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India, Pakistan may stumble into large-scale war, warns US intel report

It notes that some of these leaders have applied majoritarian political formulae, whereas others have undermined independent judiciaries, election commissions, and politically neutral militaries and bureaucracies, weakening potential future resistance.

And the cretins wake up to this danger 19 years later?
Says the country that has "stumbled into" countless wars in South America, East Asia, and the Middle East over the last century.

The US has a habit of projecting its own weaknesses on others. From nuclear weapons proliferation and safety, to human rights abuses, to the use of mass media for propaganda, the US is more guilty than most countries over whom it sits in judgement.

very true , should be asked to shut up and mind its own , they already bombed Syria , Iraq , Afghanistan and planning now to go on a war with either Iran or North Korea , funny to see them lecture others on war
the subject matter of every such report is same.

India will react to some militant attack blaming Pakistan for backing it.
the report will then recommend that Pakistan must not have nukes.
then there will be a recommendation to both countries to address all outstanding issues which will basically mean Pakistan must listen to and comply with what India has to say,

these lines will be rephrased and repeated again after some time.

all such reports and warnings have the premise that India will be the victim of Pakistan.
its every military aggression along LoC and regular border is justified.
the solution is that Pakistan must comply with Indian demands and dont challenge its hegemony

The report talked about a real attack, not a made-up one. You will be able to chalk out realistic steps to safeguard yourselves and everybody in general only when you speak the truth to yourselves. Even the great respect I have for you does not stop me from reminding you that it is very dangerous to deceive yourself.

As for the rest, it is interesting to read, but implausible that we will ever see this, either in document or in trial balloon form on the godi media, or in verbale form.
India never won the war, but used international pressure and portray himself as innocent. India entered Bangladesh when they knew a few thousand Pakistan army is not capable to counter invoked Indian-backed trained terrorist.

Long may your tribe increase. You are the best guarantee of Indian domination in future differences of opinion. With the fascists at the helm of affairs in Delhi, war - an accidental war - is more likely than ever, and the more there are who think as you do, the better the chances of India prevailing.
We can’t win on ground? Musharraf went to USA while USA was mounting pressure on Vajpayee to have a ceasefire, Vajpayee disagreed and said we know how to handle Pakistan and then rest is history, the war got over only when all Pakistanis were thrown back.

Now they won't sleep for a week or more. What have you done?
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This intel came late 2-3 months when the heat has officially cooled down something both countries did by themselves and disengaged on the LOC. Then the US releases this intel the fuk is wrong with you and where have you been all this time.. Hack we almost had war in 2019-2020 all the way upto to early 2021 where this officially cooled down..

If it was released at the height of tension this intel would have made sense but now it is late even PLA and India disengaged on the borders..

Timing my friend timing. It's like releasing an intel report claiming water is wet.. Reporting something we have been following from day to day.. Talk about arriving late to the party...
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And, that too with 200% support from the USSR in all aspects: military, training, equipment, logistics, planning, diplomacy etc. The Soviet generals were in Delhi planning every aspect of the execution! Even the Soviet observers were present all along the East Pak borders to direct the Indian offensive!!
Sir I have really not read about USSR`s role in 1971. I am astonished to know about their support to India.
Sir I have really not read about USSR`s role in 1971. I am astonished to know about their support to India.
Why do you think Pak toot it upon herself to make Afganistan the graveyard for the USSR?? And, incurred enormous human and material loss for that. It was no business, it was personal....
Why do you think Pak toot it upon herself to make Afganistan the graveyard for the USSR?? And, incurred enormous human and material loss for that. It was no business, it was personal....
Means, firstly USSR divided Pakistan into 2. Then Pakistan divided USSR into 15. Amazing!

Damage scale: 1 : 7.5
One glaring problem with the US' strategy is that it assumes that weakening Pakistan will generate buy-in and support from the right actors. It won't.

To facilitate an economically and militarily weak Pakistan, you require people who would approve of Nawaz Sharif, Zardari, etc. So, do tell, what kind of folks do you imagine you have if they're greenlighting Nawaz and Zardari?

Definitely not the ones who are best equipped to deal with non-state actors, that's for sure.

The reality that the US (and India) can't accept is that the best ones to deal with non-state actors are the ones who likely want Pakistan to rival India. You think someone with the mindset of @SQ8, for example, is going to cave to New Delhi or Kabul? Of course not. But it's not in the nature of a competent person to be capable for one end (e.g., militants), and a total duck for others -- they're going to be consistent.

The US can't have it both ways.

The US can't have a hand in bringing weak morons to the front, and then complain about Pakistan 'not doing more' or whatever. It can solve this problem by championing the right actors, and it's foregoing the chance as we speak.

It could have helped Imran Khan and PTI out with more favourable economic help (which in turn helps PTI build support within the society and establishment). It could have made IK/PTI seem like a bigger deal by spotlighting them internationally, yet all we saw was snub after snub.

It's a shame we in Pakistan don't have a brave voice to call it for it is, but that circles back to the original problem, the ones in charge are weak and inept actors, who themselves came as a result of US interests. And then the US doesn't want to champion or support the right actors.
Didn't realize your mum still wets her bed......... :azn:


Little one, I have children older than you. My mother, whose name you take with such childlike freedom, may have been your grandmother, if she had survived till today.

Now go and find your playmates and learn new turns of phrase from them; they will suit you well in your social circles.
The Soviet generals were in Delhi planning every aspect of the execution! Even the Soviet observers were present all along the East Pak borders to direct the Indian offensive!!

How wonderful! Where were they located along the East Pakistan borders? And where were you? observing them? waiting on them? gathering reports on them? acting on intelligence gathered about them?

Since you know so much about who was where doing what, the question arises: what was your role?
The US can't have it both ways.

The US can't have a hand in bringing weak morons to the front, and then complain about Pakistan 'not doing more' or whatever. It can solve this problem by championing the right actors, and it's foregoing the chance as we speak.

It could have helped Imran Khan and PTI out with more favourable economic help (which in turn helps PTI build support within the society and establishment). It could have made IK/PTI seem like a bigger deal by spotlighting them internationally, yet all we saw was snub after snub.

It's a shame we in Pakistan don't have a brave voice to call it for it is, but that circles back to the original problem, the ones in charge are weak and inept actors, who themselves came as a result of US interests. And then the US doesn't want to champion or support the right actors.

Interesting post. Just what do you reckon the "right actors" to be that in your view USA should support in the scenario that you describe above? And just why do you think those right actors are not being recognized by USA?
Insulted Other Member/Nationality
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The report talked about a real attack, not a made-up one. You will be able to chalk out realistic steps to safeguard yourselves and everybody in general only when you speak the truth to yourselves. Even the great respect I have for you does not stop me from reminding you that it is very dangerous to deceive yourself.

As for the rest, it is interesting to read, but implausible that we will ever see this, either in document or in trial balloon form on the godi media, or in verbale form.

Long may your tribe increase. You are the best guarantee of Indian domination in future differences of opinion. With the fascists at the helm of affairs in Delhi, war - an accidental war - is more likely than ever, and the more there are who think as you do, the better the chances of India prevailing.

Now they won't sleep for a week or more. What have you done?
in my view
India needs credible enemy to defeat for its right of passage to become regional policeman for America and set itself up for China.
whether or not Pakistan is already complying with American demands in this regard is irrelevant. (I mean the Pak army chiefs repeatedly offering olive branch to India and talking about shared interests and stability).

I dont have to delude myself in thinking that every accusation from India will be fabricated and sham like the Indian Parliament attack or the Pulwama blast with the stunning ease with which a local Kashmiri youth was able to transport an explosive laden vehicle though multiple check points.

take for example the case of British Born Omar Saeed who is languishing in Pakistani jails since the gruesome murder of Daniel Pearl but was able to bring India and Pakistan to war though his phone calls.

my suspicion on India wanting war on sham grounds is not unfounded. its an official state policy of India to keep hostility towards Pakistan since it strains and drains Pakistan more while it tackles the religious and Baloch insurgency. this has been true since multiple approaches for peace from Gen Musharraf to Imran khan have been turned down by successive Indian governments on advice from Indian military and its intelligence services.

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