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INDIA: Pak T-shirts in procession, Treason case registered

This was a recipe for disaster. Thank God they have been apprehended by the police before things got out of hand. The treason case is not likely to stick in this case though.

lol :crazy: i want to include him in the debate because pakistanis think different.
And you got it totally wrong.

you worded it totally wrong mate..and there is no reason to involve him just because some pakistani thinks something. that too is totally wrong. i have to say, so i just said it.
You indian guys shed your indian daily life memory when you come on PDF and pretend as you have just landed from moon bathed in holy GAO mata's milk. let me twitch your memories, and conscience if you have any


I know, pakistan is the guiding light of asia in these things, no cases, no trials, straight beating to death by mobs and then burning the body.

we are so backwards. :(
Case of Treason for wearing a T-shirt????


Wonder India is "Mother of Democracy" or a "Theocracy"

Please be happy with that... same thing if a Hindu does in Pakistan wearing a t-shirt with India printed on it, Mob will leaving him dead in the streets. Today He'll wear Pakistan printed then another one will follow... Self respecting country and countrymen wouldn't allow that here in India... I'm happy he's taken under law

ISI agents.. fuk yeah!

I'm sorry if its true Then ISI is a biggest foolish Agency ever.
Height of idiocy ..wearing green t shirt is criminal offence and hurt the feelings of indians jingoistic.

Indian gave whole new definition to word treason lol

Please... read the article carefully... Its not green that offend people..
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