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India overtaking Pakistan in Iran ties: Journalist

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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
India overtaking Pakistan in Iran ties: Journalist
Wed Dec 25, 2013 10:5AM

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India has become a closer partner to the Islamic Republic than New Delhi’s archrival Pakistan, as Islamabad has failed to take cognizance of new regional opportunities, an analyst says, Press TV reports.

“Despite being a Muslim-majority country, Pakistan’s illogical foreign policy has been preventing a rapprochement with Iran,” Yusuf Fernandez wrote in an article on Press TV on Wednesday.

He went on to enumerate the reasons why Pakistan has fallen behind its traditional ally, India, in forging a closer relationship with Iran.

Pointing to the multi-billion-dollar Iran-Pakistan (IP) gas pipeline project, Fernandez said, “Islamabad has so far failed to look for the required funding for the project, due to the threat of sanctions from the US, even though the pipeline agreement stipulates that Pakistan must finish its side of the facility by December 2014.”

As a result, the journalist added, “On December 14, Iran announced that it had suspended a 250-million-dollar loan to Pakistan to build” its part of the IP project.

“To make matters worse, Pakistan was reported last month to have built nuclear weapons for Saudi Arabia, which would be a threat for Iran, and to be ready to ship them,” Fernandez said.

He added, however, that while it will be difficult for both Pakistan and Saudi Arabia to avoid the repercussions of the act, “the publication of this news has highlighted the close links between the Pakistani government and the Saudi monarchy.”

The journalist also pointed to a November attack in Iran’s Sistan-and-Baluchestan Province, which killed at least 14 Iranian border guards, and cited “French sources, well-informed about the dossier of the terrorist Salafi groups that are supported by Saudi Arabia” as having “told Lebanese channel Al-Manar that Saudi Arabia had ordered the attack.”

“The French sources told Al-Manar that the Saudi intelligence had recently spent huge amounts of money to fund the Jaishul al Adl group, but the weak human Saudi resources do not allow the Saudi intelligence to take direct care of this group. This might have led the Saudis to employ the Pakistani intelligence to do so,” Fernandez added.

In addition to the fatalities, three others were wounded in the attack on the border region near the city of Saravan in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan on October 25.

“Due to all these factors,” Fernandez said, “Pakistan is now not in a good position to take advantage of the new position of Iran in the region after the signature of the nuclear deal. The Pakistani government’s doubts about the pipeline contract and its submission to the US and Saudi Arabia are damaging its links with its neighbor and prevent it from collecting the accompanying benefits of Iran’s future development,” Fernandez concluded.

Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council - Russia, China, France, Britain and the US - plus Germany sealed a nuclear deal in the Swiss city of Geneva on November 24.

“For its part, India, Pakistan’s rival, has welcomed the nuclear deal struck by Iran and the world’s six major powers,” the analyst said, adding that the removal of the sanctions on Iran would provide India, Iran’s second largest oil purchaser, with better opportunities to meet its energy needs.

“Strategically, it is important for India to maintain a close relationship with Teheran. India and Iran oppose a Taliban government in Kabul and could coordinate their political positions to prevent it. Iran is India’s only corridor for land access to Afghanistan through which most of Indian assistance to Afghanistan could be transported,” Fernandez said.

PressTV - India overtaking Pakistan in Iran ties: Journalist
Pakistan has fallen behind its traditional ally, India, in forging a closer relationship with Iran.

The "journalist" doesn't know the difference between an ally and a rival.

Pakistan was reported last month to have built nuclear weapons for Saudi Arabia,

I stopped reading at this point.

PressTV can keep such "journalists".
The "journalist" doesn't know the difference between an ally and a rival.

I stopped reading at this point.

PressTV can keep such "journalists".

Nuclear bomb story released by western news agencies ... don't blame us !

Good...India has been good friends with Iran since a long long time....we have been buying Iranian oil even after several warnings by the USA. As far as the puppets of the Americans and the Chinese are concerned...they would do anything to please their bosses.
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Nuclear bomb story released by western news agencies ... don't blame us !

Unsubstantiated claims.

By contrast, the military partnership between India and Israel is a matter of record. Indians even boast about it. You might want to look up how many billions India is putting into the Israeli war machine...

Even on this forum, Indians are BY FAR the biggest cheerleaders of Israel and its treatment of Muslims.
Unsubstantiated claims.

By contrast, the military partnership between India and Israel is a matter of record. Indians even boast about it. You might want to look up how many billions India is putting into the Israeli war machine...

Even on this forum, Indians are BY FAR the biggest cheerleaders of Israel and its treatment of Muslims.
Come on Developereo.
India does not hold its relations with any nation hostage to the whims and fancies of another nation.
We treat all relations as separate.

Iran also has relations with Pakistan and India. Just like how it is illogical for India to ask Iran to close down its relations with Pakistan for India's sake, its the same way around.

Don't act like a child.

* Bomb talk is western propaganda.

* Pakistan 'supported' Iran nuke deal.

* Pakistan will complete the pipe as we need energy resources.

* Jaish al Adl is an Iran based group, that infiltrates into Pakistan. There can be a mutual border security agreement to beat the terrorists.

Iran has always sucked up to India despite their vote against Iran at the UN. If Iran is serious about having good ties with Pakistan, it needs to keep India policy seperate from its policy on Pakistan.
Unsubstantiated claims.

By contrast, the military partnership between India and Israel is a matter of record. Indians even boast about it. You might want to look up how many billions India is putting into the Israeli war machine...

Even on this forum, Indians are BY FAR the biggest cheerleaders of Israel and its treatment of Muslims.

This would be beyond the understanding of the cheerleaders of true atheists (Chinese-Kuffar)...On one hand this country treats itself to be the savior of Islam but is living on the pieces of bread thrown by the US (Amreeca) and the country with no religion China. The US have been butchering Muslims in Afghanistan with Pakistani help...and the Chinese have been butchering the Uyghurs in Xinjiang....you see Pakistanis protesting against Myanmar for its treatment to Rohingiyas but when it comes to Uyghur they are mere spectators...this is called selective amnesia.

Indo-Iranian and Indo-Israeli relationships are two different matters...both countries are in good relations with India. We boast both the relationship equally...no country dictates our foreign policy...hence we have shown spine and have been buying Iranian oil despite US sanctions. Now that US-Iran has come to an understanding things between India and Iran will further strengthen. You can keep whining about it...

Don't act like a child.

* Bomb talk is western propaganda.

* Pakistan 'supported' Iran nuke deal.

* Pakistan will complete the pipe as we need energy resources.

* Jaish al Adl is an Iran based group, that infiltrates into Pakistan. There can be a mutual border security agreement to beat the terrorists.

Iran has always sucked up to India despite their vote against Iran at the UN. If Iran is serious about having good ties with Pakistan, it needs to keep India policy seperate from its policy on Pakistan.

Jaish al Adl is a Saudi financed group !

& nobody can deny their relations with ISI ...
Come on Developereo.
India does not hold its relations with any nation hostage to the whims and fancies of another nation.
We treat all relations as separate.

Iran also has relations with Pakistan and India. Just like how it is illogical for India to ask Iran to close down its relations with Pakistan for India's sake, its the same way around.

That's precisely my point.

If Pakistan can live with Iran-India relationship, and Iran can live with India-Israel and India-GCC relationships, then Iran must learn to live with Pakistan-GCC relationships.

Iran is the one demanding that Pakistan drop its other relationships.
Unsubstantiated claims.

By contrast, the military partnership between India and Israel is a matter of record. Indians even boast about it. You might want to look up how many billions India is putting into the Israeli war machine...

Even on this forum, Indians are BY FAR the biggest cheerleaders of Israel and its treatment of Muslims.

????....:o:....what is cooking dude?, since when did we support that?
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