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India opposes Lanka seeking arms from Pak

India should give them, Radars that can be infiltrated by cessna; Fleet of air superiority LCA; The Arjun tank that army dosn't wants & INSAS as a rifle that gets jammed.

Yeh they will always provide defensive weapons to Sri Lanka ;)
So that even Cessna can pass through the defensive radar .

what a blessing to be big brother in the region you can sell the garbage
Yeh they will always provide defensive weapons to Sri Lanka ;)
So that even Cessna can pass through the defensive radar .

what a blessing to be big brother in the region you can sell the garbage

Joey has always put fwd a relevant argument. justa go back a few posts and read it. And by the way welcome back tooo..
India cannot be shunned from that region. Sl cant afford to irritate us. SL witha 200k or so army hasnt gained anything visa vis LTTE inspite of an Indian imposed sanctions on LTTE. If SL goes the other way, lTTE will have more funds and arms coming trhu the sea. SL knows that and thats why inspite of repeated refutal from India to supply arms they still continue to ask for it.

You do not require force to shun someone, you just look the other way and walk the other way.
LTTE is waek if it all was so strong then Sri Lanka was named India by the end of that long war.

Bull said:
Indian imposed sanctions on LTTE.

source said:
"We are a big power in the region. We don't want the Sri Lankan government to go to Pakistan or China. Whatever may be their requirement, the Sri Lankan government should come to us."

I cant really agree with that, they are being supported by the Indians, with both hands it may be that India does not say that in public, that would not mean it doesn't. Then if it doesn't support the LTTE then why does it make these kind of childish statements, of which they use political slur that the Lankens should do business with India rather with Pakistan and China.

source said:
Sri Lanka should not seek weapons from Pakistan or China, but should come to India for its requirements, National Security Advisor M K Narayanan said here today.

The Indian government is keen in having Sri Lanka buy arms from India, however, the Lankans have turned to there allies.

source said:
"India will not provide weapons with offensive capabilities to Sri Lanka."

The Sri Lankans are not seeking for rubber ducks and rubber knifes they are seeking for defence equipment, again I do not see that India is helping or even a regional stability to Sri Lanka.

The Sri Lankans have moved towards more trusted sources and more stable regional powers whose intent is to gain from Sri Lanka's being a ally.

Bull said:
lTTE will have more funds and arms coming trhu the sea.

Therefore, India is being shunned away from Sri Lankan politics, even if you disagree I am only debating on what I see and read from the source and it is just showing there is no progress with India and Sri Lanka in the field of Defence.
You do not require force to shun someone, you just look the other way and walk the other way.LTTE is waek if it all was so strong then Sri Lanka was named India by the end of that long war..

LTTE is a terror organisation, it has its limitations as it has influence in tamil dominated regions. Whole of Sl isnt tamil denominated, their aim atleast the stated one is not to capture the whole of SL. It is creation of a seperate tamil ealam they are fighting for.

I cant really agree with that, they are being supported by the Indians, with both hands it may be that India does not say that in public, that would not mean it doesn't. Then if it doesn't support the LTTE then why does it make these kind of childish statements, of which they use political slur that the Lankens should do business with India rather with Pakistan and China..

India just opened a new radar base in tamil coast, deployed 6 more ships to increase patrol, pottu aman the dreaded inteligence chief was killed by IN, India send its troops to crush LTTE, but the results where disastorous. India send it troops to save maldives from the tamil rebels who had overthrown their govt in a armed coup.

The Indian government is keen in having Sri Lanka buy arms from India, however, the Lankans have turned to there allies..

Wrong!! Lanka needs Indian arms, they need to engage India, india is reluctant.

The Sri Lankans are not seeking for rubber ducks and rubber knifes they are seeking for defence equipment, again I do not see that India is helping or even a regional stability to Sri Lanka..


The Sri Lankans have moved towards more trusted sources and more stable regional powers whose intent is to gain from Sri Lanka's being a ally..

China could be a good ally when they have their reach extended to IO region, but not as of now.

Therefore, India is being shunned away from Sri Lankan politics, even if you disagree I am only debating on what I see and read from the source and it is just showing there is no progress with India and Sri Lanka in the field of Defence.

Very true, there is no progress. Thats because India doesnt want to sell offensive weapons. India is in a catch 22 situation.
Joey has always put fwd a relevant argument. justa go back a few posts and read it. And by the way welcome back tooo..

i had read his arguments but Bull as most of the Indians say that D2 Radars were provided to SL by india free

So u can imagine that Cessna indeed can skip these ;)
if you call it defensive weapons or equipment hmmm

BTW thanks for welcoming i promissed you yesterday and i fulfilled it
BTW Bull tell how can India stop Sri Lanka form buying weapons from China and Pakistan.

Do u think she will obey India?
i had read his arguments but Bull as most of the Indians say that D2 Radars were provided to SL by india free

So u can imagine that Cessna indeed can skip these ;)
if you call it defensive weapons or equipment hmmm

BTW thanks for welcoming i promissed you yesterday and i fulfilled it

Can you tell me these quick three quick things,

1> How can the radar work when it was switched off "official government confirmation" , not some newspaper speculation.

2> What was the height the radar was placed in the air force base.

3> Based on that can you calculate the radar horizon and the height cessna was flying.

The last two things would give you the picture if cessna could have been detected or not.

BTW Bull tell how can India stop Sri Lanka form buying weapons from China and Pakistan.
No we cannot.
i had read his arguments but Bull as most of the Indians say that D2 Radars were provided to SL by india free

So u can imagine that Cessna indeed can skip these ;)
if you call it defensive weapons or equipment hmmm

BTW thanks for welcoming i promissed you yesterday and i fulfilled it

I was pting towards joeys point that 'they were switched off ' ? If a cessna can skip a radar, that equipement shudnt be called a radar at all. cessna is a basic aircraft, LTTE might have known the times where the persoanls at the radar control station goes to 'sleep' and timed their move accordingly.
BTW Bull tell how can India stop Sri Lanka form buying weapons from China and Pakistan.

Do u think she will obey India?

If India calls it obeying, then it will be very shamefull of India. I wasnt happy seeing the way NSA advisor threatened SL into buying arms from elsewhere.

Sl has been in US powers for quite sometime, India's decision to send in LTTE without any proper plans was a kneejerk reaction to the 'possibilty of SL caling US for help'. India didnt want US to have a base so close to us, as they never have the habit of leaving a base they gain.

So the only way out for India is to give whatever Sl needs or atleast satisfy them partly.

SL cant anger India too as LTTE is more than just a terror organisation, its very easy for them to get help from Indian mainland if IN 'goes to sleep'.

So its either a win-win or lose-lose situation for India-SL.
China humiliates India; India bullies Sri Lanka

H. L. D. Mahindapala

Asian Tribune - June 6, 2007

Just last week India tried to pull wool over Chinese eyes. India attempted in its sneaky way to smuggle one of its bureaucrats from Arunachal Pradesh into China by including him in an official delegation due to visit China. China issued visas to all other members of the delegation except to the official from Arunachal Pradesh.

Why? Though it seemed on the surface that India was seeking a simple visa for one of her officials she was stealthily attempting to gain a huge diplomatic victory by getting China to recognize that the official from Arunachal Pradesh was an Indian citizen. India, in other words, was making an underhand move to trick China into recognizing that Arunachal Pradesh was a part of India.

If China fell for India’s trick and issued a visa to the official from Arunachal Pradesh – the northeastern state claimed by China as her territory -- it would have amounted to China conceding this state to India. Knowing that visas are issued only to foreigners the shrewd Chinese out-manoeuvred the slimy Indians and rejected the application for a visa confirming that Arunachal Pradesh belongs to China – or almost all of it. To be precise China claims 90,000 sq km (34,750 square miles) of Arunachal Pradesh, a mountainous state that shares a 1,030 km (650-mile) border with China.

Chinese Ambassador to India, Sun Yuxi, made no bones about it when he told the media last week: "The whole of what you call the state of Arunachal Pradesh is Chinese territory. ... We are claiming the whole of that."

India which claims to be “a big power of the region”, according to M. K. Narayanan, the Advisor to Prime Minister, back-pedalled tamely. All what India could do was to push the External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee to stand up in parliament and say defensively: "Arunachal Pradesh was an integral part of India".

Indian media reports say that India is backing away from this issue without challenging China. India also accuses China of occupying 8,000 sq km (14,670 square miles) in Kashmir and this “big power of the region” is running away with its tail between he legs without standing up for its claims, right or wrong. India has reasons to be scared and back off because China penetrated deep in Arunachal Pradesh in the border war fought in 1962 and hammered the Indian army to pulp.

Faced with this massive threat from China the Indian reaction is to be defensive, according to the consensus of diplomats in India. The noted ex-Indian diplomat, G. Parthasarathy, known to Sri Lankan circles from the days he tried fix the Sri Lankan crisis with his failed Indo-Sri Lanka agreement, had this to say about the Chinese claims: “We have just sat back when China makes claims on Arunachal Pradesh and does nothing. We have a tendency to run scared of China, that's one thing we should avoid”

He added: “We gave up any card that we had on Tibet, we eroded our position on the district identity of Tibet with the passage of time. Unless you retain those cards, for example can we reciprocate by say agreeing to a ministerial level delegation from Taiwan. Like other ASEAN countries do like Japan does.”

So how big is India in the region? Is it big only when it comes to bullying small nations like Sri Lanka? Or is it just the right size to run backwards, as fast as the Indians can, to avoid confrontation with China? Arunachal Pradesh is not the only part of India that is claimed by China. China occupies Aksai Chin in Ladakh and this so-called “big power” of the region does sweet nothing about it.

Some Indian diplomats say that India should retaliate on Chinese claims over Tibet and Taiwan. For instance, the Indian Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, could invite the Taiwanese MPs to tea as he did in the case of Sri Lankan counterparts who are the proxies of the Tamil Tigers. Oh, no! Such invitations are extended only to MPs of small countries in the region which India continues to bully or destabilize. India also allows Tibetan refugees to settle down in Delhi without pressing issues of human rights or violating China’s airspace by dropping parippu (lentils) over the Chinese border as they did to force Sri Lanka to accept India’s disastrous formula for peace which never worked.

While India forces its will down the smaller nation she willingly eats humble pie stuffed down her throat by China. In short, China is giving to India what India is giving to the small nations in the SAARC. Whether it be Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan or Sri Lanka the unwanted poking finger of India is seen everywhere. India even staged a comic saga in the Indian Ocean when it sent some Tamil terrorists to invade Maldives and then posed as the savior by rushing in to rescue the Maldives.

The history of SAARC is a depressing graveyard with scattered monuments to India’s folly. Take the case of Sri Lanka again. When India was aligned to the Soviet bloc it opposed farming out the oil storage tanks in Trincomalee to the Americans. Now that it is aligned to the American bloc she resents Sri Lanka getting closer to China and covertly opposes the opening up of the Hambantota harbour to Chinese developers. India – and America too -- now fear that Sri Lanka is getting too close to China. Whose fault is it? If India is capable of playing her cards astutely and decide unambiguously to tame the Tamil Tiger terrorists (this is their description) Sri Lanka need not go anywhere.

India’s short-sighted policy of trying to play the role of “Big Brother” in the region has been counter-productive both to India and SAARC. It is clear as daylight that neither Sri Lanka nor SAARC as a whole will ever get off the ground as long as India plays this obstructive, destructive and prescriptive role in the region. The most constructive alternative for SAARC members is to develop economic, political and defensive mechanisms outside the Indian cage. If, however, the non-Indian members consider it tactful to maintain some working relationships with the India it can do so by continuing to be members of SAARC nominally without tying themselves to the Indian apron strings. The future opportunities of SAARC are not in kow-towing to India as the regional super power but in acting collectively to build another formidable union to the meet the challenges posed by India.

Besides, there is no likelihood of Indo-China rivalry, with all its intractable border disputes, easing in the foreseeable future. Sensing this India is strengthening its ties with the American-led coalition designed to contain China. Despite protestations to the contrary, America, Japan, Australia – and now India – are linking hands, with a series of treaties, to put a ring round China. They see China as the next big threat to their economic and political interests. India is merrily going along with the rest in the West and the new Indian policy is to view anyone getting closer to China as a threat to Indian interests.

In other words, SAARC nations are asked to dance to India’s tune. Those who argue that we must accept regional realities fail to recognize that in the emerging scenario, where the center of power is shifting from the West to the East, China is destined to play a dominant role, perhaps bigger than the role played by America today. Nearness to India does not preclude possibilities of developing closer ties with China. The growth of China as the next dominant global power should make India realize that it needs Sri Lanka and the other SAARC nations more than Sri Lanka and others needing India. Smaller countries have a better chance of survival and growth if they follow the lead of Cuba than being subservient to India,
Of course, this is a projection into the future. Currently, as things stand, India’s role is critical collectively for SAARC and individually for nations. It is this role that casts suspicions about Indo-American alliance. Narayanan has announced that he is due to visit Richard Boucher to discuss Sri Lanka. His visit is obviously to tie the hands of Sri Lanka advancing into Tiger territory. This is a repetition of the failed Indian policy when the Sri Lankan forces were advancing via Vaddmarachchi in Jaffna India intervened and unilaterally dropped parippu under the pretext of protecting the Tamils of Jaffna. But that pretence was dropped when the IPKF stepped in and gang raped Tamil women, murdered Tamil civilians and brutalized Jaffna society with impunity.

India’s wavering policies on Sri Lanka, depending on her domestic agenda, smack of hypocrisy. It is not going to make India look pretty in the region. Narayanan’s statement that Sri Lanka must obey India because it is the big power of the region has not gone down well either in Sri Lanka or in the region. Pakistan has promptly blasted India, virtually saying that no one can dictate to her, whether big or small.

However, knowing that India cannot impose its will unilaterally in the region her minions are running to her new master, America. Narayanan told media that he was due to visit to Boucher. Why? Political circles believe that there is a hidden agenda in this latest move. This is seen as a prelude to build a joint Indo-American offensive against the Sri Lankan forces advancing slowly but surely to defang the Tigers. Both America and India should know by now that there can never be peace until and unless the Tigers are tamed. Since neither America nor India is willing to do it their policy objective should be to let Sri Lankan forces complete the job they began at Mavil Aru.

Of course, there is the serious issue of violating human rights in Sri Lanka. Human rights violations increase or decrease on a ratio proportionate to the violence unleashed by the terrorist groups. In fact, a well-known tactic of terrorist groups is to provoke governments to retaliate violently, leading to human rights violations. The terrorists then use these violations as a key propaganda weapon against government. With a sharp eye on capitalizing on this issue the Tamil Tigers, and their NGO agents, are focusing on human rights at every given opportunity. Therefore, it is only fair to treat this aspect with the same quantum of interest shown by the American, Australian and NATO forces battling terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. It should be neither less nor more.

Hopefully Narayanan will drive this point home to Boucher. This is only fair given the bloody history on which big powers built their nations battling internal and external enemies. America, for instance, has a colourful history – mostly written in blood – in dealing with civil unrest within its own borders. The history of Americans proves that they never intended to win the Civil War (650,000 dead) or the West, glorified on the silver screen with brutal decimation of the native Indians, by waving the rights that were later enshrined in the UN Charter.
Nor did they drop the first atom bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima to protect the human rights of the Japanese who were only months away from surrendering. Historians have established that the war with Japan could have been ended without dropping those apocalyptic bombs. But that did not deter America from dropping the bombs to gain a lead over the advancing Russians, heading towards Japan.

The short history of post-independent India is no better. For instance, when Goa decided to separate under Portuguese promptings, Nehru sent his forces into that tiny state not to indoctrinate them with Gadhian principles. It was to enforce the principle that India’s territorial integrity and sovereignty was indivisible. Her unwanted interventions in the region have been to serve her self-interests. What it has done to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka needs volumes to document.

In short, the so-called big powers who had wiped out minorities from their lands or waged bloody wars to safeguard their sovereignty, territorial integrity should learn from their own history not to go down the failed path of do-as-I-say-and-not-do-as-I-do. They must collectively allow Sri Lanka to find her own solution, more so because the imported Indian and Norwegian mantrams have failed to restore peace and stability over the last three decades. Besides, India, with its self-serving misadventures, has bloodied Sri Lanka enough to drown the Island without flooding it with the waters of the Indian Ocean.

So is it too much to ask India to mind its own bloody business and let Sri Lanka tackle the violence unleashed by India to destabilize her friendly neighbor in the south?

- Asian Tribune -

India asked to desist from returning to bad neighbor policy

Asian Tribune – June 6, 2007

Colombo, 06 June, (Asiantribune.com): India told to desist from interfering in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka. It should not return to bad neighbor policy urged Somawansa Amarasinghe, Leader of Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna. “The only country to have intruded on our sovereignty in the postcolonial period is India,” he has alleged.

JVP the second largest opposition political party in Sri Lanka with 39 elected Members out of a total of 225 in the unicameral parliament, has pointed out that the behavior of India to Sri Lanka was a strong contrast to the behavior of many other countries in the region notably Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Thailand, Iran and Malaysia who have never interfered in our internal politics.

Somawansa Amarasinghe has said policies of India have been just the opposite of correct relationships that were mooted by India herself together with other ex-colonial countries under the ‘Panchasheela’ principles of noninterference in other countries.

On behalf of the political bureau of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna its leader Somawansa Amarasinghe has conveyed to the High Commissioner for India in Sri Lanka that, “The foreign policy of the JVP is very simple. It will side with any country, whatever their other ideological views, which support Sri Lanka to regain full sovereignty. The only country to have intruded on our sovereignty in the postcolonial period is India.”

Given below the full text of the letter written by Somawansa Amarasinghe Leader of Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna on behalf of political bureau of the party.

H.E. The High Commissioner for India in Sri Lanka

The Indian High Commission Colombo.

Your Excellency,

India Should Not Return to Bad Neighbor Policy

Mr. M.K. Narayanan, the Indian National Security Advisor has said “We [India] are a big power in the region. We don’t want the Sri Lankan government to go to Pakistan or China for weapons. Whatever may be their requirements, they should come to us”.

Mr. Narayanan headed the Indian Intelligence Bureau (IB) from 1987 to 1990. This was a time when after secretly arming, training and sending to Sri Lanka all the Tamil separatist groups in an indirect invasion, India forced Sri Lanka to sign with Indian gunboats outside Colombo harbor an unequal treaty, the so-called Indian Accord. Mr. Narayanan undoubtedly participated in formulating and implementing all these anti Sri Lankan acts by the then Indian government. This was also the time when the Indian Air Force intruded into Sri Lankan air space to drop self-styled "food parcels" on Vadamarachchi at a time when the Sri Lankan government was about to defeat the LTTE in Jaffna peninsula.

This behavior of India to Sri Lanka was a strong contrast to the behavior of many other countries in the region notably Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Thailand, Iran and Malaysia who have never interfered in our internal politics. These policies of India have been just the opposite of correct relationships that were mooted by India herself together with other ex-colonial countries under the “Panchasheela” principles of noninterference in other countries.
It is also no secret that in spite of India claiming to change her policies towards Sri Lanka she had been very reluctant to help us. When the LTTE was to overrun Jaffna peninsula a few years ago, India refused all our requests for help for sea transport. It is also no secret that when China was to give us under very favorable terms a 3D radar system, India interfered and dissuaded us from getting that.

The JVP’s internal policies are for democracy and full equality of all citizens. To reach this goal requires the elimination of the racist and totalitarian LTTE structure. Recently, our MPs have been increasingly interacting with Indian political parties especially of the left who have understood our principled position. A few weeks ago our delegates were well received in Tamil Nadu.

The foreign policy of the JVP is very simple. It will side with any country, whatever their other ideological views, which support Sri Lanka to regain full sovereignty. The only country to have intruded on our sovereignty in the postcolonial period is India.

The JVP over the recent years have thought that India's bad neighbor policy had been changed. Hence the JVP began to think of India in very positive terms. But the recent statement of Mr. Narayanan, one-time head of Indian spy agencies, gives us to doubt that. As a sovereign nation Sri Lanka has the full right to trade with any nation including from where we should buy the best arms.

India and Sri Lanka share a common heritage in many areas of culture. The JVP will always foster correct and amicable relations between our two countries but at the same time it will not shirk from its responsibility of standing for the full integrity and sovereignty of the country.

Thank you

On behalf of the political bureau of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna

Somawansa Amarasinghe

Leader ,

Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna.

5th June 2007.

- Asian Tribune -

I was pting towards joeys point that 'they were switched off ' ? If a cessna can skip a radar, that equipement shudnt be called a radar at all. cessna is a basic aircraft,
:) that is the basic problem

LTTE might have known the times where the persoanls at the radar control station goes to 'sleep' and timed their move accordingly.

Bull tell can we buy this argument of going to sleep by SL personnels?

The LTTE had made air strikes more than once.
No millitary man can believe that after one air attack the Sri Lankan radar controling staff could go to seep slumber again and again.

BTW Bull how much technical assistance to train radar operators and flight controllers is is being provided by India to SL?
If India calls it obeying, then it will be very shamefull of India. I wasnt happy seeing the way NSA advisor threatened SL into buying arms from elsewhere.

SL had also learned to reply in befitting manner thn

Narayanan Doctrine – Buy only Indian!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

By Sharmini Serasinghe

We are only too well aware that you are the “big power in the region” dear India, it is “very clear”, achcha we agree: and you don’t have to keep rubbing it in. One only needs to take a look at the long list of ‘friends’ you have in the neighbourhood to realise, how very powerful and ‘popular’ you are.

We are deeply touched that you have so kindly invited us to do all our shopping for our “whatever requirements” on your doorstep. How very nice of you. But I’m a little confused when you say “we will give them what we think is necessary.” Where does “whatever requirements” fit in here? It doesn’t, does it? Because you may not regard our “whatever requirements” as your “what we think is necessary.”

You really mustn't inconvenience yourself any further, in trying to decide, what we should do, how we should do it and where we should go and do it; we are quite grown up now you know. It also hurts our feelings to know, that you are “not in favour” of us going to “China or Pakistan or any other country” for our “whatever requirements”. That is not fair, no? After all we don't tell you where to go shopping for your “whatever requirements” do we?

By the way I hear that you are planning to hold Joint Naval exercises with the Chinese! Nice to know that you are extending the olive branch to your bete noire. But you are going to throw a spanner in the works, if you prevent us from going shopping to China for our “whatever requirements”. They might think you are trying to pull the rug under their feet also. Don’t be too surprised to find a shower of Fu Yung Hai dropping on your heads. What goes around must come around! :agree:

Now when you maintain “the standard position” of “we will not provide the Sri Lankan government with offensive capability” how can we come to you for our “whatever requirements”? I think you must be aware, that this hybrid parasite called the LTTE terrorists created on your good old Injun soil many moons ago, is causing a lot of inconvenience to us Sri Lankans. And they just can’t be tackled with radars, Mysore dhal drops, and other “defensive capabilities” alone. I think your Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) boys will be in a better position to fill you in on that one.:tup:

Please don’t for a moment think that we are not grateful to you for your offer of “defensive capabilities” and that very efficient radar you gave us sometime back, not forgetting all those ‘parippu packets’ you showered on us way back then, when most of your own countrymen were starving. Dearie me, what a benevolent gesture!

I wonder if these “defensive capability” gadgets you plan to give us will also include some very powerful loudspeakers, because when we spot the flying Tigers messing around the next time, on the very efficient radar you gave us, we can climb our rooftops and shout “Please go back, please go back”, and hope and pray that they will listen to our pleas.


I think what you are trying to say is, that the bad guys should have the ‘offensive capabilities’ because they are bad anyway, and that us the good guys should have the ‘defensive capabilities’, because we are good. But they will kill us, no? What do you plan to do about that?
You made a very valid point when you claimed that your relations with the Sri Lankan government were "good enough" for Sri Lanka to follow the line that you wanted. But then again, you have always ensured that our relations with you would be “good enough” so that we will have no other option but “follow the line that India wanted”. There are also these very ‘fishy’ statements you made about your fishermen crossing the international maritime boundary unwittingly; “fishermen could not be prevented from crossing over in search of a catch” and “preventing our fishermen from going across might be asking too much from our fishermen”. How very thoughtful of you. Your fisherfolk must love you for that.

If your fishermen cannot be prevented from crossing into our waters expecting a good catch, then how can you have the heart to prevent us from going shopping wherever we want to for our “whatever requirements” which you are not willing to give us? How come you can’t give us parity of status with your fishermen and think on the lines of “might be asking too much from our neighbour Sri Lanka?” Now this is not fair, no, having one set of rules for your fishermen and another for your little neighbour Sri Lanka? Doesn’t augur well for bilateral relations, no?

We all do understand the karachchal domestic problems you have to deal with, and we sincerely sympathise with you. But don’t you think that most of your karachchal problems might have a lot to do with the hybrid parasite called the LTTE terrorists created on your good old Injun soil many moons ago? But never mind that now, what has been done is done, and we sincerely hope you find a solution to that mess soon, because we don’t stand to gain in anyway by fanning the flames of your domestic battles, in fact sometimes it gets so loud, we are also affected by the reverberations. But please try to solve your own problems without involving us in the soup. We have enough karachchal thanks to you, to deal with.Now will you please let us to go shopping in peace wherever we want to for our “whatever requirements”?

After all you have said over and over again, that you do not want to get involved in our internal affairs, isn’t it?

:) that is the basic problem

What is the basic problem. Joey said SL govt had admitted that the radars were swictched off. And also he has pointed twds some technical pts too.

Bull tell can we buy this argument of going to sleep by SL personnels?
Sl defence forces has a history of low marale, so i dont know. Could be, might be? I meant thats a possibilty. They have made even more daring attacks. They have used naval boats to sink SLN ships, what about that?

The LTTE had made air strikes more than once.

No millitary man can believe that after one air attack the Sri Lankan radar controling staff would go to seep slumber again and again.

No military would ever imagine their bases, that too massive ones been over run by a terror organisation.

BTW Bull how much technical assistance to train radar operators and flight controllers is is being provided by India to SL?
I dont know.
SL had also learned to reply in befitting manner thn

Narayanan Doctrine – Buy only Indian!

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

By Sharmini Serasinghe

its not Srilanka's reply, but just a single SriLankan's reply. Its not the official stance.
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