan. For the time being, the Bangasena is being nurtured by RAW to function as a pressure group to compel Bangladesh to adopt a Pro-India policy. Nevertheless they are being prepared for the fore mentioned greater objective to be pursued in due course. After all RAW is not an orphan house that it will keep spending crores of rupees on such organisations without any ultimate aim in view.

RAW and Bangladesh
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Thanks for the link. Hindu terrorism is prolific. And here Hindus claim to be so peace-loving. Guess there's a good reason why Hinduism is being rejected outside of India (with small exception for Nepal, a secular country which practices moderate Hinduism). Gee, I wonder why people hate the barbaric caste system?
Of course what can you do....earlier Tikka Khan and his ilk butchered Hindus of East Pakistan and then of course your war hero Gen Zia who formed the BNP (where you cast your vote)...continued with the repression of capturing properties of the minorities ....millions of acres of arable lands were taken away and confiscated by the

GONOPROJATANTRIK BANGLADESH SORKAR ....on the pretext of Enemy Property Act (Earlier) and later the Vested Property Act.

Let us try and do this to your borthers in India...let us take all lands, factories, machines and every other means of livelihood and then see if they do not cross over to your country or your brothers to our west...

Genocide is the word...not only physical but mental and economical..your Govt has confiscated Hindu property worth more than the GNP/GDP of your country........

Can you give any example where it was done ? Enemy property act means mainly the people left after 1971 and they are 90% muslim -mainly urdu speaking. Some people are using the pretext as anti-hindu slogan to get support from india.

Can you please give any single example where President Zia in any sense did anything that went against the interest of the hindu ?
Be honest to yourself and do not go with your hate ( hope fully you do not have any )
Brother Al-Zakir,
I always enjoy your posting and comment - and that does not mean
that we have to agreee with each other. I may have the same view
point if I were in my early 20%. :)

Thank you for the complement. You are too kind...:D

Khalifat was never in any sense representative of islamic way of life.
Just another brunch of free loader with a flavor of relagion in there
side. A modern democratic state where respect for all the relagion
and respect for islam live side by side with human right and good economic condition for the people and rule of law - represent much more islamic way of life than the Khalifat.

As you wish my brother. We all have different approach and aim in life. How you get to specific point is your choosing thus I am not worried. :undecided:


There is no disagreement about respecting other religion specifically Ahle Kitabis however Islam must be above all from other realign to a Muslim. :)

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